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Gijs Molenaar edited this page Feb 13, 2014 · 5 revisions

The UVBrick is used for predicting uv-data of extended sources or of multiple point sources. In order to do so it takes a Sky Image (LSM Patch Image) and FFTs it into an image of uv-data (UVImage). The UVBrick is implemented in the system by two nodes: the MeqUVBrick, which contains an image of predicted uv-data, and the MeqUVInterpol, which fills a Request Cells / Vells using the data from the MeqUVBrick.

A containg the MeqUVBrick and the MeqUVInterpol:

Mapping the Request Cells onto the UVImage:

The UVBrick is described in more detail in the following document:

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