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Gijs Molenaar edited this page Feb 13, 2014 · 7 revisions

Handouts, Demos, Exercises

[[!table header="no" class="mointable" data=""" Week 1: Simulation|||| Tue | 30/01 | MeqTree Introduction | Handouts1 Handouts2 Demos1 Demos2 Exercise solutions1 Solutions2 Wed | 31/01 | Measurement Equation 1: Point Source | Handouts Demos Solutions Thu | 01/02 | ME2: Full Sky | Handouts Demos Solutions Fri | 02/02 | ME2 cont'd | Week 2: Calibration|||| Mon | 05/02 | ME3: Calibration & Correction | Handouts Handouts-Solving Demos Demos-Solving Solutions Tue | 06/02 | ME3 cont'd Wed | 07/02 | ME3 cont'd, LSM, Housekeeping | Handouts Demos Thu | 08/02 | ME4: advanced topics, exercises | Handouts Demos Fri | 09/02 | TBA + exercises (Hooghoudt room)

For the Meow stuff I drew on the whiteboard, here's [[Ilse's notes|meow-ilse-notes.pdf]] and  [[Panos's photo|meow-whiteboard.jpg]]. 

### Results

I have started a .[[ResultsPage]] to preserve some of our images for posterity. Please feel free to edit it and add your own (either as attachments, or links to files on lofar9). 

### Social Program

Tuesday 30/01: Workshop dinner in Dwingeloo 

Wednesdays 31/01, 07/02: Bridge & misc, 20:00 at Jan's place in Pesse. Featuring other games for the non-bridgers, followed by cross-cultural alcohol sampling and profound conversation. 

Fridays 02/02, 09/02: Indoor football -- everybody is welcome to join, our skill level is all over the place anyway. Please bring a pair of indoor sports shoes (i.e. non-marking soles). 

### System Requirements

You need a laptop with ssh and X11, so you can log into our machines and run X applications remotely. Usernames, pairings and machine assignments for the first two days are as follows:  

* birch: boomsma/oosterlo kemper/butcher rnijboer/hamaker bemmel/jmiller 
* lofar9: omar/strom brentjens/vogt 
* lofar10: bernardi/pandey panos/thomas 
* cedar: vjelic/mohan kieviet/usov ger/saleem 
* jop01 ( reynolds/sundaram  
* jop03 ( loose/zwieten 
After the first two days some people are leaving, so we'll re-assign some people around. 

Please check connectivity, all accounts are currently ready, except jop01 and jop03.  

* {{{$ slogin -Y 
... $ xclock  # just to test X $ cd Workshop2007 

$ svn up $ cd Intro1 $   # you should see the [[MeqTree|MeqTree]] browser pop up }}} 

* NB: If you already had an account before, you should know your password. Otherwise, call me on 0521 595 167 (office), or 050 528 0050 (home) and I'll give you one. **Please change your password to something you will remember. Do this both on the machine you have been assigned to, and on lofar9.** 

### X11 Issues (and Macs)

This tip applies especially to people with Macs, but Linux notebook users may find it useful too, since it makes the X display quite a bit faster. 

There's some weird interaction on the Mac between ssh and the X server. I recommend doing as follows (for 'birch', substitute your assigned host from the list above), although this will only work at ASTRON, and not outside the firewall. 

* ```
$ xhost birch        # this is still on your laptop
$ ssh birch
birch:~$ export DISPLAY=${SSH_CLIENT%% *}:0.0

This makes apps on birch talk directly to your X11 server, rather than going through ssh. You can put the command into your .bashrc if you like.

List of Participants

Hans-Rainer Kloeckner (Oxford), Gianni Bernardi (RUG), Rense Boomsma (RUG), Paul Kemper (RUG), Panos Labropoulos (RUG), V.N. Pandey (RUG), Rajat Thomas (RUG), Saleem Zaroubi (RUG), Vibor Jelic (RUG), Ger de Bruyn (ASTRON), Tom Oosterloo (ASTRON), Maaijke Mevius (ASTRON), Joris van Zwieten (ASTRON), Sarod Yatawatta (ASTRON), Johan Hamaker (ASTRON), Rik ter Horst (ASTRON), Marcel Loose (ASTRON), Ronald Nijboer (ASTRON), Oleg Smirnov (ASTRON), Cormac Reynolds (JIVE), Shanmugha Sundaram (JIVE), N. Mohan (Leiden), Olexandr Usov (Leiden), Tony Willis (NRC), Casey Law (Amsterdam), James Miller-Jones (Amsterdam), Amitesh Omar (Leiden), Ilse van Bemmel (Leiden)

Previous Workshop

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