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Gijs Molenaar edited this page Feb 13, 2014 · 2 revisions

I suggest:

  1. You move it to MeqNodes/src

  2. Add it to (and svn add the source files of course).

  3. Verify that it builds. (Don't forget a "make aids" first). At this point you can safely commit it to svn, since as long as it compiles, it won't break anything for the rest of us since we don't use it.

Note that after you do a 'make aids', everything that's changed in MeqNodes (some AID-* and TID-* files) will have been regenerated and should be svn committed.

  1. Test the numbers by just creating the simplest tree possible such as:
 ra = 0.0
 dec = 0.57595865
 ns.ra0 << Meq.Parm(ra,node_groups='Parm')
 ns.dec0 << Meq.Parm(dec,node_groups='Parm')
# then create a MeqComposer containing ra dec children
 ns.RADec <<Meq.Composer(ns.ra0, ns.dec0)

resolving it, and feeding it some requests.

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