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Gijs Molenaar edited this page Feb 23, 2015 · 14 revisions


Vagrant is a layer around virtual machine software (mostly VirtualBox) that manages virtual machine. It helps you install virtual machines in an automated way, no manual ISO downloads are required. All that is replaced with a Vagrantfile that describes how to modify a prepared base (ubuntu) image into the desired shape. With that comes a command line tool that can be used to start, stop, recreate images and ssh into a running virtualbox. The only disadvantage is the memory/cpu overhead of running a virtual machine. A solution to that is Docker.


You need to install VirtualBox and Vagrant first.



$ sudo apt-get install virtualbox vagrant git

note: Ubuntu 12.04 ships with vagrant 1.0.1, which is too old to understand our config file - You need 1.1+. You can retrieve an up-to-date version from their download page. Ubuntu 14.04 (trusty) comes with a more recent Vagrant.

Get the Vagrantfile

Then you need to checkout the papino repository to get the Vagrant configuration.

$ git clone

Run the vagrant image

To startup the virtual machine and configure (provision) it automatically run:

$ vagrant up

This will take a while, but only the first time you run it. It is important to note that you need to be in the papino folder when you run vagrant up, vagrant gets the configuration from the Vagrantfile in the current folder.

Using it

You can access the virtual machine with ssh:

 $ vagrant ssh

Now you are inside the virtual machine! You can run commands as root using sudo, no password is required.

mapped folders

The vagrant folder of the host is mapped to /vagrant. All data put here is shared between the host and the guest.


You can read more about it on the website:

Other stuff

For pybdsm & stuff, you need to install the lofar package:

vagrant@precise64:~$ sudo apt-get install lofar

If your MeqTrees can't find a Cattery, make a symlink in your home directory:

vagrant@precise64:~$ ln -s /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Cattery/
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