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Gijs Molenaar edited this page Feb 13, 2014 · 4 revisions


Parameters can be stored and recovered from a Table, the ParmTable. At he moment the default columns in a ParmTable are:

  • Name -- The name of the Paramter, used for lookup EndTime -- Domain for which the values in this row are valid StartTime EndFreq StartFreq Values -- The n x m matrix, giving the coefficients of the Polc Freq0 -- Offset on the domain, to reduce large numbers, in the grid calculation : Freqlocal = Freq - Freq0 Time0 FreqScale -- Scale on the Domain, to reduce large numbers, in the grid calculation : Freqlocal = (Freq-Freq0) / FreqScale TimeScale Perturbation -- size of the perturbation Weight LongPolcId -- Id to indicate if this Polc was used in the calculation of the SnippetSolver FunkletType -- Type of the Funklet at the moment only Polc and PolcLog are available. Default is Polc LScale -- Scale used for PolcLog

Assigning a ParmTable to a MeqParm

A ParmTable can be assigned to a MeqParm by setting the field table_name in its state record. If table_name is a string, the table with that name is opened. If table_name is an HIID, the ForestState is searched for the corresponding field, which should contain a string with the tablename. In this way general trees can be generated, for which only a change in the forest state is needed to write to/read from specific tables.

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