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Gijs Molenaar edited this page Feb 13, 2014 · 5 revisions


MeqResampler will "resample" (that is either integration, summation, or interpolation) the Result of its children depending on the Request. Here is the quick and dirty way to get going: The Resampler has 2 modes of operation, in "mode=1", it will interpolate and in "mode=2" it will integrate (average).


The Interpolator can handle any number of dimensions. It can also handle cases where some axes in the request or in the result are missing. It would also be possible to choose the interpolating function that is being used. Right now it uses piecewise cubic Hermite interpolation whenever possible. It can also handle perturbed values in this mode.


The Integrator is specially used in resampling visibility data. So it is especially adopted to work in 2D (time,frequency). It can also handle flagged data in this mode.

For more information (internals) please see

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