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Gijs Molenaar edited this page Feb 13, 2014 · 5 revisions

This page contains various presentations / posters / etc about projects that use MeqTrees.

Tony Willis has been using MeqTrees to simulate observations made with 'Future' radio telescope designs for the SKA. His first simulations used the Canadian Large Adaptive Reflector (!CLAR), a design for a large 100 to 250 metre diameter steerable paraboloid. An initial presentation (wfi_talk_full.pdf) describing observations made with an SKA composed of CLARS was given at the June 2005 SKA wide field imaging workshop at Dwingeloo. Posters describing more advanced CLAR simulations that included fitting for both CLAR beam shapes and source flux densities simultaneously were presented at the Netherlands Astronomy Conference (NAC_2006.pdf) and at the Canadian Astronomical Society (CASCA) 2006 meeting in Calgary, Alberta (CASCA_2006.pdf).

Unfortunately the CLAR design does not seen to have made it through the initial round of SKA designs, so Tony has turned his attention to simulations of telescopes using Focal Plan Arrays to collect the data. An initial presentation (ska_sa.pdf) was given at the December 2006 SKA imaging workshop in South Africa. A more detained presentation (csiro_fpa.pdf) was given at the March 2007 Focal Plane Array Workshop in Australia.

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