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Gijs Molenaar edited this page Feb 13, 2014 · 3 revisions

Building and installing HippoDraw

The configure line will look something like:

./configure --prefix=/usr/local --enable-sipbuild --enable-numarraybuild --with-boost-include=/usr/local/boost-1.31.0/include/boost-1_31 --with-boost-lib=/usr/local/boost-1.31.0/lib/ --with-Qt-dir=/usr/local/qt-3.3.2 --with-Qt-lib=qt-mt

...was the easy part. As of 1.12.2, they still have a broken configure script, so you now need to set up some stuff by hand. Go into the ./sip subdirectory of the Hippo source tree, and look at the INSTALL file there. Specifically, you need to make sure that sip/Makefile contains:

SIP = /usr/local/bin/sip

PYQT_SRCS = -I /usr/local/share/sip -I /usr/local/share/sip/qtcanvas

and finally, find the lines that look like:

sipsihippocmodule.h : $(SIP_SRCS)

  • @echo creating built sources $(SIP) -e -g -c . $(PYQT_SRCS) -I $(top_srcdir)/sip \ * -t Qt_3_3_0 -t WS_X11 $(top_srcdir)/sip/sihippo.sip and make sure it says "Qt_3_3_0" for Qt-3.3.x (better check versions.sip too, just like the INSTALL file in sip instructs you).

Now, back in the base of the Hippo source tree:

make && make install

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