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Gijs Molenaar edited this page Feb 12, 2014 · 3 revisions

Hi all --

I have added multithreading to the kernel, so your trees can now be parallelized. To activate it, rebuild and run meqserver with the "-mt 2" (on lofar9/10) or "-mt 4" (on birch) option, which you can set in the "Connect..." dialog of the browser. The way it works is as follows:

  • any node with multiple children can be told to poll its children in parallel by creating it with mt_polling=true.

  • mt_polling is true by default for Solver, DataCollect and VisDataMux, and false for all other nodes. For most trees I can think of this is sufficient (there's no point in parallelizing beyond the condeq and subtract branches when we only have 2 or 4 CPUs), but in some special cases you may want to enable it on other nodes. E.g., Ronald was working on a tree that had a root Composer collecting data from a large number of UVBricks: in his case the Composer would certainly benefit from mt_polling=true.

  • By default the children are polled in the order they were attached, but you can set child_poll_order to a list of child names to change this. The children in the list are then polled in the specified order, after which any remaining (i.e. unlisted) children are polled. See MeqServer/test/ for an example. In my observations it hasn't made much of a difference so far, probably due to caching helping out.

If something doesn't work right for you, remember that without the "-mt" option meqserver reverts to its old single-threaded behaviour, so please test your tree in both modes before reporting a problem.

Cheers, Oleg

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