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MeqTrees_Scripting_ _general

Gijs Molenaar edited this page Feb 12, 2014 · 1 revision

["How do I write out multiple columns to an aips++ Measurement Set?"]

["What's happened to my shape field?"]

["What's a Timba 'record'?"]

["What's the difference between a ReqMux and a ReqSeq node?"]

["How do I create an N-Dimensional domain?"]

["Why do we have these different ways of naming nodes?"]

["What's the best way to add some noise to my simulated visibilities?"]

["How can I explicitly change the state of a node?"]

["What does the 'reduction_axes' keyword do?"]

["How do I select an optimum size of tile for fitting?"]

["How do I convert an image from a FITS file into UV data?"]

["Why is keyword order important when creating nodes?"]

["How do I figure out whether I should be creating a TDL RunTime or CompileTime option?"]

["Watch out for how you calculate difference visibilities!"]

["What does that dims=[0] field in a MeqComposer node do?"]

["What's the difference between wait=True and wait=False when calling mqs.execute with a request?"]

["How can I save a node's data to a file for further analysis after my script has finished running?"]

["How can I run my script in headless / batch mode?"]

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