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Gijs Molenaar edited this page Feb 12, 2014 · 4 revisions

You can run a MeqTrees script directly from the unix/linux command line without needing to start the browser. The following script shows a simple example. The section after the line [[!format txt """ if name == 'main' """]] shows you what to do.

[[!format python """ from Timba.TDL import *from Timba.Meq import meqfrom Timba.Meq import meqdsdef _define_forest (ns): """ create the tree """# first define an RA and DEC (in radians) ra = 0.0 dec = 0.57595865 ns.ra0 << Meq.Parm(ra,node_groups='Parm') ns.dec0 << Meq.Parm(dec,node_groups='Parm')# then create a MeqComposer containing ra dec children ns.RADec <
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