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Releases: redhat-developer/vscode-java


05 May 14:44
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  • enhancement - Trigger signature help on completion item selected. See #2426.
  • enhancement - Support completion insert/replace capability. Use the setting editor.suggest.insertMode to control whether to overwrite words when accepting completions. You can also quickly toggle between insert & replace modes with Shift + Tab or Shift + Enter (default keyboard shortcuts). See #2427.
  • enhancement - Add a new preference java.signatureHelp.description.enabled to disable/enable signature description. See #2404.
  • bug fix - Fix the "Manage Workspace Trust" command. See #2431.
  • bug fix - Improve the signature help feature by handling some special cases. See JLS#2025.
  • bug fix - Do not show signature help at the end of an invocation. See JLS#2079.
  • bug fix - Show error status when the project is not created. See JLS#2058.
  • bug fix - Error during importing an Eclipse project whose sources are at root. See #2436.
  • bug fix - Fix NPE in isCompletionInsertReplaceSupport check. See JLS#2070.
  • bug fix - Unexpected 'Project xxx has no explicit encoding set' warnings. See #2416.
  • bug fix - Fix issue where JDT-LS's logback configuration was being ignored. See JLS#2077.


13 Apr 19:50
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  • performance - Adopt new CompletionProposal API to ignore types before creating certain proposals. See JLS#2034.
  • enhancement - Provide Java 18 support. See #2364.
  • enhancement - Support inlay hints for parameter names. See #2099.
  • enhancement - Show server status through the language status item. See #2351.
  • enhancement - Add code action to extract lambda body to method. See JLS#2027.
  • enhancement - Navigate to class declaration. See #2132.
  • bug fix - Provide file & type comments for newly created compilation units. See JLS#2047.
  • bug fix - Code snippets should be usable even before LS done resolving dependencies. See #684.
  • bug fix - Fix an occurrence of duplicate quick fixes at the line level See #2339.
  • bug fix - Cannot refactor in static block. See #2370.
  • bug fix - Make java.configuration.runtimes & machine-overridable. See #2001, #2368.
  • bug fix - The number of method signatures cannot be displayed in some cases. See #2341.
  • bug fix - Ensure that client-side commands do not clash with server-side. See #2331.
  • bug fix - Fix issue in JDK detection logic. See #2025.
  • other - Increase the maximum size of client.log file. See #2356.


03 Mar 16:54
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  • enhancement - Trigger completion after new keyword. See #1666.
  • enhancement - Improve occurrences highlighting. See JLS#1941.
  • enhancement - Autoclose multiline strings (JEP 368). See #1428.
  • enhancement - Provide more aliases for code snippets. See #2314.
  • bug fix - "Add serial version ID" should not generate empty comments. See JLS#1899.
  • bug fix - Convert to static import incorrectly removes import statements. See JLS#1203.
  • bug fix - Open Java extension log doesn't open latest file. See #2319.
  • bug fix - Type mismatch: cannot convert from Object to Map<String,IndexType>. See JLS#1971.
  • bug fix - Signature help occasionally fails on constructors and qualified method invocations. See #2097.
  • other - Set java.configuration.workspaceCacheLimit default value to 90. See #2330.
  • other - Deprecate java.configuration.checkProjectSettingsExclusions. See #2311.


26 Jan 15:31
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  • enhancement - Support completion for lambda expressions. See JLS#1985.
  • enhancement - Add "Convert to Switch Expression" code assist proposal. See JLS#1935.
  • enhancement - Support Gradle compatibility check. See #2225.
  • enhancement - Language server status bar item is not in sync with the real status. See #2243.
  • bug fix - Fix regression in signature help. See JLS#1980.
  • bug fix - Provide a way to disable embedded JRE. See #2276.
  • bug fix - Projects containing windows symlink directories are not recognized. See #2264.
  • bug fix - JDK installed via Homebrew is not detected. See #2254.
  • bug fix - Avoid duplicate quick fixes when showing all quick fixes on a line. See #2236.
  • bug fix - "Go to References" result contains inaccurate references. See #2227.
  • bug fix - Ensure gradle wrappers are correctly processed on project import. See #2218.
  • build - Fix Jenkinsfile to publish the correct generic extension version. See #2252.
  • other - Change minimum JDK requirement listed in documentation. See #2275.


16 Dec 17:27
Choose a tag to compare
  • enhancement - Support platform specific extension. See #2109.
  • enhancement - Make the debounce adaptive for validation job. See JLS#1973.
  • bug fix - Fix issue where importing packages showed incorrect result. See #1422.
  • bug fix - Fix regression in code action for unresolved type. See JLS#1967.
  • bug fix - Diagnostics from changes to build configuration not reflected in opened source files. See JLS#1963.
  • bug fix - Java extension does not work on standalone java files. See #2231.
  • debt - Remove unused log4j 1.2.15 from builds. See JLS#1972.
  • debt - Use jdk-utils to detect installed runtimes. See #2246.


26 Nov 16:04
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  • enhancement - Stop generating metadata files at project's root. See #618.
  • enhancement - Quickfixes should be available at the line level. See #2130.
  • enhancement - Explicitly report OutOfMemory error to user. See #1959.
  • enhancement - Add option to clean out cached workspace data that is unused for a specified period of time. See #2110.
  • enhancement - Add Generate Constructors to Show Fixes for type declaration. See JLS#1937.
  • enhancement - Add Override/Implement methods to Show Fixes for type declaration. See JLS#1932.
  • enhancement - Add "Surround With Try-With" code assist proposal. See #2128.
  • enhancement - Formatter should indent case statements within a switch statement by default. See #2185.
  • enhancement - Formatter should not join wrapped lines by default. See #2181.
  • enhancement - Always show Organize imports in Quick Fixes for import declaration. See JLS#1936.
  • bug fix - Java server refreshing the workspace (cleaning/building) for each restart. See #2222.
  • bug fix - Problem messages can get offset by frequent changes to the document. See #1633.
  • bug fix - Duplicate implement method quick fixes. See JLS#1942.
  • bug fix - Malformed semantic tokens in some case. See JLS#1922.
  • bug fix - Several errors reported for anonymous Object classes. See JLS#1915.
  • bug fix - if with instanceof pattern match and && breaks completion in nested if. See JLS#1855.
  • bug fix - Java build status spinning forever. See #2214.
  • bug fix - Creating the formatter file fails silently if parent folder doesn't exist. See #2189.
  • debt - Don't use deprecated rangeLength property in handleChanged. See JLS#1928.


19 Oct 16:02
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  • performance - completion: optimize the index engine for the scenario "complete on type name". See JLS#1846.
  • enhancement - Support Java 17. See #2102.
  • enhancement - Add semantic token types for Records. See #2125.
  • enhancement - Support highlight for constructor call. See #2124.
  • enhancement - Add Getter and Setter to Show Fixes for type declaration. See JLS#1883.
  • enhancement - Add toString() to Show Fixes for type declaration. See JLS#1903.
  • enhancement - Add a codeAction to generate the serialVersionUID field. See JLS#1892.
  • enhancement - i18n: support Chinese. See #2027.
  • enhancement - Adopt new createStatusBarItem API. See #2083.
  • bug fix - Missing space in anonymous type completion proposal. See #2147.
  • bug fix - Packages are not filtered from completion despite the java.completion.filteredTypes configuration. See JLS#1904.
  • bug fix - Exclude jdk.*, org.graalvm.* and io.micrometer.shaded.* from completion. See #2164.
  • bug fix - "Project Configuration Update" is broken due to JDTUtils.isExcludedFile() is not working. See JLS#1909.
  • bug fix - NPE on ::new method refs (Cannot invoke org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IMethodBinding.isSynthetic() because "functionalMethod" is null). See JLS#1885.
  • bug fix - Go to definition doesn't compute/find results on methods inside an anonymous class. See JLS#1813.
  • bug fix - Assign all to fields generates wrong field names in some corner cases. See JLS#1031.
  • bug fix - Import quickfix disappear on save. See #2127.
  • bug fix - Module descriptor syntax coloring should be improved. See #1384.
  • bug fix - Fix Open Java Formatter Settings. See #2138.
  • bug fix - Code is compiled with preview features for no reason, causing the project not to run. See #1971.
  • build - npm run watch fails with unresolved dependencies. See #230.
  • debt - Update org.jsoup 1.9.2 to 1.14.2. See JLS#1884.


16 Sep 18:55
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  • performance - completion: optimize the performance of SnippetCompletionProposal. See JLS#1838.
  • performance - completion: listing constructors is slow. See JLS#1836.
  • enhancement - Support Kotlin Gradle files. See #632 & JLS#449.
  • enhancement - "Open Call Hierarchy" does not jump to the reference where it is invoked at. See #2044.
  • enhancement - Semantic highlighting is not available in lightweight mode. See #1999.
  • enhancement - Add additional variables for java.template snippets. See #1987.
  • enhancement - Add 'hashCode()' and 'equals()' to Show Fixes for type declaration. See JLS#1842.
  • enhancement - Permit usage of javaagent when resource is not in workspace. See #1965.
  • enhancement - Add functionality to exclude files that will not be tracked for changes. See JLS#1847.
  • bug fix - Some typeComment variables can't be parsed. See #2052.
  • bug fix - Generate Getters source action is broken from within a record. See JLS#1392.
  • bug fix - Java LS sometimes hangs while loading a gradle project. See #2088.
  • bug fix - java.project.exclusion is not working as expected. See #2075.
  • bug fix - Fix regression for Gradle project compilation. See #2071.
  • bug fix - Get correct Java project in multi-module case. See JLS#1865.
  • debt - Update target platform to 2021-09 (4.21) Release. See JLS#1880.
  • other - Support import from configuration files. See JLS#1840.
  • other - Support 3.16 semantic tokens. See JLS#1678.
  • other - Remove redundant use of await on a return. See #2100.
  • other - Disable extension in virtual workspaces. See #1942.


18 Aug 15:16
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  • enhancement - 'Create method' code action for method reference. See JLS#1464.
  • enhancement - Show job status via progress notification on start. See #2022
  • enhancement - New setting entry to choose project type (Maven or Gradle) when ambiguous. See #600.
  • performance - Avoid displaying (expensive) constant values in completion items. See JLS#1835.
  • performance - toURI is expensive on Windows for completions. See JLS#1831.
  • bug fix - Go to definition doesn't compute/find results on methods inside an anonymous class. See JLS#1813.
  • bug fix - quickfix not available where cursor lands by default on annotations. See #1992.
  • bug fix - Fix content assist for multiline strings. See #1811.
  • bug fix - Language server freezes when importing Maven project. See #2020.
  • bug fix - Suggest correct import quick fix in anonymous classes. See #2034.
  • bug fix - Organize imports generates duplicate static import statement. See #2012.
  • bug fix - Do not show the import notification when no projects available. See #2056.
  • bug fix - Make commands wait for applyEdit. See #2042.
  • build - Move pull request verification job to GitHub Actions. See #2031.
  • debt - Update eclipse-jarsigner-plugin to 1.3.2. See JLS#1829.
  • debt - Language server distro contains 2 Guava jars. See JLS#1706.
  • other - Change the default value of the setting java.project.importOnFirstTimeStartup to automatic. See #2014
  • other - Disable Workspace Trust in test suite runtime. See #2026.
  • other - Typo in See #2033.


14 May 12:49
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  • enhancement - organize imports should resolve static imports as well. See #1386.
  • enhancement - prompt to enable semantic hightlighting on startup. See #1419.
  • enhancement - refine semantic highlighting. See JLS#1416.
  • bug fix - code folding is buggy. See #1419.
  • bug fix - New File -> (module|package) should be handled properly. See #1405.
  • bug fix - semantic highlighting sometimes looks bad. See #1396.
  • bug fix - custom color for arguments used in method body. See #1277.
  • bug fix - missing highlight on some non-ASCII identifiers. See #826.
  • bug fix - syntax highlighting is broken with array syntax. See #728.
  • bug fix - highlighting is wrong. See #707.
  • bug fix - syntax highlighting broken on import containing upper cased letters. See #351.
  • bug fix - syntax highlighting is not working with comment. See #338.
  • bug fix - syntax highlighting is not working on special named classes. See #299.