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Releases: redhat-developer/vscode-java


17 Jan 15:23
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  • enhancement - Support for shared indexes among workspaces. See #2723.
  • enhancement - Support pasting content into a string literal. See #1249.
  • enhancement - Resolve missing imports (if any) when pasting code. See JLS#2320.
  • enhancement - Support matching case for code completion. See #2834.
  • enhancement - Add code action to insert missing required attributes for an annotation. See JLS#1860.
  • enhancement - Create cleanup actions for adding final modifier where possible, converting switch statement to switch expression, using pattern matching for instanceof checks, and converting anonymous functions to lambda expressions. See #2827.
  • enhancement - Support quickfix for gradle jpms projects. See JLS#2304.
  • enhancement - Add the Korean translation file. See #2802.
  • bug fix - Fix incorrect type hierarchy on multi module Maven projects. See #2871.
  • bug fix - Permit output folder to be the same as a source folder. See #2786.
  • bug fix - Organize imports removes static imports under some conditions. See #2861.
  • bug fix - Fix completion issue occuring when invocation spans multiple lines. See JLS#2387.
  • bug fix - Fix scope calculation for "Surround with try/catch" refactoring. See #2711.
  • bug fix - Fix NPE occuring when completion item is selected. See JLS#2376.
  • bug fix - Log user friendly error if client does not support _java.reloadBundles.command. See JLS#2370.
  • bug fix - Postfix completion should not be available when editing Javadoc. See JLS#2367.
  • bug fix - Update m2e to latest version in order to ensure classpath resources persist. See #2857.
  • build - Use instanceof pattern matching in code base. See JLS#2357.
  • build - React to vsce renaming to @vscode/vsce. See #2879.
  • build - Work around vsce refusal to publish extensions with proposed API. See #2854.
  • build - Deploy the universal vsix to support all platforms without an embedded JRE. See #2837.
  • build - Ensure npm public registry is used for the resolved field in package-lock.json. See #2874.
  • build - Bump qs from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3 and decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2. See #2832, #2823.
  • build - Move utilities out of extension.ts. See #2824.
  • documentation - Fix Build Status badge. See #2847.


01 Dec 15:23
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  • enhancement - Support "Add all missing imports". See #2753.
  • enhancement - Support Gradle annotation processing. See #1039.
  • enhancement - Add an option to configure null analysis, and set to interactive by default. See #2747, #2790.
  • enhancement - Add setting for clean ups to be applied when document is saved. See #2144, #2803, #2813.
  • enhancement - Add contribution points for completion customization. See JLS#2110.
  • enhancement - Allow the language server to be run without using IApplication. See JLS#2311.
  • enhancement - Improve Lombok support and renaming fields when an accessor is present. See #2805.
  • bug fix - Display the postfix completions at the bottom of the list. See JLS#2343.
  • bug fix - Display a link for {@link ...} expression within javadoc. See #2810.
  • bug fix - Do not reset existing project options when setting null analysis options. See #2764.
  • bug fix - Code action response may contain null as one of the code actions. See JLS#2327.
  • bug fix - Inlay hints should not show up next to Lombok annotations. See JLS#2323.
  • bug fix - Ensure language server always terminates. See JLS#2302.
  • bug fix - Prevent a deadlock during language server initialization. See #2763.
  • bug fix - Always send begin work done progress before sending end. See JLS#2258.
  • bug fix - Use existing Gradle project .settings/ location if available. See #2528.
  • bug fix - Avoid re-using the same job for the "Publish Diagnostics" job. See JLS#2356.
  • build - Use Predicate for filter. See JLS#2355.
  • build - Add pre-release and platform specific publishing for OpenVSX registry. See #2587.
  • build - Fix issues reported by npm-audit. See #2777.


27 Oct 15:18
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  • performance - Improve project initialization. See JLS#2252.
  • performance - Re-use ExecutorService to avoid creating extra threads and resource leak. See JLS#2041.
  • performance - Avoid triggering full rebuild of project after import completes (on Windows). See #793.
  • enhancement - Add support for postfix completion. See #1455.
  • enhancement - Add quick fix for "remove all unused imports". See JLS#2280.
  • enhancement - Add quick fixes for problems relating to sealed classes. See JLS#2265.
  • bug fix - Signature help not working correctly for parameterized types. See #2739.
  • bug fix - Avoid NPE for null analysis when updating classpath. See #2712.
  • bug fix - Check the digest of the initializiation scripts for security and to prevent duplicates. See #2692.
  • bug fix - Support includeDeclaration in textDocument/references. See JLS#2148.
  • bug fix - Provide folding for import regions in .class files. See #2133.
  • bug fix - Deadlock when using JDK 17 with Maven Java project. See #2676.
  • bug fix - Ignore unnamed module for split packages. See JLS#2273.
  • bug fix - The project preference should only persist non default values. See JLS#2272.
  • bug fix - Synchronize contributed bundles on demand. See #2729.
  • bug fix - Avoid unnecessary project updates when the default VM changes. See JLS#2266.
  • bug fix - Exclude non-compile scope dependencies from consideration for enabling null analysis. See JLS#2264.
  • bug fix - Add opportunistic support for Java/Kotlin polyglot Android projects. See JLS#2261.


29 Sep 15:04
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  • enhancement - Provide Java 19 preview support. See #2650.
  • enhancement - Enable annotation-based null analysis. See #1693.
  • enhancement - Show generate toString(), hashCode() and equals() quick fixes on demand. See JLS#2213.
  • enhancement - Enable method argument guessing (java.completion.guessMethodArguments) by default. See #2621.
  • enhancement - Enable signature help (java.signatureHelp.enabled) by default. See #2063.
  • enhancement - Support creating See #2680.
  • enhancement - Only add parentheses for lambda expression completions with multiple parameters. See JLS#2100.
  • enhancement - Add buildship auto sync preference when build configuration update is set to automatic. See JLS#2224.
  • bug fix - Show the field suggestions for the toString(), hashCode() and equals() generator dialogs in definition order. See #2502.
  • bug fix - Fix Gradle project synchorization errors when init script path contains spaces. See JLS#2245, JLS#2222, JLS#2249.
  • bug fix - Fix NPE in the protobuf init script. See #2700.
  • bug fix - Disable JVM logging by default (-Xlog:disable). See #2292.
  • bug fix - Fix type completion when type name conflicts. See JLS#2232.
  • bug fix - Fix gradle project classpath calculation. See #2628.
  • bug fix - Bad ".git" pattern in .project file's filteredResources element causes chaos. See #2704.
  • bug fix - Creating a new Java file won't generate package statement. See #2687.
  • bug fix - Improve documentation for static import order. See #711.
  • build - Migrate from tslint to eslint. See #2415.


31 Aug 17:49
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  • enhancement - Automatically add Protobuf output source directories to classpath & generate tasks, if necessary. See #2629 & JLS#2195.
  • enhancement - Support "Sort Members" code action. See #2139.
  • enhancement - Add grammar for Java Properties files. See #2636.
  • enhancement - Always interpret the full workspace symbol query as a package name. See JLS#2174.
  • enhancement - Add support for Maven offline mode (java.import.maven.offline.enabled). See #2617.
  • enhancement - Add the zh-TW (Traditional Chinese) translation file. See #2573.
  • bug fix - Prevent "Header must provide a Content-Length property" failure by restricting JVM logging. See #2577.
  • bug fix - Infer the source root only when necessary. See JLS#2178.
  • bug fix - Fix inlay hints for record classes. See #2414.
  • bug fix - Fix formatting of the new snippets. See #2605.
  • bug fix - Make property machine-overridable. See #2624.
  • bug fix - Set default severity of "Circular classpath" to "warning". See #718.
  • bug fix - Permit non-JDT errors to be reported in Java files. See JLS#2154.
  • bug fix - Avoid naming conflicts between Gradle project modules. See JLS#2190.
  • bug fix - Re-fetch the extension registry when delegate command lookup fails. See JLS#2184.
  • bug fix - Skip the "default project" when detecting Lombok. See #2633.
  • bug fix - Skip security check for java.home and in trusted workspace. See #2600.
  • bug fix - Keep consistent style in notifications (eg. use "Reload") and use plural form for Reload Projects command title. See #2585 & #2612.
  • dependencies - Update to jdk-utils@0.4.4. See #2601.
  • debt - Remove stale Travis CI information from README. See #2592.


21 Jul 18:01
Choose a tag to compare
  • enhancement - Package lombok into extension for use when lombok support enabled, and not on project classpath. See #2550.
  • enhancement - Add support for qualified workspace symbols. See #2538.
  • enhancement - Refresh the unmanaged project's classpath on demand. See #1282.
  • enhancement - Provide reload project diagnostics on demand. See #2575.
  • bug fix - Missing completions for fully qualified constructor names. See JLS#2147.
  • bug fix - Completion replacement for a type proposal is incorrect in some cases. See #2534.
  • bug fix - Project configuration is not updated after modifying build file. See #2566.
  • bug fix - Fixed language server crashing because of wrong lombok jar. See #2542.
  • bug fix - Do not warn about missing JDT-LS stdout/stderr log files. See #2535.
  • bug fix - Scan two levels of directories for activation indicators. See #2280.
  • bug fix - Correct typo in gradle checksum mismatch error message. See JLS#2161.
  • build - wrong JRE embedded in pre-release package. See #2559.
  • build - TypeError: s.logFailedRequest is not a function. See #2480.
  • build - Compile error in MavenBuildSupport.update(IProject, boolean, IProgressMonitor). See JLS#2150.
  • build - Migrate to @vscode/test-electron. See #2555.
  • build - Update moment & terser packages. See #2580.


30 Jun 17:58
Choose a tag to compare
  • enhancement - Improve the Lombok support. See #2519.
  • enhancement - Show Add javadoc for in quick assists. See JLS#2133.
  • enhancement - Show Change modifiers to final in quick assists. See JLS#2134.
  • enhancement - Support project reload selection. See #2513.
  • enhancement - Auto-select field when generating constructors. See #2125.
  • enhancement - Allow to build selected projects. See #2526.
  • enhancement - Support multiple selections for generate accessors. See JLS#2136.
  • bug fix - Fix NPE when triggering signature help in class file. See JLS#2102.
  • bug fix - Support for renaming record attributes. See #2433.
  • bug fix - Add logback tracing to JDT-LS. See JLS#2108.
  • bug fix - Open All Log Files should also include the standard output/error log files. See #2367.
  • bug fix - Verify that meets minimum JRE requirement. See #2512.
  • bug fix - Avoid repeatedly setting busy and ready for language server status. See #2494.
  • bug fix - Fix ParentProcessWatcher on macOS. See #2488.
  • bug fix - Change the order for configuration updating options. See JLS#2135.
  • bug fix - Show Type Hierarchy breaks in vscode-insiders. See #2524.
  • bug fix - TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'stop'). See #2503.
  • build - Move to Java 17. See #2495.
  • debt - GitHub Actions job should use Node.js 14. See #2532.
  • other - Adjust the order of code actions. See JLS#2109.
  • other - Add DCO documentation. See #2521.
  • other - Allow to clean workspace without pop-up notification. See #2514.


01 Jun 16:56
Choose a tag to compare
  • enhancment - Support separate "Generate Getters" and "Generate Setters". See #2362.
  • enhancement - Show field type when generating accessors. See #2459.
  • enhancement - Show quick fixes for generating accessors in field declarations. See JLS#2092.
  • enhancement - Support exclusion list for inlay hints. See #2412.
  • enhancement - Support Gradle invalid type code error check. See #1594.
  • bug fix - Add support to open decompiled symbols through the symbols list. See JLS#2087.
  • bug fix - Add completion support for multiline comment blocks. See #2484.
  • bug fix - Ensure the standard server shuts down immediately after the client. See #2471.
  • bug fix - Fix java.completion.importOrder. See #2489.
  • other - Add a new API to wait for standard server ready. See #2461.
  • other - Support publishing pre-release versions. See #2285.


05 May 14:44
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  • enhancement - Trigger signature help on completion item selected. See #2426.
  • enhancement - Support completion insert/replace capability. Use the setting editor.suggest.insertMode to control whether to overwrite words when accepting completions. You can also quickly toggle between insert & replace modes with Shift + Tab or Shift + Enter (default keyboard shortcuts). See #2427.
  • enhancement - Add a new preference java.signatureHelp.description.enabled to disable/enable signature description. See #2404.
  • bug fix - Fix the "Manage Workspace Trust" command. See #2431.
  • bug fix - Improve the signature help feature by handling some special cases. See JLS#2025.
  • bug fix - Do not show signature help at the end of an invocation. See JLS#2079.
  • bug fix - Show error status when the project is not created. See JLS#2058.
  • bug fix - Error during importing an Eclipse project whose sources are at root. See #2436.
  • bug fix - Fix NPE in isCompletionInsertReplaceSupport check. See JLS#2070.
  • bug fix - Unexpected 'Project xxx has no explicit encoding set' warnings. See #2416.
  • bug fix - Fix issue where JDT-LS's logback configuration was being ignored. See JLS#2077.


13 Apr 19:50
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  • performance - Adopt new CompletionProposal API to ignore types before creating certain proposals. See JLS#2034.
  • enhancement - Provide Java 18 support. See #2364.
  • enhancement - Support inlay hints for parameter names. See #2099.
  • enhancement - Show server status through the language status item. See #2351.
  • enhancement - Add code action to extract lambda body to method. See JLS#2027.
  • enhancement - Navigate to class declaration. See #2132.
  • bug fix - Provide file & type comments for newly created compilation units. See JLS#2047.
  • bug fix - Code snippets should be usable even before LS done resolving dependencies. See #684.
  • bug fix - Fix an occurrence of duplicate quick fixes at the line level See #2339.
  • bug fix - Cannot refactor in static block. See #2370.
  • bug fix - Make java.configuration.runtimes & machine-overridable. See #2001, #2368.
  • bug fix - The number of method signatures cannot be displayed in some cases. See #2341.
  • bug fix - Ensure that client-side commands do not clash with server-side. See #2331.
  • bug fix - Fix issue in JDK detection logic. See #2025.
  • other - Increase the maximum size of client.log file. See #2356.