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Dario Di Maio edited this page Oct 21, 2015 · 7 revisions


As any open source project Souliss is build around a community of people interested in the topic SmartHome and Distributed Systems. The community members use a Google Group mailing list to keep in touch and share ideas and get help.

The following way can be used to communicate:

  • Mailing List / Google Group : Is a forum accessible via web and email, that can be used to share your result and ask for assistance and support.
  • Issue Tracker : Is used to report problems, bug or feature request. Is a way to organize requests and bugs and track the solutions.
  • Gitter Chat : Is an open chat for development only discussion. Start a discussion in the Mailing List / Google Group before to propose your development ideas.

Souliss Group

The Souliss Group can be used from a web browser or via email, there are actually three groups divided by language.

Community Language
Souliss Main Group English Go
Souliss Italian Community Italian Go
Souliss Spanish Community Spanish Go

Join the Group

Read the group content is open to every one, at the first post you will be requested to join the group. Is suggested to set the Email subscription settings at least to Digest Email this will give you a daily email with all the new contents of the group.

Interact via email

A very comfortable use of the group is though emails, use the following to

Join Email address
Souliss Main Group
Souliss Italian Community
Souliss Spanish Community
Post Email address
Souliss Main Group
Souliss Italian Community
Souliss Spanish Community

Issue Tracker

The issue tracker can be used to report bug, feature request and others. Each repository has its own issue tracker:

Repository Issue Tracker
souliss Link
soulissapp Link
openHAB Binding Link
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