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dario edited this page Apr 2, 2017 · 2 revisions


Once you have completed the setup of your node(s) is time to get them connected to your Android device(s), that can be done using the SoulissApp available in GooglePlay store.

The use of SoulissApp is straightforward, but sometimes some troubleshooting can be required.


There are few checks to ensure that SoulissApp is properly configured, here there are some details about most common problems.

Check the Local IP Address

A local IP address of the Souliss gateway node shall be inserted into the "Souliss local Address" available under Settings -> Network Options.

Ensure that you are able to ping that IP address from a PC on the same local network.

Check the vNet Address

The vNet address is automatically generated at the first run of SoulissApp, that address is generated randomly also using a serial code of your device. If SoulissApp hasn't access to the serial code, the vNet address may not be generated properly.

In this case you should insert manually that address (that shall be unique along all SoulissApp running on your devices). Scrolling down from the "Souliss local Address" you will found two values:

  • User Index
  • Node Index

The User Index shall be in range (1, 254) decimal or (0x01, 0xFE) hexadecimal, and the Node Index shall be in (1, 100) or (0x01, 0x64). The SoulissApp shows values in decimal, so ensure that those are in the range.

Check that database has been loaded

If the two previous steps has been completed, the SoulissApp will connect to the node via !WiFi and you will be notified of Souliss address on the app main screen. At this time you should manually retrieve the definitions of devices like lights, curtains and others (also known as Typicals) available in your network.

In the Setting menu under "SoulissDB" select "Get Souliss Nodes", nodes will provide their data and this is notified with a notification message, wait until no notification are longer displayed. At this time your SoulissApp should have created the DB structure needed to save properties and store sensor values.

Data Sniff and Networking Debug

Data Sniffing may help you if things get serious, to debug complex deployments where packets are flowing like meteors and home lights are behaving like a 70's disco.

Check the Log

SoulissApp writes a file named souliss.log on sdcard upon app termination. You can post that file on the forum to get further help.

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