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Tonino Fazio edited this page Apr 27, 2017 · 2 revisions


A detailed description of the T1n class is included below

Typical 11 : ON/OFF Digital Output with Timer Option

	Handle one digital output based on hardware and software commands,
	output can be timed out.
	This logic can be used for lights, wall socket and all the devices
	that has an ON/OFF behaviour.
	Hardware Command:
		If using a monostable wall switch (press and spring return), 
		each press will toggle the output status.		
			#define Souliss_T1n_ToggleCmd		0x01
		If using a bistable wall switch (press without return), the two
		switch position can be associated with the ON and OFF commands
			#define Souliss_T1n_OnCmd			0x02
			#define Souliss_T1n_OffCmd			0x04
	Software Commands:		
		From any available software interface, these commands will turn
		the light ON and OFF.
			#define Souliss_T1n_OnCmd			0x02
			#define Souliss_T1n_OffCmd			0x04
	Timed Output Command:
		This logic can be used with a timer to active the output state for
		a predefined amount of time, timer is activated if the input command
		is greater than
			#define Souliss_T1n_Timed			0x30
		A timed out command can be sent via software or hardware commands,
		in case of hardware commands is usually associated to a long press
		of a monostable wall switch.
		If INPUTVAL is the input value the output will be timed for nCYCLES
		of the associated timer.
			nCYCLES = INPUTVAL - Souliss_T1n_Timed
	Command recap, using: 
	-  1(hex) as command, toggle the output 
	-  2(hex) as command, the output move to ON
	-  4(hex) as command, the output move to OFF
	- >30(hex) as command, time the output to ON
	-  0(hex) as command, no action

	Output status,
	-  0(hex) for output OFF,
	-  1(hex) for output ON.

Typical 12 : ON/OFF Digital Output with AUTO mode

	Handle one digital output based on hardware and software commands,
	output can be set in AUTO mode. 
	This logic can be used for lights, wall socket and all the devices
	that has an ON/OFF behaviour, output can be driven by external event
	like a PIR sensor.
	Hardware Command:
		If using a monostable wall switch (press and spring return), 
		each press will toggle the output status.		
			#define Souliss_T1n_ToggleCmd		0x01
		If using a bistable wall switch (press without return), the two
		switch position can be associated with the ON and OFF commands
			#define Souliss_T1n_OnCmd			0x02
			#define Souliss_T1n_OffCmd			0x04
		Every time that an ON, OFF or TOOGLE command is received the AUTO
		mode is automatically removed.
	Software Commands:		
		From any available software interface, these commands will turn
		the light ON and OFF.
			#define Souliss_T1n_OnCmd			0x02
			#define Souliss_T1n_OffCmd			0x04
		Every time that an ON, OFF or TOOGLE command is received the AUTO
		mode is automatically removed.
	AUTO Mode:
		If in AUTO the output is driven by external event, such events has
		no effect if the AUTO mode is not active.
		This logic MUST be used with a timer to active the output state for
		a predefined amount of time, once the external event is recognized.
		Once the external event occur, the input of the logic shall be 
		greater than
			#define Souliss_T1n_AutoCmd			0x08
		If INPUTVAL is the input value associated to the external event the 
		output will be timed for nCYCLES of the associated timer.
			nCYCLES = INPUTVAL - Souliss_T1n_AutoCmd
	Command recap, using: 
	-  1(hex) as command, toggle the output 
	-  2(hex) as command, the output move to ON the mode is reset
	-  4(hex) as command, the output move to OFF the mode is reset
	-  8(hex) as command, the mode is set to AUTO
	- >8(hex) as command, time the output to ON if in AUTO 
	-  0(hex) as command, no action
	Output status,
	-  0(hex) for output OFF and mode not in AUTO,
	-  1(hex) for output ON and mode not in AUTO,
	- F0(hex) for output OFF and mode in AUTO,
	- F1(hex) for output ON and mode in AUTO.

Typical 13 : Digital Input Value

	It read read data from input are of the memory map and place the
	values in the output, this logic shall be used to monitor a digital
	value into an user interface.
	Hardware Command:
		Using a bistable input switch (press without return) the two switch
		position can be associated with the ON and OFF commands
			#define Souliss_T1n_OnCmd			0x02
			#define Souliss_T1n_OffCmd			0x04
	Command recap, using: 
	-  2(hex) as command, the output move to ON
	-  4(hex) as command, the output move to OFF
	-  0(hex) as command, no action
	Output status,
	-  0(hex) for output OFF,
	-  1(hex) for output ON.

Typical 14 : Pulse Digital Output

	It control a digital output with a pulse of the duration of one
	execution cycle.
	Hardware and/or Software Command:
		Using a monostable input switch (press with return) or a software
		command from the user interface to have a pulse on the output
			#define Souliss_T1n_OnCmd			0x02
	Command recap, using: 
	-  2(hex) as command, the output move to ON for a cycle
	-  0(hex) as command, no action
	Output status,
	-  0(hex) for output OFF,
	-  1(hex) for output ON pulse.

Typical 15 : RGB Light

	It map output over inputs matching the user interface commands,
	act as a remote control for the conditioner and require a mapping of
	the typical commands and the expected commands on the conditioner.
	Software Commands:
		A command is long one byte and indicate one operating mode of the
		RBG light. In the definitions are available the commands that shall 
		be mapped versus the RGB light command map.
	It use two memory slots	

Typical 16 : RGB LED Strip

	Handle one RGB LED strip based on software commands, with automatic 
	fade effects and "Good Night" feature. It use four (4) SLOT.					
	Hardware Command:
		If using a monostable wall switch (press and spring return), 
		each press will toggle the output status.		
			#define Souliss_T1n_ToggleCmd		0x01
			#define Souliss_T1n_BrightUp		0x10
			#define Souliss_T1n_BrightDown		0x20
		If using a bistable wall switch (press without return), the two
		switch position can be associated with the ON and OFF commands
			#define Souliss_T1n_OnCmd			0x02
			#define Souliss_T1n_OffCmd			0x03
	Software Commands:		
		From any available software interface, these commands will turn
		the light ON and OFF.
			#define Souliss_T1n_OnCmd			0x02
			#define Souliss_T1n_OffCmd			0x03
			#define Souliss_T1n_BrightUp		0x10
			#define Souliss_T1n_BrightDown		0x20
			#define Souliss_T1n_Flash			0x21
		Color can be set using the following command in the first slot,
		and giving the R, B and G values into the next three slots
			#define Souliss_T1n_Set				0x22
	Good Night:
		The light goes off with a long time fade effect, this feature needs the 
		external timer. Good Night mode is activated using if the input command
		is greater than
			#define Souliss_T1n_Timed			0x30
		A Good Night command can be sent via software or hardware commands,
		in case of hardware commands is usually associated to a long press
		of a monostable wall switch.
		If INPUTVAL is the input value the output will be timed for nCYCLES
		of the associated timer.
			nCYCLES = INPUTVAL - Souliss_T1n_Timed
	Command recap, using: 
	-  1(hex) as command, toggle the output 
	-  2(hex) as command, the output move to ON
	-  4(hex) as command, the output move to OFF
	-  10(hex) as command, the light bright is increased
	-  20(hex) as command, the light bright is decreased
	-  21(hex) as command, the light flash on and off at each cycle
	-  22(hex) as command, set the color (needs R, G and B values)
	- >30(hex) as command, time the output to ON
	-  0(hex) as command, no action

	Output status,
	-  0(hex) for output OFF,
	-  1(hex) for output ON.
	The next three slots contains the R, G and B values applied to the

Typical 18 : ON/OFF Digital Output

	Handle one digital output based on hardware and software commands,
	output can be timed out.
	This logic can be used for lights, wall socket and all the devices
	that has an ON/OFF behaviour. It has a pulsed output, and can be 
	used with bistable relay or similar devices.
	The actual state shall be reported with an external digital input
	such as an auxiliary contact or a current measure.
	Hardware Command:
		If using a monostable wall switch (press and spring return), 
		each press will toggle the output status.		
			#define Souliss_T1n_ToggleCmd		0x01
		If using a bistable wall switch (press without return), the two
		switch position can be associated with the ON and OFF commands
			#define Souliss_T1n_OnCmd			0x02
			#define Souliss_T1n_OffCmd			0x04
		The actual state shall be reported using these two feedbacks in
		relevant INPUT slot.
			#define Souliss_T1n_OnFeedback			0x23		
			#define Souliss_T1n_OffFeedback			0x24		
	Software Commands:		
		From any available software interface, these commands will turn
		the light ON and OFF.
			#define Souliss_T1n_OnCmd			0x02
			#define Souliss_T1n_OffCmd			0x04
	Command recap, using: 
	-  1(hex) as command, toggle the output 
	-  2(hex) as command, the output move to ON
	-  4(hex) as command, the output move to OFF
	-  0(hex) as command, no action

	Output status,
	-  0(hex) for state OFF,
	-  1(hex) for state ON,
	- A1(hex) for pulsed output.

Typical 19 : Single Color LED Strip

	Handle one single color LED strip based on software commands, with automatic 
	fade effects and "Good Night" feature. It use two (2) SLOT.					
	Hardware Command:
		If using a monostable wall switch (press and spring return), 
		each press will toggle the output status.		
			#define Souliss_T1n_ToggleCmd		0x01
			#define Souliss_T1n_BrightUp		0x10
			#define Souliss_T1n_BrightDown		0x20
		If using a bistable wall switch (press without return), the two
		switch position can be associated with the ON and OFF commands
			#define Souliss_T1n_OnCmd			0x02
			#define Souliss_T1n_OffCmd			0x03
	Software Commands:		
		From any available software interface, these commands will turn
		the light ON and OFF.
			#define Souliss_T1n_OnCmd			0x02
			#define Souliss_T1n_OffCmd			0x03
			#define Souliss_T1n_BrightUp		0x10
			#define Souliss_T1n_BrightDown		0x20
			#define Souliss_T1n_Flash			0x21
		Intensity can be set using the following command, followed by the
		value to be forced
			#define Souliss_T1n_Set				0x22
	Good Night:
		The light goes off with a long time fade effect, this feature needs the 
		external timer. Good Night mode is activated using if the input command
		is greater than
			#define Souliss_T1n_Timed			0x30
		A Good Night command can be sent via software or hardware commands,
		in case of hardware commands is usually associated to a long press
		of a monostable wall switch.
		If INPUTVAL is the input value the output will be timed for nCYCLES
		of the associated timer.
			nCYCLES = INPUTVAL - Souliss_T1n_Timed
	Command recap, using: 
	-  1(hex) as command, toggle the output 
	-  2(hex) as command, the output move to ON
	-  4(hex) as command, the output move to OFF
	-  10(hex) as command, the light bright is increased
	-  20(hex) as command, the light bright is decreased
	-  21(hex) as command, the light flash on and off at each cycle
	-  22(hex) as command, set the intensity
	- >30(hex) as command, time the output to ON
	-  0(hex) as command, no action

	Output status,
	-  0(hex) for output OFF,
	-  1(hex) for output ON.	

Typical 1A : Digital Input Pass Through

	It read read data from input and pass them through to the output.	
	There aren't command, but every value is copied in output

	Command recap, using: 
	-  Any value
	Output status,
	-  Any value

Typical 1B : Position Constrained ON/OFF Digital Output

	Handle one digital output based on position of the mobile user 
	interface, that is requested to push continuously data in order
	to keep the output in the ON condition.
	The output goes to OFF once the user interface stop to push data.
	Is expected that the user interface push data only via WiFi, this
	give a position constrained behaviour.
	Software Commands:		
		From any available software interface, these commands will turn
		the light ON and OFF.
			#define Souliss_T1n_OnCmd				0x02
			#define Souliss_T1n_OffCmd				0x04
			#define Souliss_T1n_PositionOnCmd		0x31		
		The Souliss_T1n_PositionOnCmd force the output to Souliss_T1n_OnCoil 
		and start a count-down timer. The timer got a reset every time that 
		the user interface send a the command Souliss_T1n_PositionOnCmd.
		If the user interface send periodically the Souliss_T1n_PositionOnCmd the
		output stays in Souliss_T1n_OnCoil, and goes back to Souliss_T1n_OffCoil
		only when the user interface is out of WiFi range and is no longer able
		to send data.
	Output status,
	-  0(hex) for output OFF,
	-  1(hex) for output ON.
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