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SoulissApp RoadMap

dario edited this page Nov 1, 2015 · 2 revisions

#SoulissApp new Main-screen

The app has gone through 4 Android versions, avoiding bugs, refactors and evolution of the Android framework. It has been suspended, blamed, misused, changed. So much.

Now it's time for a face-lift, re-designing the main screen (launcher). It will be made up dynamically, from a StaggeredGridView , letting the user to choose which (tiles) are to be shown and where.

Drag&Drop behaviour will be implemented to sort tiles and swipe will remove them. A separate option panel to manage tiles would be a good plus.

App's menus will be inflated with a new add to... option: add to main screen. This option will add a new tile on top of the main screen

##Tiles design

  • TAG will be adopted the same square group view used in TAG screen, with same behaviour. Tapping on it will bring up the TAG detail panel. TAG CardView

  • Static Buttons the buttons currently shown. These need to be small, and shall not be removed. This buttons will launch separate activities, exactly like now, to manually handle nodes and devices

    1. "Scenes"
    2. "Programs"
    3. "Manual"
  • Info Panels Cardviews used to show dynamic info. These CardViews may be larger, spanning two columns. The contents of these informative panels should be grouped. The user may choose to hide them.

    1. cached address, network informations
    2. location,
    3. background service info etc.
    4. To be implemented: weather panel, Average temp panel
  • Typical a concrete device can be added to the main screen, enabling super fast one-tap commands. A minimal view should be used here, similar to the one inside TAG detail panel but more 'vertical', exploiting the Staggered grid view.

Please help us improving this design adding your own ideas and sketches.

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