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Versions Update Paths

Alessandro Del Pex edited this page Nov 5, 2019 · 1 revision


In some case there isn't the opportunity to upgrade all nodes of a deployed installation to the last Souliss release available. The following guide provides details on Souliss' compatibility between different releases.

General Compatibility

The framework release are identified with a progressive number formed by at least two digits mainrelease.subrelease, an additional digit is added for minor release code as mainrelease.subrelease.minorrelease.

All code releases within the same subrelease are always assumed to be compatible with others in the same subrelease. As example 6.1.1 and 6.1.3 are compatible and you can have a running network with nodes having any 6.1.x release code running on it.

Compatibility Table

The General Compatibility rule is a constrained case and for some release is given the compatibility even over different subrelease or release.

The following table identifies the release that can be mixed with four levels:

  • Full Compatibility (F),
  • Full for Basic Networking Compatibility (FN),
  • Partial Compatibility (P),
  • No Compatibility (-).

You are allowed to run over your network different release between nodes if there is a Full Compatibility or Full for Basic Networking Compatibility statement. As with Basic Networking, all addresses and network path shall be defined manually.

A Partial Compatibility means that your network will mostly continue to work while updating nodes, so you can even upgrade the nodes over a long time frame without losing (or with minor lacks) of functionality.

Migrating your nodes from a release that has No Compatibility with the new one will result in a break of networking and features until all nodes will be upgraded.

/ v7.x Alpha 6.1.x Alpha 6.0.x Alpha 5.2.x Alpha 5.1.x Alpha 4.0.x Alpha 3.0.x
v7.x F FN FN P P - -
/ v7.x Alpha 6.1.x Alpha 6.0.x Alpha 5.2.x Alpha 5.1.x Alpha 4.0.x Alpha 3.0.x
Alpha 6.1.x FN F FN P P - -
/ v7.x Alpha 6.1.x Alpha 6.0.x Alpha 5.2.x Alpha 5.1.x Alpha 4.0.x Alpha 3.0.x
Alpha 6.0.x FN FN F P P - -
/ v7.x Alpha 6.1.x Alpha 6.0.x Alpha 5.2.x Alpha 5.1.x Alpha 4.0.x Alpha 3.0.x
Alpha 5.2.x P P P F F - -
/ v7.x Alpha 6.1.x Alpha 6.0.x Alpha 5.2.x Alpha 5.1.x Alpha 4.0.x Alpha 3.0.x
Alpha 5.1.x P P P F F - -
/ v7.x Alpha 6.1.x Alpha 6.0.x Alpha 5.2.x Alpha 5.1.x Alpha 4.0.x Alpha 3.0.x
Alpha 4.0.x - - - - - F -
/ v7.x Alpha 6.1.x Alpha 6.0.x Alpha 5.2.x Alpha 5.1.x Alpha 4.0.x Alpha 3.0.x
Alpha 3.0.x - - - - - - F
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