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Dario Di Maio edited this page Jun 27, 2015 · 2 revisions


A detailed description of the T3n class is included below

Typical 31 : Temperature control with cooling and heating mode

	It compare an internal setpoint with a measured value to control
	a digital output for cooling or heating. Actual temperature and
	desired setpoint are stored and available for user interface or
	any other node in the network.
	The difference is calculated as measured values (MV) less setpoint
	(SP) D = MV - SP, the output goes on based on the sign of this
	difference and on the selected mode (cooling / heating).
	This typical use five (5) memory slot, arranged as follow
		Temperature Control User Commands (IN / OUT) SLOT +0  
		Temperature Measured Value (IN / OUT) SLOT +1, SLOT +2
		Temperature Setpoint Value (IN / OUT) SLOT +3, SLOT +4
	All values shall be in half-precision floating point, automatic
	conversion is done if using Souliss_AnalogIn
	Hardware and/or Software Command:
		Using a monostable wall switch (press and spring return) or a 
		software command from user interface, to increase or decrease
		the setpoint.
			#define Souliss_T3n_InSetPoint     0x01
			#define Souliss_T3n_OutSetPoint    0x02
			#define Souliss_T3n_AsMeasured     0x03
			#define Souliss_T3n_Cooling        0x04
			#define Souliss_T3n_Heating        0x05
			#define Souliss_T3n_FanOff         0x06
			#define Souliss_T3n_FanLow         0x07
			#define Souliss_T3n_FanMed         0x08
			#define Souliss_T3n_FanHigh        0x09
			#define Souliss_T3n_FanAuto        0x0A
			#define Souliss_T3n_FanManual      0x0B
			#define Souliss_T3n_SetTemp        0x0C
			#define Souliss_T3n_ShutDown       0x0D
	Setpoint and measured values can be provided via analog input acquisition
	using Souliss_AnalogIn method, the setpoint can be modified using the In(+)
	and Out(-) commands, that will decrease of one unit the actual setpoint.
	The outputs are available as control state in the SLOT +0 and as used
	measured value and setpoint in next four slots (as per inputs).
	The control state bit meaning follow as:
		BIT 0	Not used 
		BIT 1	(0 Heating OFF , 1 Heating ON)
		BIT 2	(0 Cooling OFF , 1 Cooling ON)
		BIT 3	(0 Fan 1 OFF   , 1 Fan 1 ON)
		BIT 4	(0 Fan 2 OFF   , 1 Fan 2 ON)
		BIT 5	(0 Fan 3 OFF   , 1 Fan 3 ON)
		BIT 6	(0 Manual Mode , 1 Automatic Mode for Fan) 
		BIT 7	(0 Heating Mode, 1 Cooling Mode)		
	Using the Souliss_nDigOut method matching with following state defines
	let control heating, cooling and fans.
			#define Souliss_T3n_HeatingOn       0x02
			#define Souliss_T3n_CoolingOn       0x04
			#define Souliss_T3n_FanOn1          0x08
			#define Souliss_T3n_FanOn2          0x10
			#define Souliss_T3n_FanOn3          0x20	

Typical 32 : Air Conditioner

	It map output over inputs matching the user interface commands,
	the logic is handles by the air conditioner itself. This typical
	is a remote control for the conditioner and require a mapping of
	the typical commands and the expected commands on the conditioner.
	Software Commands:
		A command is long two byte and is composed by the several option
		of a general air conditioner, each command contains the whole
		setup of the conditioner including: temperature, fan and options.
		Each group is composed by 4 bits, 
			Group A - General
				(OnCmd, OffCmd, Ionizer, PwrSave)
			Group B - Fan / Swirl (3 bits for options, 1 bit activation)
				(Auto/High/Med/Low, Fan ON/OFF) 
			Group C - Function
			Group D - Temperature
				(from 16°C to 30°C, encoded) 

		In the definitions are available the commands that shall be mapped
		versus the air conditioner.
		The mapping to the IR Led Emitter shall be filtered using the method
		U8 Souliss_isTrigged(U8 *memory_map, U8 slot) to ensure that command
		are sent just once.

	This typical use two (2) memory slots, both contains the air conditioner
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