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Compile SoulissApp

Alessandro Del Pex edited this page Sep 28, 2015 · 2 revisions


Compile SoulissApp in Android Studio

SoulissApp is born when Android was at early stages: this is supposed to be a disclaimer to the wrecks and bad words you'll find in the code. Apart from this, some parts of the app stayed untouched for a long time, when Souliss was working over TCP (yes, it was) and many network's calls were different. There are for sure many bugs and probably some banana, too. There are also some lines that work but I don't know why nor how.

If you still want to check-out the project, proceed with cloning from Git to Android Studio as usual: File->New->Project from Version Control->GitHub and input SoulissApp repo URL:

Gradle should be able to load required libraries, and with some luck you'll be ready to debug/contribute in a snap. Please contact our mailing List if you encounter some obstacle.

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