Ruby on Rails 5 with HAML, SASS, CoffeeScript, Bootstrap, Devise, Rspec, Capybara
Feb 8, 2017 - HTML
.env (dotenv) is a file, used to store configuration values as key-value pairs, similar to the ini file format. Since this file usually contains confidential information like credentials, it's commonly prevented from being tracked by version control.
Ruby on Rails 5 with HAML, SASS, CoffeeScript, Bootstrap, Devise, Rspec, Capybara
Fitness Class Booking System is a project built using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MongoDB, Express, Mongoose, Node.js, and various NPM packages. The system offers features such as class browsing, booking, and cancellation, user registration and login.
New advanced admin panel in Django
Convert your json or js object to .env variables - JSON2ENV
An entry management application built using electron(node.js) and firebase [also nodemailer and nexmo]
personal planner
Mastodon analytics tool that generates a force graph to visually represent the relationships between user followers and followings on Mastodon. Users can log in via Mastodon OAuth to view graphs of their social connections. The tool is coded primarily in Python and utilizes JavaScript libraries for graphical representations.
Login with JWT and TDD with Jest and with factory-girl Faker, Supertest, Sequelize, JWT, BCrypt
This is a Short Demonstration on how you level your website's security. In my commit history you can see all 6 levels of security you can provide to your website to make it secure.
A Fully Responsive Personal Portfolio Website
🐍 A Flask-based monolithic full stack application featuring a seamless integration of backend functionality with Flask and frontend components developed in HTML, CSS, Bootstrap 5, and JavaScript.
Website in which community can interact with each other.
This package is a type-safe parser for .env files. It is built for node.js based typescript applications.
This is a basic CodeIgniter 3 Setup with AdminLte, Laravel Eloquent, Laravel Validation Packages and few more.
🔑 .env + jekyll + docker: static sites that keep your secrets.
The project was about creating a Newsletter subscription by using NodeJS and ExpressJS, It also involves handling Mailchimp API and using environment variables.Built with