Kono News is a heavily-opinionated Hacker News viewer with a splash of Microsoft's Fluent Design.
Sep 13, 2022 - JavaScript
Fluent Design is a design language developed in 2017 by Microsoft and was first used in the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update.
Kono News is a heavily-opinionated Hacker News viewer with a splash of Microsoft's Fluent Design.
🔉 A Windows 11 Fluent Design skin for Nulloy
This is the documentation for the heartthrob framework (heartthrob.css).
React typography component for different design systems. ie. Material (Google), Human Interface Guidelines (Apple), Fluent (Microsoft), etc.
👓 Multiplatform APP UI development framework
Un des meilleurs logiciels pour simplifier la gestion de votre agenda scolaire, et pour faciliter la prise de notes en cours.
A Vue component framework based on Fluent Design System
🌌 A JavaScript library offering Custom Elements based on Microsoft's Fluent Design system
💻 A New Tab page styled following Microsoft's Fluent Design
react-windows-ui starter boilerplate template repository.
A silent notepad.
Vue components that implement Microsoft Design Language
🎨 Vue.js components implementing Microsoft Fluent Design
Build Windows native look & feel apps using ReactJS. Provides a set of accessible, reusable and composable react components that make it super easy to create websites and apps.
Created by Microsoft