Ejemplo en Laravel para Integrar Plantilla Bootstrap de Dashboard SB Admin 2
Feb 21, 2017 - HTML
Object–relational mapping (ORM) is a technique with which records from relational databases are mapped to objects using an object-relational mapper in the programming language in which they are used.
Ejemplo en Laravel para Integrar Plantilla Bootstrap de Dashboard SB Admin 2
N.C.B.C. Group Project, Development of a profit and loss sheet for the collision repair industry.
Mini Library Book Tracker made for Northwestern | McCormick School of Engineering with MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars and a homemade ORM.
"Workout Planner" is a Full Stack exercise logger built with MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars and ORM
Many small to mid-sized businesses encounter a common problem when trying to submit their expense reports for their employers to get reimbursements. The procedure is often tedious and labor-intensive because they need to compile a list of expenses that can be allocated to different project codes and receipt backups that correspond to the expense…
Base ECommerce component site built with C#, Asp.Net Core MVC, Bootstrap, Entity Framework, Microsoft Sql Server -- styling to be added when combined in master project.
In this application, you will be able to create a burger logger with MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars and a homemade ORM (object-relational mapping). This uses a MVC design pattern and uses Node and MySQL to query and route data in the app. Handlebars generates the HTML for the application. Check it out and enjoy at http://yumburger.herokuapp.com/
Simple To-do app with Flask
This is a burger order logger using MySQL, NodeJS, Express, and Handlebars. Also includes an ORM which is new to me as well :)
A simple full stack burger app