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Releases: wandb/wandb


19 Jul 21:09
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What's Changed



  • run.finish() may raise an exception in cases where previously it would os._exit() (@timoffex in #7921)
  • run.link_artifact() can now surface server errors. (@ibindlish in #6941)



03 Jul 18:24
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What's Changed



  • Use sys.exit() instead of os._exit() if an internal subprocess exits with a non-zero code (@timoffex in #7866)
  • Fix an occasional race condition when using core that could affect run logs (@timoffex in #7889)
  • Fix OSError on when encountering different filesystems by @tonyyli-wandb in #7835


24 Jun 23:04
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What's Changed


  • Correctly handle the netrc file on Windows by @dmitryduev in #7844
  • With core enabled, nested tqdm bars show up correctly in the Logs tab (@timoffex in #7825)
  • Fix W&B Launch registry ECR regex separating tag on forward slash and period @KyleGoyette #7837


17 Jun 19:05
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What's Changed


  • Add prior runs when creating a sweep from the CLI by @TimH98 in #7803


  • Fix issues with numpy>=2 support by @dmitryduev in #7816
  • Fix "UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap'" when opening HTML files on Windows by specifying UTF-8 encoding by @KilnOfTheSecondFlame in #7730
  • Ensure Artifact.delete() on linked artifacts only removes link, not source artifact by @tonyyli-wandb in #7742
  • Sweep runs no longer appear to be resumed when they are not by @TimH98 #7684


07 Jun 00:54
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What's Changed


  • Added api.runs().histories() to fetch history metrics for runs that meet specified conditions by @thanos-wandb in #7690
  • Display warning when Kubernetes pod fails to schedule by @TimH98 in #7576
  • Added to allow persisting changes by @amusipatla-wandb in #7555
  • Added the ability to overwrite history of previous runs at an arbitrary step and continue logging from that step by @dannygoldstein in #7711
  • Added new Workspace API for programatically editing W&B Workspaces by @andrewtruong in #7728
  • Added Artifact.unlink() to allow programmatic unlinking of artifacts by @tonyyli-wandb in #7735


  • Fix define_metric behavior for multiple metrics in shared mode by @dmitryduev in #7715
  • Correctly pass in project name to internal api from run while calling run.use_artifact() by @ibindlish in #7701
  • Correctly upload console output log files when resuming runs enabled with console_multipart setting by @kptkin in #7694 and @dmitryduev in #7697
  • Interpret non-octal strings with leading zeros as strings and not integers in sweep configs by @KyleGoyette #7649
  • Support Azure repo URI format in Launch @KyleGoyette #7664
  • Fix path parsing for artifacts with aliases containing forward slashes by @amusipatla-wandb in #7676
  • Add missing docstrings for any public methods in Api class by @tonyyli-wandb in #7713
  • Correctly add latest alias to jobs built by the job builder @KyleGoyette #7727


  • Option to change naming scheme for console output logs from output.log to logs/YYYYMMDD_HHmmss.ms_output.log by @kptkin in #7694
  • Require unsafe=True in use_model calls that could potentially load and deserialize unsafe pickle files by @anandwandb #7663
  • Update order in api.runs() to ascending to prevent duplicate responses by @thanos-wandb #7675
  • Eliminate signed URL timeout errors during artifact file uploads in core by @moredatarequired in #7586


  • Deprecated ArtifactCollection.change_type() in favor of by @amusipatla-wandb in #7555


07 May 23:10
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What's Changed


  • The wandb package now includes the wandb-core binary by @timoffex in #7381
    • wandb-core is a new and improved backend for the W&B SDK that focuses on performance, versatility, and robustness.
    • Currently, it is opt-in. To start using the new backend, add wandb.require("core") to your script after importing wandb.
  • wandb-core now supports Artifact file caching by @moredatarequired in #7364 and #7366
  • Added artifact_exists() and artifact_collection_exists() methods to Api to check if an artifact or collection exists by @amusipatla-wandb in #7483
  • wandb launch -u <git-uri | local-path> creates and launches a job from the given source code by @bcsherma in #7485


  • Prevent crash on run.summary for finished runs by @dmitryduev in #7440
  • Correctly report file upload errors when using wandb-core by @moredatarequired in #7196
  • Implemented a stricter check for AMD GPU availability by @dmitryduev in #7322
  • Fixed on Windows by @timoffex in #7412
  • Show a warning instead of failing when using registries other than ECR and GAR with the Kaniko builder by @TimH98 in #7461
  • Fixed wandb.init() type signature including None by @timoffex in #7563


  • When using wandb-core need to specify a required flag (wandb.require("core")) to enable it, before it was picked up automatically by @kptkin in #7228
  • Use ETags instead of MD5 hashes for GCS reference artifacts by @moredatarequired in #7337


  • Removed the deprecated wandb.plots.* functions and top-level third-party integrations wandb.[catboost,fastai,keras,lightgbm,sacred,xgboost]. Please use wandb.plot instead of wandb.plots and wandb.integration.[catboost,fastai,keras,lightgbm,sacred,xgboost] instead of wandb.[catboost,fastai,keras,lightgbm,sacred,xgboost]. By @dmitryduev in #7552
  • Removed the [async] extra and the _async_upload_concurrency_limit setting by @moredatarequired in #7416
  • Removed undocumented settings: _except_exit and problem by @timoffex in #7563


03 Apr 20:37
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What's Changed


  • Added support for overriding kaniko builder settings in the agent config by @TimH98 in #7191
  • Added link to the project workspace of a run in the footer by @kptkin in #7276
  • Added support for overriding stopped run grace period in the agent config by @TimH98 in #7281
  • Added setting (_disable_update_check) to disable version checks during init by @kptkin in #7287
  • WandbLogger.sync in the OpenAI Fine-Tuning integration gets a new log_datasets boolean argument to turn off automatic logging of datasets to Artifacts by @morganmcg1 in #7150
  • Reduced default status print frequency of launch agent. Added verbosity controls to allow for increased status print frequency and printing debug information to stdout by @TimH98 in #7126


  • Limit policy option on artifact cli's put() to choices, ["mutable", "immutable"] by @ibindish in #7172
  • Updated artifact public api methods to handle nullable Project field on the ArtifactSequence/ArtifactCollection type, based on gorilla server changes by @ibindlish in #7201


  • Fixed not working with files inside run.dir, introduced in previous release
  • Fixed wandb.login causing runs not to be associated with launch queue by @KyleGoyette in #7280
  • Fixed job artifact download failing silently and causing run crash when using W&B Launch by @KyleGoyette #7285
  • Fix handling of saving training files to Artifacts in the OpenAI Fine-Tuning integration by @morganmcg1 in #7150


25 Mar 19:03
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What's Changed


  • Added feature to move staging files to cache (instead of copying) for mutable artifact file uploads when caching is enabled by @ibindlish in #7143
  • Added support to skip caching files to the local filesystem while uploading files to artifacts by @ibindlish in #7098
  • Added support to skip staging artifact files during upload by selecting a storage policy by @ibindlish in #7142
  • Preliminary support for forking a run using wandb.init(fork_from=...) by @dannygoldstein in #7078
  • accepts pathlib.Path values; by @timoffex in #7146


  • When printing the run link point to the workspace explicitly by @kptkin in #7132


  • In case of transient server issues when creating the wandb API key kubernetes secret, we'll retry up to 5 times by @TimH98 in #7108


  • When printing run's information in the terminal remove links to jobs by @kptkin in #7132

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.16.4...v0.16.5


05 Mar 21:28
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What's Changed

🪄 Enhancements

  • feat(artifacts): Add ability to change artifact collection types by @biaslucas in #6971
  • feat(launch): add support for installing deps from pyproject.toml by @bcsherma in #6964
  • feat(sdk): Use a hard-coded limit for requests to the backend by @timoffex in #7058
  • feat(sdk): Respect backpressure headers from backend by @timoffex in #7065
  • feat(sdk): Rate-limit GraphQL and filestream separately by @timoffex in #7089
  • feat(launch): support kaniko build with user-provided pvc and docker config by @bcsherma in #7059
  • feat(sdk): W&B to W&B Importer by @andrewtruong in #6897

🔨 Fixes

  • fix(launch): Fix passing of template variables in the sweeps-on-launch scheduler by @dannygoldstein in #6959
  • fix(core): link job artifact to a run to be specified as input by @kptkin in #6940
  • fix(launch): Fix sagemaker entrypoint to use given entrypoint by @KyleGoyette in #6969
  • fix(core): parse upload headers correctly by @kptkin in #6983
  • fix(core): properly propagate server errors by @kptkin in #6944
  • fix(core): make file upload faster by using parallelism by @kptkin in #6975
  • fix(core): don't send git data if it's not populated by @kptkin in #6984
  • fix(sdk): fix console logging resumption, avoid overwrite by @kptkin in #6963
  • fix(cli): remove hostname validation when using --host on wandb login by @Jamil in #6999
  • fix(sdk): Don't discard past visualizations when resuming a run by @timoffex in #7005
  • fix(core): avoid retrying on conflict status code by @kptkin in #7011
  • fix(sdk): Fix visualization config merging for resumed runs in wandb-core by @timoffex in #7012
  • fix(core): replace usage of standard library's json with segmentio's by @kptkin in #7027
  • fix(core): remove stderr as writer for the logs by @kptkin in #7022
  • fix(core): disable negative steps from initialization by @kptkin in #7030
  • fix(sdk): Report API: Fix report loading in pydantic26 by @andrewtruong in #6988
  • fix(artifacts): Revert "make upload request async to support progress reporting (#6497)" by @jlzhao27 in #7049
  • fix(launch): Fix entrypoint specification when using a Dockerfile.wandb by @KyleGoyette in #7080
  • fix(sdk): fix stream releasing probe handle too early by @jlzhao27 in #7056
  • fix(launch): Always attempt to pull latest image for local container by @KyleGoyette in #7079

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.16.3...v0.16.4


06 Feb 18:50
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What's Changed

🪄 Enhancements

  • feat(core): generate data type info in core by @dmitryduev in #6827
  • feat(core): add support for Launch 🚀 by @kptkin in #6822
  • feat(public-api): Added option to control number of grouped sampled runs in reports by @thanos-wandb in #6840
  • feat(sdk): add shared mode to enable multiple independent writers to the same run by @dmitryduev in #6882
  • perf(artifacts): Reduce artifact download latency via optional cache copy + threads by @biaslucas in #6878
  • feat(artifacts): Add partial file downloads, via directory prefix by @biaslucas in #6911
  • feat(integrations): Update the Diffusers Integration by @soumik12345 in #6804
  • feat(integrations): Update Ultralytics Integration by @soumik12345 in #6796
  • feat(integrations): Add Pytorch Lightning Fabric Logger by @ash0ts in #6919
  • feat(core): update go packages by @kptkin in #6908

🔨 Fixes

  • fix(launch): Remove project and runner fields from agent config by @KyleGoyette in #6818
  • fix(launch): recognize deleted k8s jobs as failed by @bcsherma in #6824
  • fix(launch): warn of extra fields in environment block instead of erroring by @bcsherma in #6833
  • fix(sdk): entity override bug where ENVVAR is prioritized over kwargs by @biaslucas in #6843
  • fix(launch): Local container runner doesn't ignore override args by @TimH98 in #6844
  • fix(sdk): merge-update config with sweep/launch config by @dannygoldstein in #6841
  • fix(sdk): fix retry logic in wandb-core and system_tests conftest by @dmitryduev in #6847
  • fix(core): use RW locks in system monitor's assets management by @dmitryduev in #6852
  • fix(launch): set build context to entrypoint dir if it contains Dockerfile.wandb by @bcsherma in #6855
  • security(launch): Mount wandb api key in launch job pods from a k8s secret by @TimH98 in #6722
  • fix(launch): wandb job create should not look for requirements.txt if Dockerfile.wandb is next to entrypoint by @bcsherma in #6861
  • fix(sdk): fix _parse_path when only id is passed to wandb.Api().run() by @luisbergua in #6858
  • fix(media): Update Fix fps bug by @stellargo in #6887
  • fix(sdk): clean up temp folders by @dmitryduev in #6891
  • fix(artifacts): fix long artifact paths on Windows by @ArtsiomWB in #6846
  • fix(sdk): Update Report API to work with pydantic2.6 by @andrewtruong in #6925
  • fix(launch): fetch all commits to enable checking out by sha by @bcsherma in #6926
  • fix(sweeps): dont swallow exceptions in pyagent by @dannygoldstein in #6927
  • fix(artifacts): artifact file upload progress in nexus by @ibindlish in #6939
  • fix(sdk): exercise caution in system monitor when rocm-smi is installed on a system with no amd gpus by @dmitryduev in #6938
  • fix(cli): typo in by @eltociear in #6892
  • fix(launch): remove deadsnakes from accelerator build step by @bcsherma in #6933

📚 Docs

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.16.2...v0.16.3