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Coordinating Meeting March 16th 2018 11:30 am AST

David Keiser-Clark edited this page Mar 16, 2018 · 11 revisions
  • Chair: Rosie Le Faive (for Jordan Fields)
  • Notes: Mark Jordan

Per: Schedule

  • Attending:


Old Business

New Business

  • Islandora 7.x-1.11 Release (Rosie, Diego)

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG (Gabriela)
  • Dev Ops (Gavin)
  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
  • IR interest group (Bryan)
  • Security Interest Group (Rosie)


Islandora Camps

Round Table

Next meeting March 30th:

  • Chair: Kim Pham
  • Notes: David Keiser-Clark


Rosie (chair), Jon G., Danny, Diego (invited as Co-Release Manager), David W. David KC, Will, Bryan, Mark (notes)

Old Business

New Business

  • Islandora 7.x-1.11 Release (Rosie, Diego)

    • First release call yesterday, code freeze is Mar 30, 2018, release date is June 1 2018.
    • Release announcement
    • Some discussion of role of component managers who aren't active. Will confirmed that DGI usually steps in to maintain a module if no one else steps up.
  • Coming out of release discussion, but not entirely dependent on the release, there was some discussion around how we keep committers engaged. Sending an email to committers who we aren't sure of is a good first step. Fedora has "emeritus committers". Some discussion about how this would work for Islandora, e.g., adapt the process for nominating emerita. Group decided that we support the committers in coming up with a process for pruning the list such as, renewing interest, and/or creating emeritus committers. The committers mailing list is probably the best venue for this communication. Emeritus means that you are recognized for your accomplishements, but you can't approve/merge pull requests. Basically, they get recognition for their service but that's it.

  • Process for deprecating a core module is not documented. Some discussion around how we communicate that a module is being deprecated. Email lists and website posts should be sufficient (although we did not clarify what constitutes a post). Not having a maintainer is insufficient grounds for deprecating a module - we don't deprecate because we can't find a maintainer. We need to continue discussion on this set of topics at a future meeting. Danny points out the deprecation is normal. Rosie points out that we need to make sure we clean up any existing mention of deprecation (JIRA tickets, developers' documentation wiki, mailing list(?), IRC logs, "institutional knowledge", basically, any information we can update).

    • Action: For next meeting, we are all going to find some mention of deprecation and bring them forward to this group to form an inventory.
  • Back to the release - at the March 15 release call, there was some discussion of the new test framework (thanks for the framework Kim!). Specifically, where to document how to test each module. Decision there was to defer this discussion until after the release and have it ready for the 7.x-1.12 release. Diego mentioned importance of providing test data/objects and also the possibility of providing more test data/configurations on the Vagrant. David KC also pointed out, and will pointed out

Interest Group Updates

  • Documentation IG (Gabriela)
    • No one from the Docs IG present, but Rosie asked for volunteers to co-convene.
  • Dev Ops (Gavin)
    • Bryan reported that this week's meeting was canceled.
  • Metadata IG (Rosie)
    • Met on March 5. Next meeting is Monday.
  • IR interest group (Bryan)
    • Bryan reports that they will be meeting next Thursday and will be discussing the final two features described in the COAR Next Gen Repos report.
  • Security Interest Group (Rosie)


  • Most recently, Diego contributed code to properly support Drupal's translation features for data stored in the triple store.
  • New microservice to transform content you get out of your repo
  • Huge improvements to the REST interface
  • Started to identify larger-term goals for a community release
    • E.g., taxonomies, file system requirements (probably using Flysystem), etc.
  • Danny feels that the CLAW calls are surfacing increasing interest in CLAW

Islandora Camps

  • Registrations for both upcoming camps (Halifax and EU) are coming in, but the numbers aren't very high yet.
  • We'll kick up the promotion.

Round Table

  • Will: NTR
  • Mark: Moving forward with IR migration. Mentioned stats modules and thanked Brandon for testing them. Also thanked Bryan for help understanding Scholar. Added later that the following Open Repositories sessions were accepted:
    • No project is an Island: How Islandora developed a community while developing software
    • Islandora CLAW: Technical Overview
    • Repository Rodeo
    • Islandora Outside the Box
    • Enabling Computational Access at Scale: Are Repositories Serving Collections-as-Data?
  • Danny: watch for a series of PRs on CLAW for derivative creation (woot!)
  • Jon: pointed out Mark suggested that the Coordinating Committee should coordinate with the IF Board on reviewing the guidelines as applied to the Islandora community.
  • David W: Some upcoming code sprints to bring Fedora in line with the spec. Also took part in a call on the Oxford Common Filesystem.
  • David KC: The ISLE Hackdoc @ METRO in NYC last week was a big success. Nice diversity of participants.
  • Rosie: NTR

⚠️ This wiki is an archive for past meeting notes. For current minutes as well as onboarding materials, click here.

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