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Datastorm DAQ GHRD create top level

jdannynewman edited this page Sep 10, 2020 · 24 revisions

Top-Level design

Import the top-level files using the Quartus Prime window using Project -> Add/Remove Files in project …,

  • Add the system_bd.qip located in /system_bd/synthesis/,

  • Click OK in the Settings window.

  • Perform the Analysis & Synthesis step to be able to add pin assignments,

  • Open a Tcl Console in Quartus Prime by View -> Utility Windows -> Tcl Console,

    • At the tcl prompt, type source <repository location>/hdl/projects/arrow_ghrd/tei0022/partial_source/tei0022_system_assign.tcl
  • Finish compiling the project by pressing the Start Compilation symbol .

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