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AD40xx Reference Platform

d-samal edited this page Sep 7, 2021 · 19 revisions


This document describes the DataStorm DAQ platform connected to an EVAL-AD400xFMCZ card containing the AD4020 device, and includes an example of how to initialize an AD4020 device.

The AD4020/AD4007/AD4011/AD4020 are low noise, low power, high speed, 18-bit, precision successive approximation register (SAR) analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). The AD4020, AD4007, and AD4011 offer 2 MSPS, 1 MSPS, and 500 kSPS throughputs, respectively. They incorporate ease of use features that reduce signal chain power consumption, reduce signal chain complexity, and enable higher channel density. The high-Z mode, coupled with a long acquisition phase, eliminates the need for a dedicated high power, high speed ADC driver, thus broadening the range of low power precision amplifiers that can drive these ADCs directly while still achieving optimum performance. The input span compression feature enables the ADC driver amplifier and the ADC to operate off common supply rails without the need for a negative supply while preserving the full ADC code range. The serial peripheral interface (SPI) low clock rate requirement reduces the digital input/output power consumption, broadens processor options, and simplifies the task of sending data across digital isolation.

The ADAQ4020 is an 18/20-bit precision data acquisition sub-system SiP design on a laminate that includes the AD4020 ADC with a fully differential driver the ADA4945, a reference buffer (the ADA4807), a precision resistor iPassive network on a separate die along with discrete capacitors and resistors. The device solves many design challenges for a wide range of applications similar to AD400x, yet it still provides flexibility. It offers over 75% area savings compared to a discrete design (i.e. Increased channel density and reduced signal chain BOM) and reduces TTM.


  • Automatic test equipment
  • Machine automation
  • Medical equipment
  • Battery-powered equipment
  • Precision data acquisition systems

Supported Devices

Evaluation Boards

A platform is typically comprised of:

  • Carrier card with FMC LPC connector
  • ADI® FMC converter board

Example designs include:

Each platform is provided with a unique Quick Start Guide, ensuring a good out-of-box experience. Complete example design source code is provided in repositories. This includes source for Linux and FPGA HDL code.

User Guides for the following platforms are available below

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