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Adding a translation

bobdenotter edited this page Mar 19, 2013 · 8 revisions

Creating a Bolt translation

Version 1.1 of Bolt will allow localisation of the backend.

If you want to provide a translation for Bolt in your language, your help will be greatly appreciated. To make a translation, do the the following:

Step 1: Bolt 1.1

Do a checkout of 'master', and get it running

Step 2: Config

Edit config.yml, set the locale to the one you wish to add:

# The locale that'll be used by the application. If no locale is set the
# fallback locale is 'en_GB'. For available options, see:
locale: pt_BR

Obviously, replace the pt_BR with the language you wish to add. Now, when you go to the backend as a 'developer' user, you'll see three new options under 'Settings':


Step 3: Creating the files

If you click one of these options, you'll most likely get a notice like this:


Either create this file and make it writable, or just create the folder and (temporarily) make it writable. Now, click all three links, and make sure all three are initialised by clicking the 'save' button at the bottom.

You should now have three files, like this:

[15:48:39] bob@macmini:bolt $ dir app/resources/translations/pt/
total 40
 0 drwxrwxrwx  5 bob  staff   170 Mar 19 15:48 .
 0 drwxr-xr-x  6 bob  staff   204 Mar 19 15:39 ..
 8 -rw-r--r--  1 bob  staff  2484 Mar 19 15:42
16 -rw-r--r--  1 bob  staff  5421 Mar 19 15:48
16 -rw-r--r--  1 bob  staff  7443 Mar 19 15:43
[15:48:55] bob@macmini:bolt $ 
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