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Dev meeting 2016 03 29

Gawain Lynch edited this page Mar 29, 2016 · 5 revisions


  • This seems to what we perhaps should think of fixing before release (besides what little is left in the tracker):
    • #5084 [bug] notices in frontend on first pageview after cache clear
    • #5085 [BUG][UX] back-end publish process quirks
    • #5014 [BUG] unable to create first user on ip-based server
  • Also, if more time is magically found under the couch cushions (otherwise for 3.1?):
    • #4895 [BUG] image field upload silently fails for cms users if a server error occurs
    • #5025 [Bug] Error on save contentype. The “timepublish” input is not correct on Server with timezone UTC
  • And fix documentation for:
    • #5029 [bug] v3 content type fields with float are not using html5 elements
    • #5072 [BUG] Uniqueness of field names in repeater field

Actionable Items


<Bopp> pong
<slick0> was there a time change over on that side of the pond?
<phillipp> here
<rarila> peng
<gawainlynch> slick0: Erm… yeah… kinda after thought post-DST
<gawainlynch> It just starts getting really late here
<slick0> ahh, cool… back to 1:30 EST for me, then! :)
<rossriley> here
<gawainlynch> OK… so it's been a quite few days post beta1
<gawainlynch> Thank you, Easter
<Bopp> yes! 
<Bopp> So far, so good on the beta front
<carsonfull> Here!
<Bopp> Most issues BY FAR have been of the "did not read docs" sort. 
<slick0> but omg the controllers!!!!
<gawainlynch> Bopp: So can you lead with docs/front-end updates then
* slick0 flees back to reddit
<Bopp> I need to do more work on frontend and docs. :-)
<Bopp> SahAssar is helping out with base-2016
<Bopp> Phillip on docs and bits and parts of the site
<Bopp> I'm just going to make sure that keeps going
<gawainlynch> phillipp: Search?
<phillipp> i just want to promote my extension on the homepage :D
<phillipp> ah yeah search
<Bopp> base-2016 needs a bunch of work, that's partially in "the foundation theme" 
<phillipp> i think i will get an answer from algolia tomorrow
<gawainlynch> On?
<phillipp> they will index all versions of the docs
<gawainlynch> OK
<gawainlynch> OK… so issues: #5084 #5085 #5014 #4895 #5025
-[BoltIssueBall]/#boltcms- #5084 [open] [bug] notices in frontend on first pageview after cache clear 
-[BoltIssueBall]/#boltcms- #5085 [open] [BUG][UX] back-end publish process quirks 
-[BoltIssueBall]/#boltcms- #5014 [open] [BUG] unable to create first user on ip-based server 
-[BoltIssueBall]/#boltcms- #4895 [open] [BUG] image field upload silently fails for cms users if a server error occurs 
-[BoltIssueBall]/#boltcms- #5025 [open] [Bug] Error on save contentype. The “timepublish” input is not correct on Server with timezone UTC 
<gawainlynch> Any hands up for stuff under work?
<Bopp> i'll take #5084
<rossriley> #5072
-[BoltIssueBall]/#boltcms- #5084 [open] [bug] notices in frontend on first pageview after cache clear 
-[BoltIssueBall]/#boltcms- #5072 [open] [BUG] Uniqueness of field names in repeater field 
<Bopp> two assigned :-)
<Bopp> I could prolle do #5085 too, but it's not like i have nothing on my plate. ;-)
-[BoltIssueBall]/#boltcms- #5085 [open] [BUG][UX] back-end publish process quirks 
<gawainlynch> OK… so I am thinking that we don't need to cover much this week… let us see how the next 7 days goes with beta and then make a call on beta2/rc next week?
<Bopp> i'd like a next beta next week regardless.. just keep 'm coming until we are stable
<phillipp> +1
<gawainlynch> WFM2
<gawainlynch> Failing that… anything else to raise?
<carsonfull> +1 
<phillipp> nah, i am fine
<rossriley> I guess extensions strategy?
<Bopp> yes, that. 
<rossriley> have we got a plan to encourage / help upgrades?
<phillipp> yeah, we have to remind people to update their shit
<Bopp> I'd like an "upgrade guide" for extensions. 
<gawainlynch> Not yet… I was trying to flesh out a few things over docs… which lead to Stencil
<phillipp> there was one from gawain, right?
<Bopp> i tried upgrading one of mine, and it broke horribly in unexpected ways
<Bopp> (to me)
<rossriley> I did one for the colourpicker,  which was a good guide to update
<gawainlynch> phillipp: Nah, the upgrade doc was Ross' so far
<gawainlynch> Bopp: Any more feedback on that?
<phillipp> gawainlynch: i am pretty sure i saw something from you, some weeks ago
<Bopp> What would be better in general? upgrade the extension? or make a new one and copy / paste over code? 
<Bopp> is there a link to ross's upgrade-guide? 
<gawainlynch> Bopp: I have gone the upgrade path on mine so far… but this is the problem…
<gawainlynch> I know it really well
<gawainlynch> Carson & I need to better understand what *others* don't get
<Bopp> gawainlynch: perhaps i'll show you tomorrow what I did, and you can see where i go wrong?
<gawainlynch> Yeah, almost wondering if an "issue" might be the way to go?
<gawainlynch> Or is that overkill :-/
<gawainlynch> Just thinking of a way to gather the "I didn't get this bit" from people you know *shouldn't* struggle
<gawainlynch> (as a first point)
<Bopp> I think we should first make _some_ kind of docs.. 
<phillipp> wait until i try to update my stuff xD
<rossriley> what about if we target the top 20 extensions by download and if they are ours, get them upgraded, if not get PRs in?
<Bopp> and then request feedback
<gawainlynch> rossriley: Also a good idea… MenuEditor is going to be painful though
<carsonfull> doing it for them though isn't the best option in the long run though
<gawainlynch> carsonfull: Listening
<carsonfull> Meaning I would rather focus on good docs
<gawainlynch> And iterate based on feedback/struggle?
<carsonfull> Which would help every dev not just the top extensions
<rossriley> I appreciate that, but we can’t really launch v3 final until the main extensions are ported
<carsonfull> Yeah
<Bopp> I'd say we get _some_ docs, up to the point where _i_ can upgrade an extension.. 
<carsonfull> rossriley: But yes I also agree with you there
<rossriley> I guess we could do docs first, encourage second and then PR third though
<gawainlynch> Yeah… rossriley has a very good point
<Bopp> and then others should be able to do it smoothly as well. ;-)
<Bopp> agree with Ross, too
<carsonfull> And I agree that Bob's level is a good place to shoot for
<rossriley> carsonfull: harsh
<carsonfull> heh said it :P
<phillipp> run!
<phillipp> xD
<carsonfull> he*
<gawainlynch> OK… so this coming week, lets aim to get more docs happening… reach out to a few Top 20 People and see if we can't nudge them to tru
<carsonfull> Not meaning to be insulting though. He is just a dev that is looking with fresh eyes at the new extensions code
<Bopp> Sounds good to me. 
<gawainlynch> OK… shall add that to next week's agenda then
<Bopp> carsonfull: no worries. no offense taken. 
<carsonfull> Good
<carsonfull> and sounds good gawainlynch
<Bopp> talking about extensions.. 
<gawainlynch> Bopp: Don't worry… I'll dish out a tonne to Carson later on in private :-P
* carsonfull hides
<Bopp> *nudge*
<rossriley> is there anything we can do - UI wise to show a nicer message when someone upgrades and an extension isn’t compatible?
<Bopp> also: i'm having a real hard time _not missing_ PR's on other repo's.. 
<Bopp> any of you guys have any tips on how to handle that?
<carsonfull> Bopp: What do you mean?
<gawainlynch> Bopp: Ross' question or yours?
<Bopp> sorry, mine.. 
<gawainlynch> Read… every… email… I do :-)
<Bopp> i get PR's on repo's in bolt and my own.. 
<Bopp> old themes, old extensions.. 
<SahAssar> here!
<Bopp> but if i don't act on them immediately, they just sit there for weeks, because i overlook them
<gawainlynch> rossriley: It's kinda complex… Composer rather sucks at feedback
<phillipp> i dont even get notifications -.-
<Bopp> I'm looking for a way to manage that, but i don't know how.
<phillipp> (on new PRs i mean)
<gawainlynch> That said, it has improved immensely over the last 18 months
<rossriley> it’s fairly harsh at the moment, you get an exception and you need to physically delete the extension from the filesystem to get Bolt to load
<carsonfull> Really?
<Bopp> phillipp: are you "subscribed" to the repo's?
<gawainlynch> rossriley: Yeah :-(
<carsonfull> gawainlynch: What's our whole "isValid" code for then?
<gawainlynch> carsonfull: v3
<phillipp> Bopp: i dont see why i should actively subscribe to my own repos
<carsonfull> gawainlynch: Right, which is what ross is talking about
<Bopp> phillipp: i dunno, mate.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
<gawainlynch> carsonfull: No… v3 extensions
<phillipp> Bopp: lets talk about that later in private, keep the noise out of here :)
<Bopp> sur
<gawainlynch> v3+
<carsonfull> gawainlynch: Sure but that's core code.
<carsonfull> It should work on packages already installed no?
<gawainlynch> carsonfull: Might be missing Carson Context here… but…
<gawainlynch> Right now if you have v2 extensions that can fatal in v3 they will
<carsonfull> or does composer choke before that point?
<gawainlynch> Yeah 
<gawainlynch> Part of it is `bolt/filesystem` being too picky
<carsonfull> Ok composer chokes. Not choking when registering extensions in manager?
<carsonfull> What is filesystem doing?
<gawainlynch> The include with an invalid autoloader will crash hard
<carsonfull> Let's continue this offline too
<gawainlynch> OK
<gawainlynch> OK… SO moving that to an action item
<gawainlynch> 23 minutes in… business?
<Bopp> I'm good for now.. I got Issues to work on ;-)
<carsonfull> Same here
<gawainlynch> Oooookay
<gawainlynch> </meeting>
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