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Dev meeting 2017 09 26

Gawain Lynch edited this page Sep 29, 2017 · 2 revisions



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gawainlynch ping @bob @carson @ross @sahassar

sahassar pong

ross checking in


gawainlynch Rock 'n roll

OK, so someone ( :koala: <- ) didn't have time to get an agenda up this week :stuck_out_tongue:

bob I didn't get around to updating the agenda for this week.. Hectic day


gawainlynch So the last stop I think on beta (and it isn't a hard block) is just the taxonomies on import/export … other than that, Bob you have anything holding up?

sahassar :hamster: ft. :koala: drops their new album: "No Agenda"

bob Let's go over 3.4 beta quickly.

haha, we keep typing the same things

i'd _like_ to get #7002 and #6999 in, but don't consider them showstoppers for beta.

boltissueball #7002 [open] [3.4] Imagelist fields causing exception in overview

#6999 [open] [3.4] Pagination is missing on overview pages in backend.

I want to work on #7015

boltissueball #7015 [open] [3.4] Singletons with records still show up in pre-fill prompt  — assigned to bobdenotter

gawainlynch 6999 just went in

I missed closing the issue

… well the PR that closes 6999

bob I see!

missed that, but cool

gawainlynch I am thinking for the export thing, I might just go for creating the taxonomies long form … unless Ross has a surprise up his sleeve

Ok, so, no showstoppers for BETA on 3.4 then?

ross I'll sort the taxonomy import/export tomorrow... I did have it working at one point, I'm guessing another change has borked it

@ross Cool! :slightly_smiling_face:

Then let's aim for 3.4 beta later in the week?

gawainlynch Yeah, for me that and relations were broken in Bob's original branch … aaaaaaaand yeah, I got clean up overload happening

"Just one small commit" :wink:

But yeah, later in the week seems very possible

… and long over due

I just rebased your "prep" branch, Bob

bob Other than that, 3.3 is working well.. We've put out a bunch of 0.0.x releases, but _very_ few complaints.

@gawainlynch The import/export one?

gawainlynch No, #6956

boltissueball #6956 [open] [WIP] Preparing Bolt 3.4.0 beta 1 release.

bob ah, ok.

gawainlynch Well, both … but 6956 is the one that matters

bob cool. I assume i'll do that again just before the beta-1, but there should be no conflicts.

In other news: I'm making slow but steady progress on a new base-2018 theme.

gawainlynch I moved the changelog to the last commit, so you can amend that if need be, and assets were just rebuilt after merge yesterday (edited)

Talked to @jmarsh and he decided he'd rather work on the bolt sites ecosystem itself..

So i talked to @peterboorsma, and he's going to do a visual design based on the wireframes in the issue.


boltissueball #7005 [open] We need a new `base-2018` theme. [encore]  — assigned to bobdenotter

@gawainlynch Ah, then we won't need a rebuild of assets.

gawainlynch 'ken merges!


Well, it should do nothing if you do


gawainlynch @sahassar I don't suppose you're likely to have time in the very near future for finishing up the new config changes mapping?

@sahassar Any progress on the Translate front?


sahassar @gawainlynch: Likely not, I'm hoping to shore up my extensions though. They have been lagging for a while now

@bob: planning to tag today, just got home :slightly_smiling_face:

gawainlynch @sahassar OK, I'll continue on with tests then

OK, well … anything to raise past that?

I'm good!

Psyched about getting close to 3.4 beta

gawainlynch Tell … me … about … it


boltissueball </meeting> Failed parsing XML: 'hug' expected, No 'love' shown for bot. Program 'meeting' terminated.
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