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Dev meeting 2016 11 01

Svante Richter edited this page Nov 1, 2016 · 5 revisions


  • Bumping 3.2.0 until 7 November (@GawainLynch c/o @bobdenotter)


  • Status on drop bear invasion (@YourGitHubID)

Actionable Items


  • 3.2.0 Bumped to November 7th


19:37	gawainlynch	carsonfull: SahAssar slick0 phillipp rarila rossriley etc
19:37	gawainlynch	Ugh… darn you Xchat!
19:37	phillipp	surprise surprise, i am still here :D
19:37	gawainlynch	phillipp: Love you for it mate :-0
19:37	+rossriley	hello, I thought I’d messed up my time
19:37	+SahAssar	I'm mainly here to meet this new "etc" core team member :)
19:38	gawainlynch	Nah, I just was running errands
19:38	gawainlynch	OK … first order of "something" …
19:38	gawainlynch	Bumping 3.2.0 until 7 November (@GawainLynch c/o @bobdenotter)
19:38	phillipp	hello, etc, welcome to the team
19:38	gawainlynch	Objections?
19:38	+rossriley	none
19:38	gawainlynch	Bolts & Nuts, just trying to get things in order
19:39	phillipp	i am fine with that
19:39	+SahAssar	no objections
19:39	gawainlynch	OK, in the spirit of keeping this *really* short …
19:39	gawainlynch	SahAssar: Issues … anything to raise?
19:39	phillipp	wush
19:40	+SahAssar	no... :(
19:40	gawainlynch	phillipp: Docs / academy?
19:40	phillipp	nope
19:40	gawainlynch	rossriley: Storage … broad brush, anything your end?
19:41	gawainlynch	<insert potential missing hyphen>
19:41	+rossriley	nothing too much, did you test that postgres update today? I wasn’t sure about that one
19:41	gawainlynch	Yes, very specifically I did
19:41	gawainlynch	I was in two minds about the DISTINCT
19:41	+rossriley	I added the cast to string recently to fix another bug...
19:42	gawainlynch	Oh
19:42	+rossriley	but I’ll have to dig back to check
19:42	+rossriley	sorry, been mobile today so didn’t have chance to look yet
19:42	gawainlynch	I was able to reproduce the bug with the given CT … and with patch it behaved as you'd expect
19:43	gawainlynch	…without, upon refresh, ordering in editconfig was incorrect
19:43	gawainlynch	I actually just went on that :-/
19:43	+rossriley	cool, ok… I’ll just give it a once over tomorrow
19:43	+rossriley	#5385 have we sorted that now?
19:43	[BoltIssueBall]	#5385 [open] [BUG] `prefix:` not working correctly. (was: StorageException with fresh installation on Mysql) — assigned to rossriley
19:43	gawainlynch	Thanks mate, is appreciated
19:44	gawainlynch	re 5385 … Honestly, I haven't seen it "fixed"
19:44	gawainlynch	… that said, a while since I tested
19:45	+rossriley	ok, I’ll check that one too
19:45	gawainlynch	Plus, MySQL / MariaDB does my head in with the consistency of result
19:45	gawainlynch	I honestly think it is heading towards a new platform
19:46	+rossriley	cool, I’ll also look after #5972 that’s a minor change so can go into 3.2
19:46	[BoltIssueBall]	#5972 [open] [RFC] Add Translation to reapeter contenttype add button — assigned to rossriley
19:46	+rossriley	then I think it’s on to 3.3 for me
19:46	phillipp	lets move to some oracle enterprise DB thingy :D
19:46	gawainlynch	Yeah, I intend on heading back into 3.3 now too
19:46	gawainlynch	On that … rossriley … you and I need to iron out some time for 4.x roadmap
19:47	gawainlynch	I will happily accept that I've been a blocker there
19:47	+rossriley	yes, no worries
19:47	gawainlynch	We do need to address "something" though, as we already have breaks in 3.3 as we need to get clear on not making any 3.x too much to handle
19:48	gawainlynch	*and we need
19:48	gawainlynch	rossriley: What works for you in upcoming days?
19:48	gawainlynch	0-14 days
19:48	+rossriley	tomorrow afternoon is clear for me, plus all day friday I think…. whenever suits you
19:49	gawainlynch	Both, but Friday is probably clear-er
19:49	+rossriley	cool ok
19:49	gawainlynch	OK … things to raise on anyone's part?
19:49	NicolasN_	quit
19:50	phillipp	my updated article about bolt and pusher went online today
19:51	phillipp	i hope it gets us a few new users
19:51	gawainlynch	rossriley: Added a calendar invite … time was somewhat random … but put it in for us nonetheless
19:51	+rossriley	we mentioned some tutorials / walk throughs of how to setup an app in an extensible way
19:51	gawainlynch	#karma phillipp
19:51	+[BoltIssueBall]	Sorry but karma can only be added for channel members, phillipp isn't here and they lose out!
19:51	gawainlynch	#karma phillipp
19:51	+rossriley	what’s the best format for those? How-to in the docs?
19:51	+[BoltIssueBall]	BoltKarma for phillipp is now 14
19:52	gawainlynch	rossriley: Not really sure … I've just gone with what we (I) have done in the past … not attached to anything, just not had better ideas
19:52	phillipp	rossriley: yes, i think the how-tos section is good
19:52	+rossriley	ok, I was going to start work on some recommendations addressed in #5964
19:52	[BoltIssueBall]	#5964 [open] Local Extension Replacement Plan
19:53	phillipp	i think we should clean the how-tos section up a bit and present it better
19:53	phillipp	its a valuable section with good information
19:53	+rossriley	but for now I’ll put it in there, just they are going to be a bit longer than previous articles...
19:53	pregnantbird	join
19:53	gawainlynch	rossriley: Yeah, for me the biggest concern is how to given people *good* options on developing extensions
19:53	pregnantbird	hey guys sorry i was away for an hour
19:54	pregnantbird	did anybody reply to the mailoptions?
19:54	gawainlynch	pregnantbird: Give us a few, just wrapping a dev meeting
19:54	phillipp	gawainlynch rossrileyi think about improving the how-tos section so it doesnt feel like a place for all the things we cannot easily sort into other categories
19:54	gawainlynch	phillipp: Docs or wiki?
19:54	phillipp	docs
19:55	pregnantbird	gawainlynch: sure :)
19:55	phillipp	we talk about docs, right? :D
19:55	gawainlynch	phillipp: Gawain Brain :-)
19:55	phillipp	i am not sure if i can PR changes to your brain
19:55	phillipp	but i can try
19:56	gawainlynch	throw new KoalaException('Drop Brain');
19:56	gawainlynch	OK … well who want's the honours then?
19:57	+SahAssar	</tomato>
19:57	phillipp	lol
19:58	gawainlynch	SahAssar: Haven't I told you that I am fructose intollerant :-P
19:58	phillipp	</beer>
19:58	gawainlynch	…and speeling incapaable
19:58	+SahAssar	gawainlynch: Ah, sorry lemme do the real one: </gathering>
19:59	gawainlynch	#karma SahAssar
19:59	+[BoltIssueBall]	Sorry but karma can only be added for channel members, SahAssar isn't here and they lose out!
19:59	phillipp	everything needs to be Lynch comform these days ...
19:59	gawainlynch	:-P
19:59	gawainlynch	Only services passed to controllers
19:59	gawainlynch	rossriley: You want this one … we're into fun over time now
20:00	phillipp	who needs controllers, i go directly to the DB
20:00	gawainlynch	MMVVVMMVCCQFTP damn it! :-P
20:01	phillipp	omg, he just invented the next awful pattern xD
20:01	gawainlynch	Ja, das ist gut, ja!
20:01	gawainlynch	</bad German>
20:01	phillipp	model-view-koala-tree-model-german-textfile pattern
20:01	pregnantbird	Ja, sehr sehr gut gawain! Ich wusste nicht, dass du Deutsch kannst!
20:02	phillipp	omg the germans are here ...
20:02	gawainlynch	Haha!
20:02	pregnantbird	;)
20:02	+SahAssar	MMVVVMMVCCQFTP is like the ultimate replacement for OMGWTFBBQv2 over IP.
20:02	phillipp	(bavaria excluded)
20:02	gawainlynch	Funniest part was I could read it better than Dutch
20:02	pregnantbird	i am german and bavarian :)
20:02	gawainlynch	ducks that one
20:02	phillipp	then you are not german xD
20:03	pregnantbird	;) that's what the other germans say aswell
20:03	phillipp	you mean the real germans xD
20:03	gawainlynch	pregnantbird: Have you met rarila here?
20:04	gawainlynch	SahAssar: … and yes!
20:04	pregnantbird	nope not is he german, too?
20:04	phillipp	yeah rarila is german
20:04	gawainlynch	Yes … trying to remember the region, but close to Bavaria
20:04	phillipp	ah, so not german
20:04	phillipp	:troll:
20:04	pregnantbird	I am in Berlin so i think i am half german, half bavarian :D
20:05	phillipp	everything below lower-saxony is not germany anymore :P
20:05	gawainlynch	Oh goodness :-D
20:05	phillipp	not sure if berlin is xD
20:05	pregnantbird	phillipp: where are you located? :D
20:05	phillipp	one hour west from hamburg :P
20:05	gawainlynch	OK … fine … I'll do it :-P
20:05	gawainlynch	</meeting>
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