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Dev meeting 2017 02 21

Gawain Lynch edited this page Feb 21, 2017 · 4 revisions


  • Beta progress
  • Feature flags to enable experimental features (@rossriley)
  • Moving weekly meetings to #development on Slack (@GawainLynch)


  • Status on drop bear invasion (@YourGitHubID)

Actionable Items


  • Dev meetings moved to Slack
  • Non-public tagging of 3.3-beta1
  • Ross to release "Bolt 3.3 Base Path Premium Edition For Enterprise" (it's a joke future readers)
  • Agreed to work on a feature flag for storage cut-over
  • Update configuration notices on base path installs


[05:29]  gawainlynch Crap, this one we needed you for … the one to discuss was the flag (edited)
[05:30]  ping bob carson jkazimir ross sahassar … let's get done what we can
[05:30]  …and yeah, if you're out for the night Bob … I don't think much is going down mate
[05:30]  carson Ok I pushed lunch 30 mins out
[05:30]  gawainlynch :+1:
[05:31]  OK the  "flag"
[05:31]  So what Ross (and I) would like is something that can allow earl adopters to switch totally to the new layer, and give us some breathing space while we cut over and flush out bugs
[05:32]  Ross … this would be a really good moment to de-cloak :smile:
[05:33]  @carson: Were you're concerns objections to the concept, or worry about how to implement … and if latter … ideas?
[05:33]  carson Just needs to be implemented carefully WRT DI.
[05:34]  So all DI service names remain present. No conditionals for them
[05:34]  But if `storage` wants to return something different based on config value I’m fine with that
[05:35]  gawainlynch Given the deity status of legacy storage, not sure that is going to be that easy … hence why I'm hoping Ross a) finishes his beer, and; b) has already had a part of a shot at this (edited)
[05:36]  @carson  Also … are you good with the approach so far in #6394 ?
[05:36]  boltissueball #6394 [open] [RFC] Adding the Pimple dumper as a require-dev
[05:37]  carson looking
[05:38]  carson I’ll comment there, but generally in favor
[05:39]  ross here
[05:39]  sorry I'm late
[05:39]  gawainlynch OK … the only other thing is the never ending, 3 month late beta … but the hold up there is Bob basically having to do 3 peoples's work at the moment (me being one of them out sick)
[05:41]  Welcome ross … figured you'd be here, couldn't help giving a nudge 'cause "no #coffee" :smile:
[05:41]  boltissueball turns on the espresso machine for gawainlynch
[05:42]  carson What’s left for 3.3?
[05:42]  gawainlynch Config notices, and release notes I think
[05:42]  Notices can wait, but the release notes I think
[05:43]  ross I need to sort something out with this controller/BoltResponse stuff too.... even if it's only adding the event
[05:43]  gawainlynch Personally, I am for just tagging the dam thing, and publicly releasing a beta 2 … thoughts?
[05:44]  carson Ah yes. Let’s work through that issue first
[05:44]  It is a regression from 3.2
[05:44]  (fine with beta before that)
[05:45]  ross I'm probably one of the few people that heavily used it all over the place :slightly_smiling_face:
[05:45]  gawainlynch Well, approach is the magic question
[05:45]  carson I’ll comment on that issue today. I want to work out a solution there
[05:45]  As I too use it, but probably not as much
[05:46]  gawainlynch But jamming all those objects into the response, please lets not go back there
[05:46]  carson Let’s save the discussion on that for that issue
[05:46]  Keep it all in one place
[05:46]  ross no, I'm fine with tackling it with a better controller design, as in skinny controller methods with services to help build the context
[05:46]  gawainlynch :+1:
[05:46]  carson Can I bring up base path?
[05:46]  gawainlynch Sure
[05:47]  carson I don’t see a reason not to support it. It’s basically handled for us with http-foundation. As long as we are generating urls and using asset paths it’s all transparent.
[05:48]  There is the session “realm” restriction. That should be made a config value, then the users can disable it. (or enable it depending on what we decide is the default)
[05:49]  gawainlynch carson: My objections (are many) , but specifically that there is so much in flux and it is one more thing to support that really shouldn't be used
[05:49]  carson I don’t see how that affects anything that we have in flux
[05:49]  ross yes, I like the idea of supporting too because a) it means we're not hardcoding paths anywhere like the bad old days, and 2) sometimes the first place people will try bolt is for a `/bolt` blog on an existing site
[05:49]  gawainlynch You both have good points
[05:49]  Who's going to own it then?
[05:50]  carson Nobody owns it
[05:50]  ross well I certainly will, I mean we don't have any specific major problems now do we? just a case of making sure it's tested against?
[05:50]  gawainlynch I meant keeping it going, carson
[05:51]  carson Well looks like Ross and I then
[05:51]  gawainlynch Spend more time in #general  … you'll see what I mean (edited)
[05:51]  carson Is there confusion with web server setup?
[05:52]  gawainlynch You know how your mother used to say "If you don't have something nice to say about …" :wink:
[05:52]  carson What I mean is web server setup is almost a different topic IMO
[05:53]  Just because novices can’t figure out how to set it up doesn’t mean our core code shouldn’t support it for those that know what they are doing
[05:53]  gawainlynch Well in people's minds "It's all Bolt's fault"
[05:53]  …and if you're doing web-dev without basic concept of setting up a web server … come on!
[05:54]  sahassar: Could you add a tag to the issue tracker (my attempt right now wouldn't be pleasant) to the effect of "You can't set up a web server"
[05:54]  carson I’m fine discouraging that for novices. That’s different though, than not supporting it.
[05:55]  gawainlynch carson: You have my total agreement there, and to the best of my knowlege thats the "not supported" part
[05:55]  sahassar gawainlynch: Well, I think most of the issues of that nature are here in the slack, not on github.
[05:56]  gawainlynch OK, I'll stay (more) clear of #general  then :smile: `</joke>`
[05:56]  carson Using base paths are supported. Setting up a web server to do that is not supported.
[05:56]  That sounds better to me
[05:57]  gawainlynch ^
[05:57]  ross I'll provide commercial base path support :slightly_smiling_face:
[05:57]  carson what you were saying was like "MSSQL is not supported"
[05:57]  Which is completely different. We have code for base paths
[05:57]  gawainlynch Yeah, but if you're good enough, you can get Bolt running on MSSQL
[05:57]  ross Bolt 3.3 Base Path Premium Edition For Enterprise
[05:58]  carson Ok sounds like we are all on the same page for that.
[05:58]  gawainlynch I've even got Doctrine ORM running in a Bolt instance … but I'm sure as hell not going to "support" that right now
[05:58]  carson Which means the configuration notice should be removed
[05:59]  gawainlynch OK, I'll work with Bob on the config notice then
[05:59]  carson Maybe just reworded....
[05:59]  gawainlynch That repo could use a "tidy"
[05:59]  carson Also there are no problems with the TLD
[06:00]  It’s just the session config option I mentioned previously
[06:00]  gawainlynch Only on Chrome though?
[06:00]  carson And possible that other http host cookie option
[06:00]  It just seems like that’s not the root problem
[06:01]  Or it’s a browser bug
[06:01]  What else do we have? My time is running short
[06:02]  gawainlynch Only Ross' comments on the "flag"
[06:03]  Oh … and it's been 6 weeks since the version string was bumped to beta 1
[06:03]  Vote on a silent tag and making beta2 public?
[06:03]  Too much has changed in the mean time
[06:04]  ross +1
[06:04]  carson Sure, but if it is silent then what's the point lol
[06:04]  gawainlynch Tracking bug reports, as people take the version usually from the debug bar
[06:05]  I periodically bump the alpha branches for that reason
[06:05]  carson They are working on an dev version and aren’t updating composer before submitting bug report? That should be a prerequisite.
[06:06]  gawainlynch You really need to spend more time in #general
[06:06]  Screenshot + "It's broken"
[06:07]  Or "debug bar version" + "its broken" (edited)
[06:07]  bob You get screenshots? lucky you.
[06:07]  carson Ok point taken :slightly_smiling_face:
[06:07]  bob @carson  Have to agree with Gawain here.
[06:08]  carson No stress
[06:08]  I was more so saying we should have a changelog or release notes with the tag
[06:08]  But I’m not trying to create more work for both of yall
[06:08]  gawainlynch We have change log (edited)
[06:08]  carson lol
[06:09]  bob @carson  Dude:
[06:09]  carson slaps myself
[06:10]  gawainlynch carson: Use feathers, they hurt less (edited)
[06:11]  OK … collectively tired & grumpy #meeting
[06:11]  boltissueball </meeting> Failed parsing XML: 'hug' expected, No 'love' shown for bot. Program 'meeting' terminated.
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