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Dev meeting 2017 01 17

Gawain Lynch edited this page Jan 17, 2017 · 2 revisions



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<gawainlynch> ping Bopp carsonfull gawainlynch rossriley SahAssar slick0 
<rossriley> hey hey
<gawainlynch> rossriley: !
<gawainlynch> How goes it 
<rossriley> good
<Bopp> pong
<gawainlynch> Bopp must be cleaning up more beer spills
<gawainlynch> Evening, Bopp 
<gawainlynch> OK … so Bopp 3.3 beta1
<Bopp> ha, thankfully not
<Bopp> I've updated the changelog, 
<Bopp> built a distro
<Bopp> did quick monkeytests
<Bopp> looks good to go. 
<Bopp> So, I think we can release soon. 
<gawainlynch> Aren't those 3.5-alpha?
<Bopp> I just don't expect a huge uptake in the community, because there's only few "front facing" new goodies, 
<Bopp> like "named repeaters", which are in 3.4, but i'm fine with that.. 
<Bopp> to iron out kinks, popping up because of the new deprecation logger. 
<gawainlynch> OK, we'll have to do our own testing
<gawainlynch> Funny how much is in there too :-)
<Bopp>      */
<Bopp>     const VERSION = '3.3.0 beta 1';
<Bopp> those builds are 3.3.0 b1 indeed.
<gawainlynch> Yeah … just not sure why the file names got set that way
<gawainlynch> So anything we're lacking for release?
<Bopp> because no 3.3 beta is tagged, 
<Bopp> I built with `-s dev 3.3`
<gawainlynch> Drep
<gawainlynch> *derp
<gawainlynch> I just derpped spelling derp 
<Bopp> there's 4 things we need to do before release
<Bopp>  - write blog posting
<Bopp>  - Update docs, after dummy-testing and proofreading
<Bopp>  - the build process needs to swap out for something more suited for the audience
<Bopp>  - I'd like to be able to track the _type_ of install, so we can see what gets used. 
<gawainlynch> Funny you should mention that
<Bopp> For that last item i'll need help.. I have an idea for it, but i could use help
<gawainlynch> Did you happen to see the new repos this week on org? ;-)
<Bopp> for the installer?
<Bopp> yes
<Bopp> .. did not see that ..
* Bopp looks puzled
<Bopp> +z
<gawainlynch> OK so the idea is that downloads (not directly from GH) but from the web page and from the installer would hit with query data, and get the file
<gawainlynch> It even haz Monolog 2
<Bopp> hmm, ok.. 
<SahAssar> It's not possible to track via the backend news? Since a lot of flat installs are probably going to be "trying out bolt", not actually using?
<gawainlynch> But yeah, from there we can track "x number of downloads by version", and "x number of installs" via installer
<Bopp> I was thinking along the lines of getting it in /src/Version.php somehow, so it can go alongside the logging we do already
<Bopp> what you mention is nice info, but different than the _usage_ info we get now. 
<Bopp> Anyhow, let's discuss this in person. :-)
<gawainlynch> src/Versions is the wrong place to do this
<Bopp> why? it also has "3.3.0" and "beta".. why not "composer" or "git" or "zip install"?
<gawainlynch> Yeah, sure … must be #beer time soon
* [BoltIssueBall] $this->app['bartender']->setDrink('beer')->setTab('gawainlynch')->serveAll();
<SahAssar> About base-2017 since I wasn't in the last one, and bopp wasn't in the one before that: so I have been looking at the new theme, and while I like the general look of it (besides some niggles of course), I think that if this is supposed to be the "flashy" theme (as mentioned in #6002) we should get some third opinions on it, and make sure it actually achieves that goal.
-[BoltIssueBall]/#boltcms- #6002 [open] We need a new `base-2017` theme. 
<Bopp> before we mosey off to get beers.. 
<Bopp> ah, yes, that. 
<gawainlynch> But there is at least one set of extra data coming our way that will at least give us more insight on interaction at the download level 
<gawainlynch> SahAssar: :+1:
<Bopp> SahAssar: for sure.. I'm mainly working on getting a structure, that allows to do a few different things with the "base" contenttypes. 
<Bopp> from there we can get input on adding bells and whistles
<Bopp> so, no way it'll be ready for 3.3.. 
<gawainlynch> I am with Bopp  on "design by committee", but third party audit of most anything is good
<Bopp> 3.4 seems more likely
<gawainlynch> (topic focused audit)
<Bopp> gawainlynch: The difference is in "asking a few specific people" and "letting everybody voice theit opinion" ;-)
<SahAssar> I'm not looking for "design by commitee" btw, I'm more looking for us to be sure that in does what it aims to do, which is woo the users.
<gawainlynch> Bopp: Not quite what I meant 
<Bopp> oh, ok
<SahAssar> I think all of us usually prefer more "muted" designs, so basically this theme isn't for us, it's for others.
<gawainlynch> What, VT100 terminal colours are muted now? :-P
<Bopp> I stumbled on this one:
<Bopp> This is sort-of the direction i want, only _less_ cluttered. 
<Bopp> but, few different ways to display stuff, collected on one page, 
<Bopp> easy to cut sections. 
<Bopp> anyhow, I'll work on it some more, and all y'all can give more focused feedback on specific things when they're a bit more fleshed out
<gawainlynch> Haha … carsonfull is here in spirit :-)
<Bopp> hehehe
<gawainlynch> Oh, and rossriley & SahAssar … so you have some f'ing idea what Bopp and I mean
<gawainlynch> I have almost finished a port of the Symfony installer PHAR to our needs … and it is pretty sexy 
<gawainlynch> bolt new /var/www//sites/ 3.2
<Bopp> I like how it works by actually using the built packages, just takes care of setting it all up
<gawainlynch> bolt check
<gawainlynch> Anyway … anything more to raise from those that still have internet working
<gawainlynch> Bopp: BTW, I "like" that theme you linked
<Bopp> I am good for now
<gawainlynch> Onwards!
<Bopp> Visually it's so-so, but it has some nice ideas in it.. 
<SahAssar> Nope, not for now... I'll try to get the dragsort thing into 3.4 too.
<Bopp> i'll work more on base-2017
<gawainlynch> Time to fill up my #water glass
* [BoltIssueBall] pours water over gawainlynch…  That is what they wanted, right?
<rossriley> sorry, still here
<Bopp> SahAssar: Yes plox! 
<Bopp> SahAssar: people will _love_ that! 
<gawainlynch> Oh!
<rossriley> jsut if anyone has a chance to test their local extensions during the beta phase
<rossriley> then shout me if there’s any issues
<Bopp> rossriley: I will for sure.. next week i'll update one or two projects at work to the beta. 
<gawainlynch> rossriley: I couldn't get them to work via YAML, but in index.php (:-P) is was fine
<gawainlynch> One thing for some easy-ish help out
<rossriley> ok, I’ll do another check
<gawainlynch> Specifically
<gawainlynch> Review & PRs welcome
<gawainlynch> That is what the installer uses for PHP and install checks
<gawainlynch> It *may* be a good fit as a composer require in core down the track, but for now a good place to hash it out 
<rossriley> cool, not super urgent, but one thing for the radar, we’ll have to provide some query performance options at some point in the near future…. ran into a mysql one via #6264 
-[BoltIssueBall]/#boltcms- #6264 [open] [BUG] Large numbers of repeater fields crash MySQL 
<gawainlynch> Yeah … I've been ninja watching that discussion 
<rossriley> it’s one of those where the default queries are good for general usage but we need to cater for edge cases too
<gawainlynch> Do you have any ideas on approach yet?
<rossriley> same as eager versus lazy load for relationships and other joins
<rossriley> I’ve got an idea for that one yes...
<rossriley> but I’m running into others too...
<rossriley> including the very old bolt bug I found the other day
<gawainlynch> When did thta one go back to?
<rossriley> #112
-[BoltIssueBall]/#boltcms- #112 [closed] Add Frontend controller for taxonomies: /taxonomy/tag/foo, taxonomy/category/bar, etc. 
<gawainlynch> Oh my
<SahAssar> "Now for another episode of bolt archaeology!"
<SahAssar> :)
<rossriley> I’m surprised it’s gone unnoticed that long
<gawainlynch> They didn't have Bolt's that long ago, SahAssar :-P
<Bopp> that thing in 112 is pretty obscure :-)
<rossriley> yes, it would manifest for most people just having an incorrect count on the page
<rossriley> so probably noone noticed
<SahAssar> gawainlynch: "In this ancient language they actually had different terms for basic concepts, like awesome CMS'es"
<gawainlynch> Wow … that was an interesting read
<gawainlynch> OK, well I have more stuff down on the config loader and am at about 80% there now I think
<gawainlynch> rossriley: How's your remainder of 3.4 stuff coming along?
<rossriley> I’ve semi-finished named repeaters, need to go back and revisit the mapping refactor WIP once your config loader is in
<rossriley> I’m also porting the yaml import/export to the new storage engine
<gawainlynch> Yeah … that reminds me … the follow up to config is to move the remainder of the backend to entity objects, about 85% on that one, but I'll need to team up with you on some of the last parts 
<rossriley> yes, sure
<gawainlynch> Oh yeah, that import export will be good
<Bopp> yeah, cool stuff
<gawainlynch> OK, well that about fills our roster with 3.4 work … lets pump these sucker out shall we :-)
<SahAssar> Yep, being able to import/export better will be a lifesaver at intendit... Also, named repeaters are something that a lot of people will adore, so both those sound very awesome to me
<rossriley> yes, should be full import/export facility for content in 3.4
<rossriley> including all the joins
<Bopp> cool
<Bopp> then 3.4 will have a ton of nice new goodies :-)
<SahAssar> rossriley: I'll send you a case of whatever you're having whenever it lands :)
<gawainlynch> A; What do you name your repeater?
<gawainlynch> B: Repeater
<gawainlynch> A; What do you name your other repeater?
<gawainlynch> B: Repeater
<gawainlynch> A; What do you name your other other repeater?
<gawainlynch> B: Repeater
<rossriley> GOTO 10
<SahAssar> "My other repeater is a repeater"
<gawainlynch> Haha!
<rossriley> there you go, we even managed to fit a BASIC reference into tonight’s meeting
<gawainlynch> I don't have anything against repeaters, some of my friends are repeaters 
<gawainlynch> We have achieved a small piece of greatness in the nothing department tonight 
<gawainlynch> :-D
<gawainlynch> </meeting>
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