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Dev meeting 2016 09 20

Gawain Lynch edited this page Sep 21, 2016 · 7 revisions


Actionable Items



<Bopp>  ping phillipp2, carsonfull, rarila, SahAssar, rossriley, and others.
welcome, welcome. :-)
<rossriley>  pong
<phillipp2>  png
<carsonfull>  ponh
<Bopp>  Yesterday was the 3.2 feature freeze, so any _new_ features not in the PR queue (either GTG or WIP) will have to wait until 3.3 at least.
<Bopp>  so that means we'll be able to finish Ross' #5787 
(notice) #5787 [open] Fix the underscore hyphen debacle 
<Bopp>  Tobe's #5768
(notice) #5768 [open] Bolt changed to make image aliases work #3703  — assigned to CarsonF
<Bopp>  carsonfull: is #5761 for 3.2 or later?
(notice) #5761 [open] [WIP] Update FS's url plugin to use Symfony's Asset Packages 
<carsonfull>  Bopp: Let's make it 3.3
<Bopp>  carsonfull: Okido.
<carsonfull>  I need to review the thumbnail pr in core. I think there are changes from PR in thumbs repo that haven't been synced up
<Bopp>  carsonfull: Ok. Would be great if you can take the lead on that.
Ross: #5748. How far along is that one?
(notice) #5748 [open] Update bootstrap to check non-hidden config files 
<carsonfull>  Sure.
<rossriley>  as far as I know that is ready to go
<carsonfull>  Do we want to allow app objects being returned and as an array with application key?
<rossriley>  although as @carsonfull added on that thread we will need to adjust the composer-install repo
<Bopp>  ok. cool.. Same for #5787 ?
[BoltIssueBall] (notice) #5787 [open] Fix the underscore hyphen debacle 
<rossriley>  but that’s a separate todo
<carsonfull>  And it's BC so it can still come first
<rossriley>  yes, would be grateful if one it’s in everyone gave a test just to make sure
<Bopp>  I'd be willing to merge those in as-is, seeing how we're entering beta for 3.2.. Testing will be good to do on those things.
<rossriley>  *once it’s in
<Bopp>  so, yes, that. :-)
carsonfull: about your question.. in practice, no we shouldn't, but at the same time it doesn't bother me really.
<carsonfull>  It just feels like we should have one way to do something
But I guess if it's like a shortcut it makes sense
<Bopp>  imho it's more important we _document_ consistently..
personally, don't care what people do beyond that. :-)
<carsonfull>  WFM
<Bopp>  so, one documented way to do something. basically
<phillipp2>  ah, rossriley, do you think you have some time for the custom bootstrap PR? I appreciate your current PR but we need something 3.0+
<SahAssar>  is late
<Bopp>  hey there, SahAssar
<carsonfull>  I also wouldn't mind writing some updates for custom bootstrapping...since I was basically the one that changed it all
<Bopp>  Ok, cool
<carsonfull>  But I don't want to step on ross' toes
<rossriley>  phillipp2: this is effectively ok for 3.0
<Bopp>  Ok, any further points to raise?
<phillipp2>  oh ok. thought we have that page since 2.2 and wasnt sure if that still works
maybe carsonfull could do a second check and also a check on rossriley PR
if gtg, I would merge that in then
<rossriley>  carsonfull: you were going to PR in your node / collection classes, you still ok to do that?
<carsonfull>  Yeah I am. It's been on my mind. Just trying to get this other PR I'm first
<Bopp>  carsonfull: for 3.3, right?
<carsonfull>  Phillip I can look over / merge ross' pr and follow up behind him I see any changes I want to make
<phillipp2>  carsonfull: sounds good
<carsonfull>  Bopp: yeah....I wanted to go for 3.2 but the branch is getting bigger. Probably should go into 3.3
<carsonfull>  Just means S3 has to wait for that release :(
<Bopp>  Ok.
I'm going to update the roadmap for the current freeze, and merge in some things. Expect (hopefully minor) bugs to pop up. :-)
Roadmap will say we're aiming for release around 10th of october
(three weeks from yesterday)
More points to raise?
If not, i'm going to call it. </meeting>
Thanks, all!
<SahAssar>  #beer
[BoltIssueBall]    $this->app['bartender']->setDrink('beer')->setTab('SahAssar')->serveAll();
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