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Deprecations Tracker

Carson Full edited this page Feb 27, 2016 · 15 revisions

Bolt v3.0

Silex Services

  • console -> nut


  • Use of config.yml for configuration settings


  • Field type number


  • add parameter

Aliased Classes

Old namespace New namespace
Bolt\Extensions\Snippets\Location Bolt\Asset\Target
Bolt\Content Bolt\Legacy\Content
Bolt\Storage Bolt\Legacy\Storage
Bolt\Field\Base Bolt\Storage\Field\Base
Bolt\Field\FieldInterface Bolt\Storage\Field\FieldInterface
Bolt\Field\Manager Bolt\Storage\Field\Manager


Deprecated Constants
Deprecated Properties
  • $app['end']
  • $app['integritychecker']
  • $app['safe_twig']
Deprecated Functions
  • __isset()
  • afterHandler()
  • beforeHandler()
  • checkDatabaseConnection()
  • errorHandler()
  • generatePath()
  • getVersion()
  • initMountpoints()
Removed Constants
Remove Properties
  • $app['log']
  • $app['request.client_ip']
Removed Functions
  • getDBOptions()


Class removed

Deprecated Constants
  • All
Deprecated Properties
  • All
Deprecated Functions
  • All
  • addConsoleCommand()
  • addCss()
  • addJavascript()
  • addJquery()
  • addMenuOption()
  • addSnippet()
  • addTwigFilter()
  • addTwigFunction()
  • addWidget()
  • clearAssets()
  • disableJquery()
  • getApp()
  • getAssets()
  • getBasePath()
  • getBaseUrl()
  • getComposerJSON()
  • getComposerName()
  • getConfig()
  • getDefaultConfig()
  • getExtensionConfig()
  • getInstallType()
  • getName()
  • getSnippets()
  • getTwigExtensions()
  • initializeTwig()
  • isSafe()
  • parseSnippet()
  • setComposerConfiguration()
  • setInstallType()
Removed Constants
Remove Properties
  • $basepath
  • $configLoaded
  • $filterlist
  • $functionlist
  • $namespace
  • $snippetlist
  • $twigExtension
Removed Functions
  • getMachineName()
  • hasMenuOptions()
  • getMenuOptions()
  • requireUserLevel()
  • requireUserPermission()
  • parseWidget()


Deprecated Constants
Deprecated Properties
Deprecated Functions
  • clearCache()
Removed Constants
Remove Properties
Removed Functions


To be entirely removed in v4.0

Deprecated Constants
  • All
Deprecated Properties
  • All
Deprecated Functions
  • All
  • getWhichEnd()
Removed Constants
Remove Properties
Removed Functions


To be entirely removed in v4.0

Deprecated Constants
  • All
Deprecated Properties
  • All
Deprecated Functions
  • All
Removed Constants
Remove Properties
Removed Functions

Bolt\Content (Bolt\Legacy\Content)

To be entirely removed in v4.0

Deprecated Constants
  • All
Deprecated Properties
  • All
Deprecated Functions
  • All
Removed Constants
Remove Properties
Removed Functions


To be entirely removed in v4.0

Deprecated Constants
  • All
Deprecated Properties
  • All
Deprecated Functions
  • All
Removed Constants
Remove Properties
Removed Functions


To be entirely removed in v4.0

Deprecated Constants
  • All
Deprecated Properties
  • All
Deprecated Functions
  • All
Removed Constants
Remove Properties
Removed Functions


To be entirely removed in v4.0

Deprecated Constants
Deprecated Properties
Deprecated Functions
  • addJquery()
  • clearSnippetQueue()
  • disableJquery()
  • getAssets()
  • insertAfterCss()
  • insertAfterJs()
  • insertAfterMeta()
  • insertBeforeCss()
  • insertBeforeJS()
  • insertEndOfBody()
  • insertEndOfHead()
  • insertEndOfHtml()
  • insertSnippet()
  • insertStartOfBody()
  • insertStartOfHead()
  • insertWidget()
  • processAssets()
  • processSnippetQueue()
  • renderWidget()
  • renderWidgetHolder()
Removed Constants
Remove Properties
  • $menuoptions
Removed Functions


Class removed

Deprecated Constants
Deprecated Properties
Deprecated Functions
Removed Constants
Remove Properties
Removed Functions


To be entirely removed in v4.0

Deprecated Constants
  • All
Deprecated Properties
  • All
Deprecated Functions
  • All
Removed Constants
Remove Properties
Removed Functions


Deprecated Constants
Deprecated Properties
Deprecated Functions
Removed Constants
Remove Properties
Removed Functions


Class removed

Deprecated Constants
Deprecated Properties
Deprecated Functions
Removed Constants
  • All
Remove Properties
  • All
Removed Functions
  • All

Bolt\Storage (Bolt\Legacy\Storage)

To be entirely removed in v4.0

Deprecated Constants
  • All
Deprecated Properties
  • All
Deprecated Functions
  • All
Removed Constants
Remove Properties
Removed Functions


To be entirely removed in v4.0

Deprecated Constants
  • All
Deprecated Properties
  • All
Deprecated Functions
  • All
  • filesizeToBytes()
  • formatFilesize()
  • getExtension()
  • loadSerialize()
  • parseTwigTemplates()
  • path()
  • redirect()
  • safeFilename()
  • saveSerialize()
  • simpleredirect()
  • smartUnserialize()
Removed Constants
Remove Properties
Removed Functions
  • hackislyParseRegexTemplates()


Class removed.

Deprecated Constants
Deprecated Properties
Deprecated Functions
Removed Constants
  • All
Remove Properties
  • All
Removed Functions
  • All


Deprecated Constants
Deprecated Properties
Deprecated Functions
  • __call()
  • __get()
Removed Constants
Remove Properties
Removed Functions


Deprecated Constants
Deprecated Properties
Deprecated Functions
  • columnDecimal() used for deprecated number ContentType field
Removed Constants
Remove Properties
Removed Functions


Deprecated Constants
Deprecated Properties
  • $group
  • $sortorder
Deprecated Functions
Removed Constants
Remove Properties
Removed Functions


To be entirely removed in v4.0

Deprecated Constants
  • All
Deprecated Properties
  • All
Deprecated Functions
  • All
Removed Constants
Remove Properties
Removed Functions


  • interval column support
Deprecated Constants
Deprecated Properties
Deprecated Functions
Removed Constants
Remove Properties
Removed Functions


Deprecated Constants
Deprecated Properties
Deprecated Functions
  • imageInfo()
    1. Following returned key value are no longer available:
    • filename
    • fullpath
    • url
    1. No longer returns an array, now returns Bolt\Filesystem\Handler\Image\Exif object, with matching properties
Removed Constants
Remove Properties
Removed Functions


Deprecated Constants
Deprecated Properties
Deprecated Functions
  • fancybox(){{ fancybox() }} & {{ |fancybox }}
  • isChangelogEnabled(){{ ischangelogenabled() }}
  • printDump(){{ print() }}
  • token(){{ token() }}
  • trim(){{ trimtext() }} & {{ |trimtext }}
  • {{ user() }}
  • {{ users() }}
Removed Constants
Remove Properties
Removed Functions


To be entirely removed in v4.0

Deprecated Constants
  • All
Deprecated Properties
  • All
  • $authtokentable
  • $usertable
Deprecated Functions
  • All
  • checkAntiCSRFToken()
  • checkValidSession()
  • getActiveSessions()
  • getAntiCSRFToken()
  • getCurrentUsername()
  • isValidSession()
  • login()
  • loginAuthtoken()
  • loginEmail()
  • loginUsername()
  • logout()
  • resetPasswordConfirm()
  • resetPasswordRequest()
  • updateUserLogin()
Removed Constants
Remove Properties
Removed Functions

Bolt v3.1

Bolt v3.2

Bolt v4.0

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