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Dev meeting 2017 09 12

Gawain Lynch edited this page Sep 17, 2017 · 3 revisions


  • 3.4.0 beta (@GawainLynch)
  • [RFC] Thoughts on deprecating all methods on the Content object #6985
  • [RFC] Symfony 4/Flex & Silex 2 project filesystem layout #6982


  • Status on drop bear invasion (@YourGitHubID)

Actionable Items



gawainlynch ping @bob @carson @lenvanessen @ross @sahassar

ross pong

bob pong

carson o/

gawainlynch OK, while we wait … @carson & @ross have you two had a look at #6982 ?

boltissueball #6982 [open] [4.0] Phase II: Symfony 4/Flex & Silex 2 project filesystem layout

gawainlynch It is basically no code changes beyond paths, so really interested in your thoughts on layout

ross I have, I like the layout

gawainlynch Sweet … keen to hear what anyone else has to say, but I figured the only person out of the loop has been Carson in Mexico

Yeah, I like it too, but you knew that already

ross does that match pretty much exactly what symfony is moving to?

carson I don’t like templates/source - that should be in public

templates are twig files, not js/css files

gawainlynch ¿qué? source is source

ross you don't want src files in public?

carson maybe not, but they aren’t template files

gawainlynch Yeah, my thought too … I get the Twig / JS distinction, but public isn't the place

I think it makes sense, assuming the “assets” get copied on the fly to public.

~Keeping twig out is good, though.~ (edited)

carson I also think it’s weird database and translations go under app, but config and templates do not. Seems inconsistent

gawainlynch @carson I'm just following upstream as much as can be …

ross in the real world though none of those exist if you use the composer install, all the app/view and app/src files stay in vendor

bob That’s in paralel with SF 4.

Personally, I was fine with app/config/, but keeping it in sync with SF is good, too

carson @ross Of course, but we want user installs to match core mostly. (edited)

gawainlynch There's a PR for that too :slightly_smiling_face:

carson That wasn’t my point

gawainlynch I know, being cheeky

lenvanessen Pong

carson what about `static` or something else other than `templates` and `public` for frontend assets that need to be built

gawainlynch That … has … potential :slightly_smiling_face:

carson or maybe `assets`

gawainlynch That also has potential … thoughts from others?

gawainlynch is leaning towards `assets` at the mo' but hasn't really thought it though

bob `assets` could be confusing wit `{{ asset() }}`, though

gawainlynch @bob: Important point there though, `assets` would be where things used in `{{ asset() }}` would be built

ross any idea what symfony is using?

@gawainlynch Yes, exactly why i’m mentioning it. :slightly_smiling_face:

gawainlynch None currently, I didn't dig that far

oh, wait..


In that case, might be a good idea

gawainlynch :slightly_smiling_face:

Let me have a quick dig … while I do: [RFC] Symfony 4/Flex & Silex 2 project filesystem layout #6982

boltissueball #6982 [open] [4.0] Phase II: Symfony 4/Flex & Silex 2 project filesystem layout

That’s the same one. :slightly_smiling_face:

gawainlynch copy/pasta :epic_fail:

[RFC] Thoughts on deprecating all methods on the Content object #6985

boltissueball #6985 [open] [RFC] Thoughts on deprecating all methods on the Content object

Let’s not deprecate stuff until the replacements are in place..

Other than that, I can live with it

gawainlynch That is the point of that RFC, and my previous RFC PR

ross yes, that's the plan... I'm gonna PR the other methods

Ok, all good then

gawainlynch That was easier than last time then :slightly_smiling_face:

.. because we quarreled enough about it then. :wink:

ross @gawainlynch is it feasible to pass in aliases to the Twig functions via the legacy service? or will that not work with the new runtime separations

gawainlynch Pfft … you just like Ross' PRs better than mine :stuck_out_tongue: `</kidding>`

ross so for the intervening period we can get `` and `record|next` to point to the same method

It’s just an `[RFC]` :wink:

carson `|next` is a pretty generic filter though and could mean many different things in different situations (edited)

gawainlynch @ross: Tossing over your question … There is (if I am understanding it correctly) nothing stopping us putting stuff into services and them accessing those services from legacy & the runtimes

ross I might put together a proof of concept for that then since that would reduce the BC breaks considerably

carson What does next even mean? Current record id + 1?

gawainlynch ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I've never used it, ever

bob Ha

It _can_ mean that.

If you have a listing at say `/pages`,

and it shows items 1, 2, 3, 6, 10.

then next for 3 would be 6.

ross it's in the Twig api

bob it uses the sorting, set in contenttypes.yml

ross if you have pages/1 it links to the next page by date desc

bob ^ @ross _IF_ `date desc` is the used order.

ross true, that's the default

carson Ok so it's based on the content types sorting config


ross I don't think many people use it, but... if it's in the docs then we need to BC protect it

We use it in the majority of sites we make

if it has something that resembles a blog, I like to put it in

ross I guess it makes more sense in a Blog style layout

^ snap

yes, that.


carson what about `next_record`?

bob `{{ record|next_record }}` :-1:

carson The problem is the filter is a gobal function, where the next method was scoped to the record object.

bob I think that’s the price we’ll have to pay, if we move away from methods on the record object.

gawainlynch 6982 updated and pushed… even the PR text :slightly_smiling_face:

I'm a bit uneasy on that one TBH

Yeah, not thrilled either now i see it like that..

Assets looks kinda “lost”, there.

gawainlynch No, I meant the Twig one

It only takes one PR from Fabien and we are in a world of pain

carson `{% setcontent asdf = next record %}` next being a constant string and record being the record object (edited)

bob I’m not sure I like that syntax.

carson Well reality is a lot of logic needs to be ran to determine the next record, so hiding it in a twig filter may lead to “hidden” performance “issues”

ross The goal is to put it in a filter so we don't have to inject every service into the content objects

That should not be a reason to introduce complex-looking syntax.

ross We can streamline it more once we have an API defined

carson Ross - I agree about not injecting services (edited)

And since they aren’t being injected they need to be some kind of global service that we can query

moving it to a twig filter that expects a record object just pushes the problem from one place to another

`{{ }}`

^ That’s a separate service that we are calling with our record object and it doesn’t pollute the global twig function/filter names. Thoughts?

gawainlynch I like the cleanliness … I personally would go for it, but I can already hear the complaints from the … complainers?

I’m not a big fan, for one.

gawainlynch is lost on descriptive words ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

uploaded this image: not a big fan.jpg

bob (sorry)

carson @ross this is your area, what do you think?

bob As you all know, I personally like `{{ }}`, but I can follow along with the necessity to change it, but I don’t like this alternative much.

gawainlynch Unpopular suggestion inbound … what about a _service_ called `record`

carson Nope

:ear: : (edited)

carson Services shouldn’t be named like entity names

Needs to be more action based than noun based

gawainlynch I get that … but we're coming from further and further behind here

carson ?

gawainlynch Well, we haven't heard from Ross, but this goes into FE advocacy territory, and you and I are not building a convincing argument to convince them … and we're not in the good book already with that crew

Thing is, we _can_ explain and document most things.. After a few bumps, nobody minds `{{ asset() }}` anymore.

gawainlynch I mean I like the `query` idea, and am not ready to capitulate yet … but currently I am not bringing anything to the table to add value on getting our PoV across the line

And _maybe_ all it takes is a better name for it, so I’m not shooting it down at all.

ross We can fine tune the names at PR stage

I'll get the code together first and we can discuss

carson Well filters vs what I suggested are coded very differently

Sure.. seeing it in action will make it much easier to come up with better names.

carson It’s not just naming is what I’m saying

> Well filters vs what I suggested are coded very differently

bob :thinking_face:

gawainlynch @bob: So if it was `{{ }}` ?

ross Personally if we aren't planning anything else for a next filter then I don't see the harm.

It's a small mental overhead to switch to the filter

bob Well, `{{ }}` and `{{ }}` could be good, I think

ross And still reads naturally to non programmers

bob For a certain value of `whatever`

perhaps `{{ linker.self(record) }}`, `{{ }}` ? (edited)

`{{ helper.excerpt(record) }}` ?

carson I like `linker`. It is a do-er word.

bob except `linker.excerpt` doesn’t really fit.

but a verb might be good.

carson Right excerpt shouldn’t go there

excerpt should be handled in the same way record.image is done

It’s basically magic for a certain field in the record object right? we have more than one of those, it would make sense to group them together

gawainlynch image & excerpt?

carson If those are the only two then yeah

There’s lots of magic there that I don’t agree with - I would be fine just deprecating them

bob I’m against deprecating before we’ve agreed on a replacement

gawainlynch Excerpt is kinda ugly in terms of magic/overhead … idk that attached to the entity is a good idea at all

carson I was saying deprecate to remove

gawainlynch OK, can we push those two until next week then?

I am 17 hours into my day personally, and I don't think we're getting anywhere with this yet

carson Maybe can be worked on as a PR until then?

gawainlynch :+1:

Ok, let’s think on it


gawainlynch Well anything to raise then?

bob Yes

3.4 beta.

#6970 is open

boltissueball #6970 [open] [3.4] Don't show files & directories that start with a dot

bob I am OK with it, gawain wanted to run it by @ross and @carson

Or, carson specifically

carson Ohh there’s a lot there. I’ll  read through it and talk with gawain offline (edited)

gawainlynch Yeah, I didn't raise it just now for that reason :slightly_smiling_face:

ross Yes I haven't had chance to look through. Will this evening

ok. Gawain and I discussed approach a ton already, so i think it’s mostly about the actual implementation.

Finally: #6994 popped up today.. It doesn’t sit well with me.

boltissueball #6994 [open] [ BUG ] Saving empty page throws NotNullConstraintViolationException exception

bob Is it something that should be sorted before we do a 3.4 public beta?

gawainlynch Yes

… and 3.3.4

Since it’s in the DBAL stuff, I assume it’s in `3.3` branch as well.

gawainlynch I'm on it, and it is almost done :wink:


awesome, mate. (edited)

Ok, those two were on my list to bring up..

gawainlynch I'm a little uneasy with what needs to happen, but it is more that we don't have a choice, and "previous rants" :wink:

@bob regards the `assets/` thing in master … its a 4 line change to move it, and we are months out of doing anything public … so lets :shipit: and fine tune that one when better ideas come up

bob Sure, want me to merge it (and the linked ones) in?

gawainlynch It yeah … the Travis fail is their new PHP 7.2-RC1 build … I can push a Travis change but it isn't related to the PR iteself

Hold off on the other two for a second though

lenvanessen Sorry for the awayness:) Was at a client:)

bob Okido

Welcome back, @lenvanessen  :wink:

(as an aside: Apple has “PHP 6'ed” the Iphone: They are going to release the iphone 8 and iphone X at the same time)

lenvanessen If you need anymore info on #6994 just shout:)

boltissueball #6994 [open] [ BUG ] Saving empty page throws NotNullConstraintViolationException exception

gawainlynch Oh Len, thanks for your work today … closed the two blockers on 3.4-beta

… and opened one more blocker :stuck_out_tongue:


gawainlynch Nah, it is in hand mate, fix almost done

lenvanessen I’m using multiple names now to send in issues on git

So you won’t know it’s me

gawainlynch I'll still know

lenvanessen RTowarek is my polish alter ego

gawainlynch Would would like the honours? (edited)

bob “L3nv4n#ssen”

nobody will know it’s you!

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