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Dev meeting 2017 03 21

Bob den Otter edited this page Mar 21, 2017 · 7 revisions


  • Contextual release news items on #6489 (@GawainLynch)
  • 3.3 Public Beta progress see tracker 6001 (@BobdenOtter)
    • #6382 - Status on making sure it doesn't break BC.(Action: @CarsonF #6443 )
    • Consistent way to get 'parsed' field data from Records and Repeaters (see #6472 , #6473 , #6474) (@Bob)


  • Status on drop bear invasion (@YourGitHubID)

Actionable Items



bob [7:30 PM] :clock730:


@channel Let's get started!

Who's joining in tonight? @gawainlynch @ross @sahassar @carson ?

carson [7:31 PM] here

bob [7:31 PM] Hey carson

gawainlynch [7:32 PM] Was compiling the opening … but here

bob [7:32 PM] Welcome 🙂

@gawainlynch You wanna lead, or shall I?

gawainlynch [7:33 PM] You can fire away …

bob [7:33 PM] Okido..

Today's agenda:

Contextual release news items on #6489 (@gawainlynch)

boltissueball [7:33 PM] #6489 [open] [RFC] Contextual release news items on — assigned to bobdenotter

bob [7:34 PM] I agree we need to do that better. As I mentioned in that Issue, I have something half-baked for that.

I will take it upon me to get that one sorted.

gawainlynch [7:34 PM] Yeah, that was more a brainstorm to try to make your life easier

bob [7:35 PM] Yeah, it's a good nudge to get that done. 🙂

ok, agreed.. next.

gawainlynch [7:35 PM] WFM

bob [7:35 PM]

3.3 Public Beta progress see tracker 6001 (@BobdenOtter)

There's not much progress there, last week.

Carson has a ton on his plate, but he's the bottleneck for this: #6382 / #6443

boltissueball [7:36 PM] #6382 [open] [RFC] Improving Controller Reusability

#6443 [open] [WIP] TemplateView

gawainlynch [7:37 PM] Well there was the PR from carson today for your SEO extension (style) issue

bob [7:37 PM] Carson, any progress on that?

carson [7:37 PM] TemplateView?

Not yet. It’s next on my list

Needed to get session and canonical changes done first

bob [7:37 PM] Ok, cool.

(as an aside: I'd still like docs on what to do with it in the SEO ext.. I have no clue)

carson [7:38 PM] Yeah I plan to just make some PRs to that extension after TemplateView is merged

bob [7:39 PM] Ah, cool.

carson [7:40 PM] And that’s the other elephant in my room. Docs need a ton of work from me

bob [7:40 PM] Yeah, nobody will contest that you also have a ton on your plate.

Anyhow, let's keep an eye on that, knowing it's not forgotten.

On to the next:

Consistent way to get 'parsed' field data from Records and Repeaters (see #6472 , #6473 , #6474) (@bob)

boltissueball [7:41 PM] #6472 [open] Discrepancy in {{ }} vs {{ record.get('foo') }}

#6473 [open] [WIP] Api compatibility with legacy content objects

#6474 [open] 🚧 🔨 Fix/clean up sub fields

bob [7:41 PM] It feels like those three related issues are in a deadlock, and nobody really knows what the best way forward would be.


So.. What should we do to get it sorted?

carson [7:43 PM] Well I thought we concluded that we would hack it together somehow

bob [7:43 PM] but how?

carson [7:44 PM] I can’t remember. I thought @ross had the direction

bob [7:44 PM] I have no idea how to fix that, without making it kludgy.

So, any bright minds have any idea? Or should I go ahead and kludge it to the best of my abilities?

gawainlynch [7:47 PM] Well, it is the kludging part I really want to avoid

…from any of us

bob [7:48 PM] Yeah, i'd like that too. But at the same time, we should also push forward to get 3.3 out of the door. (and on to 3.4 and 4.0)

carson [7:49 PM] The problem is we are heading into unported territory. And I don’t think there’s a good way to port this functionality with the current API we’ve been locked into

bob [7:49 PM] How about this: I "kludge" a [WIP] PR, and the other team members can help straighten it out, to a reasonable extent?

gawainlynch [7:50 PM] My silence is just thought

carson [7:51 PM] My current feeling is Storage needs to be rewritten in 4.0 without BC concern.

gawainlynch [7:51 PM] Storage should be gone as of 4.0 though

carson [7:51 PM] The storage layer I mean

gawainlynch [7:51 PM] Oh

bob [7:52 PM] the what now?

"Legacy", you mean?

carson [7:52 PM] No the new stuff too

bob [7:52 PM] and replace it again?

gawainlynch [7:52 PM] "Drop the legacy crap"

carson [7:53 PM] It’s not just the legacy stuff

It’s less NIH

bob [7:53 PM] I think we all agree 'legacy' will be scrapped. That's why it's called legacy.

but, we sort of need the new storage layer

carson [7:53 PM] we need a storage layer

bob [7:55 PM] I feel this warrants its own discussion, because this is new to me, and will likely be a tremendous piece of effort.

carson [7:55 PM] Maybe we don’t need to entirely scrap what we have, but it needs a lot of work

gawainlynch [7:55 PM] brb … me wombat's on fire

carson [7:55 PM] What we have needs a lot of work

bob [7:56 PM] ok, but let's park this for now. Feel free to put it on the agenda for next week.

carson [7:56 PM] I was just trying to say, I’m not sure there’s a way to not hack this together until we can break BC

bob [7:56 PM] Ok, point taken.

I will go forward and propose a fix, being open to tweaks from others.

Because it'll be somewhere on the hackish spectrum, so let's just get on with it.


carson [7:58 PM] WFM

bob [7:59 PM] Ok, any WvtTK remarks before we close?

I have two:

  1. About "Bundled Extensions": Happy that Carson made the PR for that. It's such a simple change, but it's both easier to communicate and to help support going forward.

carson [8:01 PM] WvtTK? (edited)

gawainlynch [8:01 PM] "WvtTK" ~= What other business

bob [8:01 PM] 2) Last week we discussed which extensions should or should not be in the Bolt namespace. After the meeting i noticed that my PasswordProtect extension has gone missing. Since no action was taken there to make a list by anyone, I assume that that was the "big one" that needed to get out. Let's just leave it at that.

carson [8:02 PM] I honestly haven’t looked recently, but previously there were others that needed help

But that doesn’t mean they need to leave the bolt org

gawainlynch [8:03 PM] @bob: As per that email discussion you never replied to, the PP extension just had its admin flag off

It's currently wide open

bob [8:04 PM] @gawainlynch I was under the assumption that @sahassar and I would work on it, to fix the major objections.

.. Which I have been working on a bunch

IMHO, in it's current state it's not more insecure than a .htpassword solution, and it's not more "open" than the bolt.db file that's in the folder right next to the config.

I agree it needed work, and work has been done (and almost finished)

Still, the way it suddenly went missing was a very unpleasant surprise to me.

But, as I said, let's leave it at that. Onwards.

gawainlynch [8:08 PM] I put it in a list of "Advised actions" on the 6th of March … noboby's updated me since

Nonetheless, on last check it was still exposing the whole session service to the sandbox

bob [8:10 PM] As I said, I am still working on it.

gawainlynch [8:10 PM] Now, I know 🙂

carson [8:11 PM] Was there a release in the market place?

gawainlynch [8:11 PM] All master versions can be installed via the UI

carson [8:12 PM] Really? That’s dumb

bob [8:12 PM] Carson was going to help me sort out the thing with the sessions, but we hit a bump last week.

carson [8:13 PM] Yeah I guess I would only have a problem with it if it was available to users to install

bob [8:13 PM] it used to be.

Anyhow, i will continue working on it.

gawainlynch [8:14 PM] :+1:

carson [8:14 PM] :+1:

bob [8:15 PM] Ok, anything else?

ross [8:15 PM] ugh, sorry all got held up

carson [8:16 PM] Hey Ross, no worries

bob [8:16 PM] Hey Ross.

Anyhow.. Anything else for right now?

If not...


boltissueball [8:17 PM] Failed parsing XML: 'hug' expected, No 'love' shown for bot. Program 'meeting' terminated.

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