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Dev meeting 2017 01 10

Gawain Lynch edited this page Jan 10, 2017 · 4 revisions


  • 3.3 beta date? (@Bob)
    • Status of the Local Extensions replacement: PR landed, some docs have been written. Both probably need work for 3.3 stable, but looking good so far. (@Bob)
    • Should we include new base-2017 theme in 3.3? Current status -> Progressing, see: (@Bob)
  • Dropping support for installs in subfolders or adding tests for it? (@SahAssar)


  • Status on drop bear invasion (@YourGitHubID)

Actionable Items



<gawainlynch> ping Bopp carsonfull gawainlynch rarila rixbeck rossriley SahAssar slick0_ 
<Bopp> pong
<rarila> PENG!
<gawainlynch> Evening, rarila!
<rarila> Even ping gawainlynch!
<rossriley> evening
<gawainlynch> Haha! Touché!
<gawainlynch> Evening, rossriley 
<gawainlynch> OK… rolling then
<gawainlynch> Beta 3 …
<gawainlynch> Bopp where goeth that ship matey?
<Bopp> I think I am currently the bottleneck
<Bopp> Package script is working, first monkeytests seem OK
<Bopp> I need to fix up the changelog
<Bopp> and a blog posting
<Bopp> and we're good to go. 
<gawainlynch> OK cool, so no blocker from us then
<gawainlynch> *blockers
<Bopp> I am just a bit over-strecthed at the moment :-/
<gawainlynch> I know, all good mate
<rarila> who isn't … :(
<gawainlynch> * Dropping support for installs in subfolders or adding tests for it? (@SahAssar)
<Bopp> So yeah, this weekend at the latest, I bet for Beta 3.3
<gawainlynch> … who is absentia, but nonetheless 
<Bopp> Installing the "non-flat" version in a subfolder makes no sense at all
<gawainlynch> Zero stress, as long as we're not blocking you … kicked a lot of stuff over on the weekend, so I guess not
<rossriley> We have the fix for that
<Bopp> But for the "flat" version, i can see how people might benefit from that. 
<Bopp> poor sods, on their FTP's
<rossriley> carson PR’d the PathsProxy backport, so we just need a new minor 3.2 release
<gawainlynch> I'm not even sure why we want to support subdirectories in that way in 20117, do we?
<Bopp> Ross: Fix for the issue with subfolders, you mean? 
<rossriley> yes
<Bopp> gawainlynch: "that way" as in the "non flat version", i assume? 
<Bopp> rossriley: cool
<rossriley> well we always have, if we don’t then it needs to be a major version change
<gawainlynch> Bopp: I mean that subdirectory installs don't make a lot of sense any longer themselves
<Bopp> Well, I think we cant just drop it, like Ross says. 
<gawainlynch> OK, WFM
<Bopp> but, at the same time, we should strongly discourage it. 
<gawainlynch> :+1:
<Bopp> except, i'm not sure how we can do that
<gawainlynch> Any things else to raise?
<rossriley> we could drop support in 4.0 and have a note on the install screen about the change I guess
<Bopp> i mean, even the crappiest of shared hosting allows you to create subdomains
<gawainlynch> ^
<Bopp> rossriley: Sounds good to me. 
<gawainlynch> rossriley: Agreed
<Bopp> and a warning, in the configuration-notices extension, as well. 
<Bopp> One other point: the base-2017 theme. 
<gawainlynch> Ah yes! I had meant to ask
<Bopp> I am aware it is a while away from being finished.. 
<rarila> the year just started … ;-)
<Bopp> I was just curious if Svante had other feedback than "It ought to be more finished before we ship it" 
<Bopp> But, we'll see if he's here next week. 
<gawainlynch> I believe he did, I am just not sure what it was :-)
<Bopp> ok, well.. I'll just wait until i have a chance to catch up with him on that. 
<Bopp> .. and keep working on it, in the meantime
<gawainlynch> Yeah, cool … just chip away at it
<gawainlynch> OK then … nothing more I gather?
<Bopp> not from me. 
<gawainlynch> rarila: Would you like the honours tonight?
<rarila> </meeting>
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