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Dev meeting 2017 07 18

Gawain Lynch edited this page Jul 18, 2017 · 8 revisions



  • Status on drop bear invasion (@YourGitHubID)

Actionable Items


  • Decline:
  • Accepted
    • Renaming branches to drop "release/"


ping @bob @carson @ross @sahassar … @@ @lukeskywalker


sahassar pong

bob @gawainlynch Don't forget to refresh the wiki page with the agenda this week. :wink:

gawainlynch Yes, got the strike though's … thanks mate


sahassar Hey! Then I don't get to hold it over him! :wink:

gawainlynch Okies … Lets roll … Ross will appear like the ninja soon enough :slightly_smiling_face:

@sahassar Yeah, fair point :smile:

ross ninja arrives

gawainlynch OK, well 3.3.0-beta/rc was the first point … but #teamwork got that out the door today!

boltissueball Woo, teamwork!

boltissueball has boiled some water, and begins to brew gawainlynch a nice cup of tea.


gawainlynch I'd like to thank everyone for a long hard effort getting that one out

carson Here!

gawainlynch I'll update the non-Bob's on a few things later, but thank you all for sticking with it though a hard 6+ months!

Carson, you continue to make my day … Good to see you!

As you're here … First real point: Renaming branches to drop "release/"


gawainlynch mentioned this image: GitHub branches
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What would be the benefit of that?

carson Because they aren’t really releases

releases are tags

`release/3.2` is really `3.2.x`

gawainlynch Well ^ that … and it is getting harder and harder to find the branch you want to PR against


gawainlynch … and Bob's point :wink:


Just some random, anecdotal projects..

They use it without `release/` too, so I guess.. Let's go with the flow. :slightly_smiling_face:

gawainlynch Yes, and this is not a "hard and fast" call on my part … but increasingly it is becoming a hassle … it _did_ make sense when the repo was the common point for end users

… but now, we've got a year plus of changing that in people's minds

Oh … well that was easy :smile:

OK, better question then … does anyone on the team object?

Not me

ross don't really mind either way

gawainlynch Svante?

sahassar nah, go ahead :slightly_smiling_face:

gawainlynch WFM … Moving on then

PR clean up:

boltissueball #6754 [open] $content type issue in UploadContainer->save

#6192 [open] [WIP] Live editor modals

The "live editor" thing is flimsy at best.

gawainlynch What to do with those two … 6192 isn't much to get over the line, but will need feedback/review

Funnily enough, that is what I would have said about 6754

I'm afraid that merging in #6192 will lead to a shit-ton of work, to keep it working when moving to 4.0

boltissueball #6192 [open] [WIP] Live editor modals

gawainlynch Personally, I'd like to see the end of LE, but I am not obsessive about that

And we're considering dropping live-editing, until someone (preferably someone new) steps up to take ownership of that.

sahassar How much of #6192 is "NIH"'ed?

boltissueball #6192 [open] [WIP] Live editor modals

gawainlynch I think it is a good idea, just an unmaintained feature

so, sam


gawainlynch @sahassar: Not sure that it is NIH, but haven't thought it though that much … it just kinda went by the wayside for months, and we neglected to address it … much like that thing I missed of yours in Feb :confused:

sahassar To me it looks like quite a bit, and if we are going that route we should look for a more complete solution to it, cause this is just a rabbithole that wont stop IMO

gawainlynch ^ :+1: (edited)


Let's :fire: the Live Editing for now.

gawainlynch With 6754 same comment about the contributor being left out … The PR is the wrong approach, but we haven't followed up

That is, until the time someone can and will make time to spearhead it.

When it comes to 6754: I don't see the harm in it, and it straightens a quirk from somewhere upstream we have no control over.. I wouldn't mind merging that one.

gawainlynch It is 100% wrong though

We will break things on our side to make Guzzle 3 work for one person

If that's the case then we def shouldn't merge it in, no

gawainlynch That's been my personal objection since day 1 … but nothing more was communicated, partly my fault

OK, well is there any "no" votes to politely rejecting both?

Double negatives, hard.

gawainlynch Touché

I'd say "Yes, let's reject both"

sahassar I'm okay with it

gawainlynch I can't English any longer

WFM… Last one then

* Renaming some route parameter names in v4 for better semantics, e.g. $contenttypeslug -> $contentType (and using ->convert() to pass-in objects)

This will introduce a BC break in v4

But … IMHO make things a been more clear

ross what sort of timescale are we talking about till 4.0 do we think?

gawainlynch The 'T' camel case isn't a concern in the point, just for illustration

@ross At this stage, Q1 2018

Last night's SF & Pimple releases fixed something that I thought would take Carson and/or myself a while to fix … I had allocated 2-3 months in my head :smile:

We still have a tonne of work to do though

carson Which was what?

gawainlynch The profiler slow down

I don't have the PR number handy … but when I tested it untagged it still wasn't behaving … but once tagged the problem went away

Also one of the "problems" I was seeing was some idiot leaving the debug logging on :facepalm:

ross if we advertise it well enough in advance I guess that's ok, route name parameters are just a bit tricky because the routing.yml files tend to stick around for years

gawainlynch You have a very good point

That said, we did break some in "2.3"

carson I want to work on routing too.

gawainlynch can't keystroke

carson replace controller event with a _priority_ attribute in routes. and have the router sort by priorities before matching

Also I want to remove before/after events in routing.yml

ross there's a few bugs with before/after settings too

gawainlynch Way ahead of you on that desire, Carson … Not claiming the job, just the co-desire

A lot of the contents of before methods will die with SF Sec. too (edited)

ross what will the replacement be? all on events instead?

carson Yeah

I just don’t seem them as being used/needed in routing.yml. Am I wrong?

ross well to be fair they don't work too well anyway so I'm not sure how many people are using them

gawainlynch Events are a bit trickier to debug in some cases, I'll admit, but over all they are far more flexible

ross i had to add a before called `::preAuth` to get it to work

and getting one working on a service / another class doesn't seem to work either (edited)

carson We aren’t saying for or against events. It’s just whether they can be defined in routing.yml

@ross that is _supposed_ to work

ross that's the only one I could get to work

I was under the impression that just `before: preAuth` should work

but it needed the `before: '::preAuth'` to work

sahassar I'd like for them to be available there, but it also seems like they don't get much use, so... (edited)

carson What I would rather see is more flexibility in the actual controllers. that way if a user needs to change something they can just write a custom controller without a lot of pain

gawainlynch Yeah … My agenda item came from having to go though the pain of doing exactly that this week

ross yes, I kind of like the idea of defining before/after style things in routing.yml

but it could be solved in middlewares / events

carson They _are_ middlewares/events

gawainlynch @sahassar I think the lack of use is two-fold; a) They're currently _really_ hard to use; b) not documented, see point a)

sahassar Yeah, agreed, but I think that If b is solved it could provide a lot of flexibility

gawainlynch It sort of stuck me this week that if I am finding this hard … What hope is there for the average Bolt user?

sahassar And the current bugs are worked out

But still, not much current use and no real users asking for it probably means we shouldn't spend too much time on it

ross yes, it took me a couple of hours to get it working too

so pretty hard I think

gawainlynch OK … Well I think this should be a "living discussion point" … I think we all want to see improvement, we just need to clarify and communicate internally how we're going to approach it (edited)

carson There may have been /currently are bugs with it

I know i fixed something relatively recently in that code

Sounds like it could still be a good thing.

gawainlynch Totally

ross my thinking was that on the controllers we support both `Class::action` and `controller.service:action` and that the same syntax would flow through the before/after

carson Yes it should

ross but I think we haven't ported the before / after to the new syntax

carson *is supposed to be coded that way

ross but, it may be fixed in 3.3.... this was in 3.2 a couple of weeks ago I tried

gawainlynch I was trying in 3.4

carson Hmm maybe not

Yeah ok nvm. Ross is right. before/after were never updated to work with services too

But they also have special syntax too

`::before` - the class name can be left out of the “callable” and it uses the controller class (edited)

Ok I can fix that for whichever versions we deem important

gawainlynch Well this very quickly out grew my point :slightly_smiling_face:

I think we have some ground to work on, esp. when you're able to come back on board Carson

carson Yeah sorry for the rabbit trail

ross oh, yes... we can change the names too

that sounds like the easy part now

gawainlynch Haha … Zero stress, this is fantastic!

OK, does anyone have anything more to raise then?

Oh … One thing from me … Current agreement, that I'd like us to stick to, is 3.4.0-beta1 next week with the release of 3.3.0

Nope, all good.. :slightly_smiling_face:

ross I was gonna do a BoltForms RC/Release to match Bolt 3.3 too if everyone is ok with that

Yes, let's move forward with 3.4!


gawainlynch Good with me, Ross

ross so RC this week and final next week

yes, the plan is 3.3.0 stable next tuesday,

which is one week before i'll be offline for 2.5 weeks

so, there's time to sneak in a 3.3.1, if needed.

gawainlynch @bob: Friendly nudge on the access, plus an email with dates so I can put them in my calendar pretty please :slightly_smiling_face:

apart from that, i've updated the docs on how to make releases.

Ah, yes..

gawainlynch The latter preventing endless brain-dead questions from me :smile:

@sahassar I'd like to add you to the small list of people (me, currently) that has access to the @boltcm twitter account, and the news feed

sahassar @bob: Alrightio :slightly_smiling_face:

gawainlynch You'd be back up for Bob and I

I don't expect anything urgent, but it might be good for more people to have access to it.. Am going to add gawain too.


gawainlynch … or if you want, 2IC … just don't want to overload you


sahassar second-in-command

ah. :slightly_smiling_face:

gawainlynch Well, traditionally ^ that … but more second in line (edited)

sahassar I have no problems with either :slightly_smiling_face:

ross we have our own Royal Line

gawainlynch Haha!

ross that means you can't travel on the same plane

sahassar does that also mean that my plane will be called bolt-force-two? (edited)

We should make our own "nuclear football"

ross the codes are hunter2

gawainlynch can barely type from laughing

gawainlynch Perfect … OK then … as we're finally getting a bit more cohesive again … who'd like the honours tonight?

I vote Ross

gawainlynch hands Ross the hashtag

ross #meeting

boltissueball </meeting> Failed parsing XML: 'hug' expected, No 'love' shown for bot. Program 'meeting' terminated.

gawainlynch Thanks everyone


gawainlynch :beers:

ross :beers: #beer

boltissueball $this->app['bartender']->setDrink('beer')->setTab('ross')->serveAll();

gawainlynch #water

boltissueball pours water over gawainlynch…  That is what they wanted, right?
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