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Dev meeting 2016 06 14

Gawain Lynch edited this page Jun 14, 2016 · 7 revisions


  • 3.0.6 release soon? (Dependant on Ross' plans for Repeater stuff)
  • Should we add an 'index.html' to the base folder, to provide a bit of extra info to people who inadvertently use that as the web root?
  • Should we also package a "for dummies" release, for people who can't be arsed to read the docs?

Actionable Items


* Bopp readies the 'pong'.
<gawainlynch> ping -b Bopp carsonfull gawainlynch rixbeck rarila2 rossriley SahAssar sleezd 
<Bopp> pong
<SahAssar> here
<rossriley> checking in
* gawainlynch hands SahAssar the </meeting> baton
<phillipp> thanks for forgetting me xD
<SahAssar> :D
<gawainlynch> phillipp: My humble apologies… I pre-prepare the list and forgot :-)
<gawainlynch> Afternoon, rarila 
<phillipp> escuses, excuses everywhere xD
<gawainlynch> +1
<Bopp> phillipp: to make up for you not being here last week, while you _were_ pinged. ;-)
<gawainlynch> OK… Tonight's agenda comes from the Land of Bob
<Bopp> on with the show! 
<gawainlynch> rossriley: How are you going with the pile of repeater issues?
<Bopp> Ross: nice improvements on the repeater stuf.. 
<rossriley> yes,  most done...
<Bopp> #5435
-[BoltIssueBall]/#boltcms- #5435 [open] [Tracker] Tracker issue list for Repeater Fields.  — assigned to rossriley
<gawainlynch> OK, so Bopp is wanting to release a 3.0.6 soon(ish), would you like him to hold off for remainders, rossriley ?
<rossriley> the remaining ones aren’t ones we can tackle in 3.0 but I want to add better warnings for things  that don’t work
<[BoltGitHubBot]> [bolt] SahAssar closed issue #5071: Speed - To infinity and beyond
<gawainlynch> Bopp: Green light
<Bopp> okido! 
<Bopp> those can follow in a subsequent 3.0.x release then
<rossriley> yes, don’t let me hold up a release...
<Bopp> (the warnings, that is)
<gawainlynch> So form the Land of Bob (liking that one) … there seems to be the odd person having issues with doing up their shoe laces
<gawainlynch> …I mean adjusting to webroot !== root
<phillipp> :D
<gawainlynch> Bopp and I were talking today about having an index.(php|html) in the root
<gawainlynch> Thoughts?
<Bopp> yes, there are basically TWO different issues here
<Bopp> - people who can't read
<phillipp> and people who dont want to read
<phillipp> xD
<Bopp> - people who actually, truly have technical issues ith the webroot
<Bopp> i'm guessing the balance is 80 / 20, though. 
<rossriley> I’ve not looked into it yet so I may be off… but what are the chances of shipping two slightly different versions as we did with the composer-install in 2.2
<phillipp> i am fine with an index.(php/html)
<Bopp> i'm all for an index.html
<Bopp> rossriley: that's the third point on the agenda ;-)
<gawainlynch> rossriley: That is the next point to rais :-)
<gawainlynch> Snap
<rossriley> aha
<rossriley> i didn’t read the agenda
* gawainlynch is eating pizza and drinking beer
<SahAssar> +1 for an index.html or alike
<Bopp> ok, so, index.html is in. 
<gawainlynch> My personal feeling is an index file in root
<Bopp> i'll open an issue and self-assign! 
<gawainlynch> Not sure we should do a .html thouh
<gawainlynch> *though 
<gawainlynch> That an open another can of worms for people that don't understand web server configuration 
<[BoltGitHubBot]> [bolt] bobdenotter opened issue #5448: We should add an 'index.html' to the base folder, to provide a bit of extra info to people who inadvertently use that as the web root.
<Bopp> gawainlynch: index.PHP. 
<gawainlynch> Discuss on 5448 then
<Bopp> so it gets _overwritten_ when people move stuff
<gawainlynch> Last one is the second archive type … &
<gawainlynch> That whole thing kind of irks me though
<Bopp> My standpoint is: We want to give a good example, but people are hellbent on shooting themselves in the foot. We should allow them to do so. After a fair warning, of course. 
<gawainlynch> One of the big clean ups that was done in 3.0-dev was trying to push more stuff to documentation as there ends up being contention when you try to cater to all
<gawainlynch> SahAssar: Pretty much :-/
<Bopp> We don't have to decide on that right now.. 
<gawainlynch> For/against/riots?
<Bopp> I just want to float the idea, because it's something i keep seeing pop up
<SahAssar> I think we need som official way for those people to install bolt. So i'm +1
<Bopp> i am cautiously "for" 
<phillipp> i am not for a prepacked version of the single webroot
<gawainlynch> I am with phillipp 
<gawainlynch> But open to conversation 
<gawainlynch> OK… anything more to raise?
<Bopp> what we'd basically do, is pre-package something that's already described in the docs. 
<SahAssar> The thing is the people who need to use a single webroot are the same people who would only use a prepacked version.
<Bopp> so, it's not _secret_, only more convenient, and thus less of a pressure on support (ie. us)
<SahAssar> They won't fiddle with bolt.yml
<rossriley> I’d be in favour of a web root version available to download just from the docs page
<gawainlynch> "What version of Bolt, what web server, what PHP version, what web root, what is the contents of .bolt.yml … etc"
<rossriley> so it’s prefaced with the warnings etc
<Bopp> gawainlynch: yeah, i've had that discussion at least two dozen times 
<Bopp> only much slower. 
<rossriley> gawainlynch: yes that could be nice
<Bopp> "post screenshots of your FTP client" 
<Bopp> "no, not the desktop icon, when you're logged on" 
<phillipp> :joy:
<gawainlynch> Well, my point is more that the list of question is getting long… adding an additional install type is just adding to that, no?
<Bopp> "no, _with_ context, so i can actually see something" 
<rossriley> gawainlynch: other thing to raise… tests failing on master, ideally would like to get the PR queue merged in, can we merge  with failing tests while we work out what’s causing it
* rarila guesses that rixbeck is watching football
<gawainlynch> rossriley: Yeah, if the tests pass on PHPUnit and the first 3 Codeception tests, I have been merging
<gawainlynch> But the queue PRs need attention/work generally 
<rossriley> austria v hungary….. like an old empire meet up
<rarila> rossriley: yep and hungury is 2:0 in front
<rossriley> cool #5423 is good then
-[BoltIssueBall]/#boltcms- #5423 [open] [FEEDBACK] Call addOperation in addHandler  — assigned to rossriley
<Bopp> (for the record: I think there's a _tiny_ bit more support "for" making an extra distro, but it's not convincing.. I'll think if I can find a better approach that has more support from us all)
<[BoltGitHubBot]> [bolt] GawainLynch closed pull request #5423: [FEEDBACK] Call addOperation in addHandler (master...5419-fix)
<gawainlynch> Bopp: +1
<gawainlynch> SahAssar: …
<SahAssar> </meeting>
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