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Dev meeting 2017 07 04

Svante Richter edited this page Jul 11, 2017 · 8 revisions


  • 3.3 beta/release progress see tracker #6001 (@Bob)
  • [RFC] Twig relationship/taxonomy/contentype functions & filters #6774
  • Proposal: Require PR's to get approved/commented by other team members before merge (Exceptions can be made for small readme/changelog/typo fixes or urgent PR's when no one is around to approve/comment) (@SahAssar)
  • Removing {{ fields() }} in v4


  • Status on drop bear invasion (@YourGitHubID)

Actionable Items



[7:30 PM] 
Ping @ross, @gawainlynch, @sahassar, @carson

sahassar [7:30 PM] 

bob [7:30 PM] 
19:30 o' clock!

I suspect neither Gawain or Carson will attend tonight.

So, depending on whether or not Ross will show, i guess it's going to be a short one! :slightly_smiling_face:

Ok, off we go..

#6001 :

boltissueball [7:32 PM] 
#6001 [open] [Tracker] Bolt 3.3 Release Blocking Issues

[7:32 PM] 
Two issues open that have @ross' name on it, before we can move to RC.

sahassar [7:32 PM] 
Right, have you caught up on that?

Ah, great

[7:33 PM] 
.. and one open PR that needs some work from Carson.

I'll nudge both of them to work on it, when I see them.


> [RFC] Twig relationship/taxonomy/contentype functions & filters #6774

boltissueball [7:34 PM] 
#6774 [open] [RFC] Twig relationship/taxonomy functions & filters

sahassar [7:34 PM] 
Me and carson had a discussion in that area, not sure it you saw it?

[7:35 PM] 

I personally see no benefits to it, only downsides.

1) It'll be like #6566 only more so.

boltissueball [7:35 PM] 
#6566 [open] [RFC] Asset() replacing Paths variable makes templating more obscure

[7:35 PM] 
2) we lose the ability to "dump" a record to inspect it, unless we do some more magic to provide that.

But, if we do, the point of it is gone again.

So, why should we want this?

sahassar [7:36 PM] 
The dumpability was what my and carsons discussion was about (edited)

[7:36 PM] 
Yes, that I saw

Are you in favor of it?

sahassar [7:37 PM] 
Dump is basically a bad solution for the use case that it is used for. it shows things that you can't access and does not show things you can

I think we can't merge it until we have a proper replacement for dump, which will probably be `|explain`, but when we have that I'm all for it

[7:38 PM] 
Ok. fair enough.

Let's leave it on the agenda for now, so one of the proponents can explain what's to gain from doing this. :slightly_smiling_face:

> Proposal: Permanently ban all self-merges that do not have a approve review from another member of the team (@sahassar)

Ok, let's put it to a vote.. I vote 'aye'.

sahassar [7:39 PM] 
Right, I think this one is crucial, but we need the whole team to agree on it IMO.

[7:39 PM] 
Let's leave it on the agenda as well, then.

I think merges like "Adding a single line to the changelog" or "fixing a typo" should be exempt, but anything _functional_ needs to be approved and merged properly

Finally for today:

> Removing {{ fields() }} in v4

Since #6788 was already merged in, I think this is a done deal.

boltissueball [7:41 PM] 
#6788 [closed] [3.3] Deprecate {{ fields() }} and move to a block call

sahassar [7:41 PM] 
I'm for it since it can be pretty easily replaced with a block call and IMO it makes it harder to learn bolt templating since it obscures how to access individual fields.

[7:42 PM] 
This new approach is workable for what we use it for, so i'm fine with it.

sahassar [7:42 PM] 
But I also think that it should not be decided by a one-man-merge

[7:42 PM] 
In this case it isn't.

Gawain did it in a few steps.

1) Move from "macros" to "blocks" -> self merged.

2) Made a PR to _remove_ `{{ fields() }}`, basically, which wasn't merged. (edited)

3) After some discussion, made a replacement PR to _replace_ `{{ fields() }}`with a working solution using blocks.

4) I merged it in, tweaked it a bit.

5) only remaining part is the PR to remove from 4.0

So, while it went a bit bumpy, there's no real harm done, and the resulting situation is better.

sahassar [7:46 PM] 
Right, I'm still not comfortable with 1, but that is covered in a previous point in the agenda. If it were up to me we would not use it in the default template (block, function or macro or whatever), but I understand that is somewhat contentious.

[7:47 PM] 
Step 1 i would've merged in without any hesitation either.. If only it had been a PR for anyone to review, i'm sure it would've been merged in without much friction

sahassar [7:47 PM] 
agreed, that is not the point

[7:47 PM] 
A nice thing about the _current_ situation is, is that it's entirely contained to the theme..

Which makes it so much easier to ignore / remove by people who have no need for it.

sahassar [7:48 PM] 
The *default* theme.

[7:48 PM] 
yes, and it is absolutely required there, because it leads to confusion for novices.

Anyhow, I'm sure this makes it _less_ of an issue, because there's less magic involved, and easier to follow for people who want to figure out what's going on there.

sahassar [7:51 PM] 
Yeah, agree. I think we might do well to market the default theme not as a "building base" and have something like bolt-extension-starter for that though, it feels to me like we have clashing goals in there

[7:51 PM] 
Yes, that's been on my wishlist for a long time..

Basically two themes: One that works "out of the box" and looks nice for novices..

and one that is a good foundation to build your own themes on.

But, time..

sahassar [7:53 PM] 
Well, three IMO:
* Default theme that just works and looks nice
* Minimal base that one can build on if you know what you are doing
* "Showcase" theme that can show what bolt/twig has to offer and serve as a copy-paste repo for some stuff (edited)

[7:54 PM] 
Sure, but would cost even more time. ^_^

sahassar [7:54 PM] 
Yeah, agreed

[7:54 PM] 
Meanwhile, we're halfway 2017, and still on 'base-2016' :slightly_smiling_face:

sahassar [7:55 PM] 
We were on base-2014 for two years, right? :smile: (edited)

[7:55 PM] 

but that shouldn't become the norm

sahassar [7:56 PM] 
The nice thing about a "tiered" approach is that we can reference down though, and keep a common base for all of them

[7:56 PM] 
I can also see a "bare bones" theme needing less maintenance.

sahassar [7:56 PM] 
Yeah, and that maintenance could be merged up into the other themes.

[7:57 PM] 

sahassar [7:58 PM] 
Not to put any kind of pressure on this, but you started on base-2016-deluxe/base-2017, right?

[7:59 PM] 
Yes, i did.

i have also a slightly more bare-bones Foundation theme.

Just not enough time to finish it all up.

sahassar [8:00 PM] 
How do you feel about that becoming the "looks-nice, just works" theme, and reworking your foundation theme to become the base?

[8:00 PM] 
I've been hoping to get 3.3 off my plate for a while now, so i can get back to working on those

sahassar [8:00 PM] 
Right, let's pick it up after 3.3

[8:01 PM] 
It could even be stripped down further, but sure.

sahassar [8:01 PM] 
I hope to have more time after I rework the work stuff into the 20th century

[8:01 PM] 
Yes, getting 3.3 out of the door is priority no 1, now. :slightly_smiling_face:

PSR-2 is a start! :wink:

sahassar [8:02 PM] 
Yep :slightly_smiling_face: Guessing we are pretty much done here?

[8:02 PM] 
This book is pretty OK:

You know how i feel about the guy, so that means a lot coming from me. :wink:

Yes, we're done i think!

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