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Releases: tidyverse/dbplyr

dbplyr 2.1.0

04 Feb 12:47
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New features

  • Thanks to @mgirlich, dbplyr gains support for key verbs from tidyr:
    pivot_longer() (#532), pivot_wider() (#543), expand() (#538),
    complete() (#538), replace_na() (#538), fill() (#566).

  • @mgirlich is now a dbplyr author in recognition of his significant and
    sustained contributions.

  • across() implementation has been rewritten to support more inputs:
    it now translates formulas (#525), works with SQL functions that don't have
    R translations (#534), and work with NULL (#554)

  • summarise() now supports argument .groups (@mgirlich, #584).

SQL translation

  • All backends: str_sub(), substr() and substring() get better
    translations (#577). Most importantly, the results of using negative
    locations should match the underlying R implementations more closely.

  • MS SQL:

    • as.integer() and as.integer64() translations cast first to NUMERIC
      to avoid CASTing weirdness (@DavidPatShuiFong, #496).

    • Assumes a boolean context inside of [ (#546)

    • str_sub() with end = -1 now works (#577).

  • Redshift: lag() and lead() lose the default parameter since it's
    not supported (@hdplsa, #548).

  • SQLite: custom translation of full_join() and right_join()
    (@mgirlich, #536).

Minor improvements and bug fixes

  • RPostgreSQL backend warns if temporary = TRUE since temporary tables are
    not supported by RPostgres::dbWriteTable() (#574).

  • count() method provides closer match to dplyr semantics (#347).

  • distinct() now respects grouping (@mgirlich, #535).

  • db_connection_describe() no longer uses partial matching (@mgirlich, #564).

  • pull() no longer select()s the result when there's already only
    one variable (#562).

  • select() no longer relocates grouping variables to the front
    (@mgirlich, #568). and informs when adding missing grouping variables
    (@mgirlich, #559).

  • tbl.src_dbi(...) now passed on to tbl_sql() (#530).

dbplyr 2.0.0

03 Nov 11:52
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(To become dbplyr 2.0.0)

dplyr 1.0.0 compatibility

  • across() is now translated into individual SQL statements (#480).

  • rename() and select() support dplyr 1.0.0 tidyselect syntax (apart from
    predicate functions which can't easily work on computed queries) (#502).

  • relocate() makes it easy to move columns (#494) and rename_with() makes
    it easy to rename columns programmatically (#502).

  • slice_min(), slice_max(), and slice_order() are now supported.
    slice_head() and slice_tail() throw clear error messages (#394)

SQL generation

  • Documentation has been radically improved with new topics for each major
    verb and each backend giving more details about the SQL translation.

  • intersect(), union() and setdiff() gain an all argument to add the
    ALL argument (#414).

  • Join functions gains a na_matches argument that allows you to control
    whether or not NA (NULL) values match other NA values. The default is
    "never", which is the usual behaviour in databases. You can set
    na_matches = "na" to match R's usual join behaviour (#180). Additional
    arguments error (instead of being silently swallowed) (#382).

  • Joins now only use aliases where needed to disambiguate columns; this should
    make generated queries more readable.

  • Subqueries no longer include an ORDER BY clause. This is not part of the
    SQL spec, and has very limited support across databases. Now such queries
    generate a warning suggesting that you move your arrange() call later in
    the pipeline (#276). (There's one exception: ORDER BY is still generated
    if LIMIT is present; this tends to affect the returns rows but not
    necessarily their order).

  • Subquery names are now scoped within the query. This makes query text
    deterministic which helps some query optimisers/cachers (#336).

  • sql_optimise() now can partially optimise a pipeline; due to an unfortunate
    bug it previously gave up too easily.

  • in_schema() quotes each input individually (#287) (use sql() to opt out
    of quoting, if needed). And DBI::Id() should work anywhere that
    in_schema() does.

SQL translation

  • Experimental new SAP HANA backend (#233). Requires the latest version of odbc.

  • All backends:

    • You can now use :: in translations, so that (e.g.) dbplyr::n() is
      translated to count(*) (#207).

    • [[ can now also translate numeric indices (#520).

    • %/% now generates a clear error message; previously it was translated to
      / which is not correct (#108).

    • n() is translated to count(*) instead of count() (#343).

    • sub_str() translation is more consistent in edge cases (@ianmcook).

    • All median() (@lorenzwalthert, #483), pmin(), pmax() (#479), sd()
      and var() functions have an na.rm argument that warns once when not
      TRUE. This makes them consistent with mean() and sum().

    • substring() is now translated the same way as substr() (#378).

  • blob vectors can now be used with !! and
    !!! operators, for example in filter() (@okhoma, #433)

  • MySQL uses standard SQL for index creation.

  • MS SQL translation does better a distinguishing between bit and boolean
    (#377, #318). if and ifelse once again generate IIF, creating
    simpler expressions. as.*() function uses TRY_CAST() instead
    of CAST() for version 11+ (2012+) (@DavidPatShuiFong, #380).

  • odbc no longer translates count(); this was an accidental inclusion.

  • Oracle translation now depends on Oracle 12c, and uses a "row-limiting"
    clause for head(). It gains translations for today() and now(), and
    improved as.Date() translation (@rlh1994, #267).

  • PostgreSQL: new translations for lubridate period functions years(),
    months(), days(), and floor_date() (@bkkkk, #333) and stringr functions
    str_squish(), str_remove(), and str_remove_all() (@shosaco).

  • New RedShift translations when used with RPostgres::Redshift().

    • str_replace() errors since there's no Redshift translation,
      and str_replace_all() uses REGEXP_REPLACE() (#446).

    • paste() and paste0() use || (#458).

    • as.numeric() and as.double() cast to FLOAT (#408).

    • substr() and str_sub() use SUBSTRING() (#327).

  • SQLite gains translations for lubridate functions today(), now(),
    year(), month(), day(), hour(), minute(), second(),yday()
    (#262), and correct translation for median() (#357).


If you are the author of a dbplyr backend, please see vignette("backend-2") for details.

  • New dbplyr_edition() generic allows you to opt-in to the 2nd edition of
    the dbplyr API.

  • db_write_table() now calls DBI::dbWriteTable() instead of nine generics
    that formerly each did a small part: db_create_indexes(), db_begin(),
    db_rollback(), db_commit(), db_list_tables(), drop_drop_table(),
    db_has_table(), db_create_table(), and db_data_types(). You can
    now delete the methods for these generics.

    db_query_rows() is no longer used; it appears that it hasn't been used
    for some time, so if you have a method, you can delete it.

  • DBI::dbQuoteIdentifier() is now used instead of sql_escape_ident() and
    DBI::dbQuoteString() instead of sql_escape_string().

  • A number of db_* generics have been replaced with new SQL generation

    • dplyr::db_analyze() -> dbplyr::sql_table_analyze()
    • dplyr::db_create_index() -> dbplyr::sql_table_index()
    • dplyr::db_explain() -> dbplyr::sql_queriy_explain()
    • dplyr::db_query_fields() -> dbplyr::sql_query_fields()
    • dplyr::db_save_query() -> dbplyr::sql_query_save()

    This makes them easier to test and is an important part of the process of
    moving all database generics in dbplyr (#284).

  • A number of other generics have been renamed to facilitate the move from
    dplyr to dbplyr:

    • dplyr::sql_select() -> dbplyr::sql_query_select()
    • dplyr::sql_join() -> dbplyr::sql_query_join()
    • dplyr::sql_semi_join() -> dbplyr::sql_query_semi_join()
    • dplyr::sql_set_op() -> dbplyr::sql_query_set_op()
    • dplyr::sql_subquery() -> dbplyr::sql_query_wrap()
    • dplyr::db_desc() -> dbplyr::db_connection_describe()
  • New db_temporary_table() generic makes it easier to work with databases
    that require temporary tables to be specially named.

  • New sql_expr_matches() generic allows databases to use more efficient
    alternatives when determine if two values "match" (i.e. like equality but
    a pair of NULLs will also match). For more details, see

  • New sql_join_suffix() allows backends to control the default suffixes
    used (#254).

Minor improvements and bug fixes

  • All old lazy eval shims have been removed. These have been deprecated for
    some time.

  • Date-time escaping methods for Athena and Presto have moved to the packages
    where they belong.

  • Attempting to embed a Shiny reactive in a query now gives a helpful error

  • copy_lahman() and copy_nycflights13() (and hence nycflights13_sqlite())
    and friends now return DBI connections rather than the now deprecated
    src_dbi() (#440).

  • copy_to() can now overwrite when table is specified with schema (#489),
    and gains an in_transaction argument used to optionally suppress the
    transaction wrapper (#368).

  • distinct() no longer duplicates column if grouped (#354).

  • transmute() now correctly tracks variables it needs when creating
    subqueries (#313).

  • mutate() grouping variables no longer generates a downstream error (#396)

  • mutate() correctly generates subqueries when you re-use the same variable
    three or more times (#412).

  • window_order() overrides ordering, rather than appending to it.

dbplyr 1.4.4

27 May 12:10
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  • Internally DBI::dbExecute() now uses immediate = TRUE; this improves
    support for session-scoped temporary tables in MS SQL (@krlmlr, #438).

  • Subqueries with ORDER BY use TOP 9223372036854775807 instead of
    TOP 100 PERCENT on SQL Server for compatibility with Azure Data Warehouse
    (#337, @alexkyllo).

  • escape() now supports blob vectors using new sql_escape_raw()
    generic. It enables using blob variables in
    dplyr verbs, for example to filter nvarchar values by UTF-16 blobs
    (see r-dbi/DBI#215 (comment)).
    (@okhoma, #433)

  • Added setOldClass() calls for "ident" and "ident_q" classes for
    compatibility with dplyr 1.0.0 (#448, @krlmlr).

  • Postgres str_detect() translation uses same argument names as stringr,
    and gains a negate argument (#444).

  • semi_join() and anti_join() now correctly support the sql_on argument
    (#443, @krlmlr).

dbplyr 1.4.3

19 Apr 14:26
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  • dbplyr now uses RPostgres (instead of RPostgreSQL) and RMariaDB (instead of
    RMySQL) for its internal tests and data functions (#427).

  • The Date and POSIXt methods for escape() now use exported
    sql_escape_date() and sql_escape_datetime() generics to allow backend
    specific formatting of date and datetime literals. These are used to
    provide methods for Athena and Presto backends (@OssiLehtinen, #384, #391).

  • first(), last(), nth(), lead() and lag() now respect the
    window_frame() (@krlmlr, #366).

  • SQL server: new translations for str_flatten() (@PauloJhonny, #405).

  • SQL server: temporary datasets are now session-local, not global (#401).

  • Postgres: correct str_detect(), str_replace() and str_replace_all()
    translation (@shosaco, #362).

dbplyr 1.4.2

17 Jun 20:01
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  • Fix bug when partially evaluating unquoting quosure containing a single
    symbol (#317)

  • Fixes for rlang and dpylr compatibility.

dbplyr 1.4.1

06 Jun 14:21
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Minor improvements to SQL generation

  • x %in% y strips names of y (#269).

  • Enhancements for scoped verbs (mutate_all(), summarise_if(),
    filter_at() etc) (#296, #306).

  • MS SQL use TOP 100 PERCENT as stop-gap to allow subqueries with
    ORDER BY (#277).

  • Window functions now translated correctly for Hive (#293, @cderv).

dbplyr 1.4.0

29 Apr 19:54
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Breaking changes

  • Error: `con` must not be NULL: If you see this error, it probably means
    that you have probably forgotten to pass con down to a dbplyr function.
    Previously, dbplyr defaulted to using simulate_dbi() which introduced
    subtle escaping bugs. (It's also possible I have forgotten to pass it
    somewhere that the dbplyr tests don't pick up, so if you can't figure it
    out, please let me know).

  • Subsetting ([[, $, and [) functions are no longer evaluated locally.
    This makes the translation more consistent and enables useful new idioms
    for modern databases (#200).

New features

  • MySQL/MariaDB (
    and SQLite ( translations gain
    support for window functions, available in Maria DB 10.2, MySQL 8.0, and
    SQLite 3.25 (#191).

  • Overall, dplyr generates many fewer subqueries:

    • Joins and semi-joins no longer add an unneeded subquery (#236). This is
      faciliated by the new bare_identifier_ok argument to sql_render();
      the previous argument was called root and confused me.

    • Many sequences of select(), rename(), mutate(), and transmute() can
      be collapsed into a single query, instead of always generating a subquery

  • New vignette("sql") describes some advantages of dbplyr over SQL (#205) and
    gives some advice about writing how to write literal SQL inside of dplyr,
    when you you need to (#196).

  • New vignette("reprex") gives some hints on creating reprexes that work
    anywhere (#117). This is supposrted by a new tbl_memdb() that
    matches the existing tbl_lazy().

  • All ..._join() functions gain an sql_on argument that allows specifying
    arbitrary join predicates in SQL code (#146, @krlmlr).

SQL translations

  • New translations for some lubridate functions: today(), now(),
    year(), month(), day(), hour(), minute(),
    second(), quarter(), ``yday()(@colearendt, @derekmorr). Also added new translation foras.POSIXct()`.

  • New translations for stringr functions: str_c(), str_sub(),
    str_length(), str_to_upper(), str_to_lower(), and str_to_title()
    (@colearendt). Non-translated stringr functions throw a clear error.

  • New translations for bitwise operations: bitwNot(), bitwAnd(), bitwOr(),
    bitwXor(), bitwShiftL(), and bitwShiftR(). Unlike the base R functions,
    the translations do not coerce arguments to integers (@davidchall, #235).

  • New translation for x[y] to CASE WHEN y THEN x END. This enables
    sum(a[b == 0]) to work as you expect from R (#202). y needs to be
    a logical expression; if not you will likely get a type error from your

  • New translations for x$y and x[["y"]] to x.y, enabling you to index
    into nested fields in databases that provide them (#158).

  • The .data and .env pronouns of tidy evaluation are correctly translated

  • New translation for median() and quantile(). Works for all ANSI compliant
    databases (SQL Server, Postgres, MariaDB, Teradata) and has custom
    translations for Hive. Thanks to @edavidaja for researching the SQL variants!

  • na_if() is correct translated to NULLIF() (rather than NULL_IF) (#211).

  • n_distinct() translation throws an error when given more than one argument.
    (#101, #133).

  • New default translations for paste(), paste0(), and the hyperbolic
    functions (these previously were only available for ODBC databases).

  • Corrected translations of pmin() and pmax() to LEAST() and GREATEST()
    for ANSI compliant databases (#118), to MIN() and MAX() for SQLite, and
    to an error for SQL server.

  • New translation for switch() to the simple form of CASE WHEN (#192).

SQL simulation

SQL simulation makes it possible to see what dbplyr will translate SQL to, without having an active database connection, and is used for testing and generating reprexes.

  • SQL simulation has been overhauled. It now works reliably, is better
    documented, and always uses ANSI escaping (i.e. ` for field
    names and ' for strings).

  • tbl_lazy() now actually puts a dbplyr::src in the $src field. This
    shouldn't affect any downstream code unless you were previously working
    around this weird difference between tbl_lazy and tbl_sql classes.
    It also includes the src class in its class, and when printed,
    shows the generated SQL (#111).

Database specific improvements

  • MySQL/MariaDB

    • Translations also applied to connections via the odbc package
      (@colearendt, #238)

    • Basic support for regular expressions via str_detect() and
      str_replace_all() (@colearendt, #168).

    • Improved translation for as.logical(x) to IF(x, TRUE, FALSE).

  • Oracle

    • New custom translation for paste() and paste0() (@cderv, #221)
  • Postgres

    • Basic support for regular expressions via str_detect() and
      str_replace_all() (@colearendt, #168).
  • SQLite

    • explain() translation now generates EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN which
      generates a higher-level, more human friendly explanation.
  • SQL server

    • Improved translation for as.logical(x) to CAST(x as BIT) (#250).

    • Translates paste(), paste0(), and str_c() to +.

    • copy_to() method applies temporary table name transformation
      earlier so that you can now overwrite temporary tables (#258).

    • db_write_table() method uses correct argument name for
      passing along field types (#251).

Minor improvements and bug fixes

  • Aggregation functions only warn once per session about the use of
    na.rm = TRUE (#216).

  • table names generated by random_table_name() have the prefix
    "dbplyr_", which makes it easier to find them programmatically
    (@mattle24, #111)

  • Functions that are only available in a windowed (mutate()) query now
    throw an error when called in a aggregate (summarise()) query (#129)

  • arrange() understands the .by_group argument, making it possible
    sort by groups if desired. The default is FALSE (#115)

  • distinct() now handles computed variables like distinct(df, y = x + y)

  • escape(), sql_expr() and build_sql() no longer accept con = NULL as
    a shortcut for con = simulate_dbi(). This made it too easy to forget to
    pass con along, introducing extremely subtle escaping bugs. win_over()
    gains a con argument for the same reason.

  • New escape_ansi() always uses ANSI SQL 92 standard escaping (for use
    in examples and documentation).

  • mutate(df, x = NULL) drops x from the output, just like when working with
    local data frames (#194).

  • partial_eval() processes inlined functions (including rlang lambda
    functions). This makes dbplyr work with more forms of scoped verbs like
    df %>% summarise_all(~ mean(.)), df %>% summarise_all(list(mean)) (#134).

  • sql_aggregate() now takes an optional argument f_r for passing to
    check_na_rm(). This allows the warning to show the R function name rather
    than the SQL function name (@sverchkov, #153).

  • sql_infix() gains a pad argument for the rare operator that doesn't
    need to be surrounded by spaces.

  • sql_prefix() no longer turns SQL functions into uppercase, allowing for
    correct translation of case-sensitive SQL functions (#181, @mtoto).

  • summarise() gives a clear error message if you refer to a variable
    created in that same summarise() (#114).

  • New sql_call2() which is to rlang::call2() as sql_expr() is to

  • show_query() and explain() use cat() rather than message.

  • union(), union_all(), setdiff() and intersect() do a better job
    of matching columns across backends (#183).

dbplyr 1.3.0

09 Jan 14:00
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  • Now support for dplyr 0.8.0 (#190) and R 3.1.0

API changes

  • Calls of the form dplyr::foo() are now evaluated in the database,
    rather than locally (#197).

  • vars argument to tbl_sql() has been formally deprecated; it hasn't
    actually done anything for a while (#3254).

  • src and tbl objects now include a class generated from the class of
    the underlying connection object. This makes it possible for dplyr backends
    to implement different behaviour at the dplyr level, when needed. (#2293)

SQL translation

  • x %in% y is now translated to FALSE if y is empty (@mgirlich, #160).

  • New as.integer64(x) translation to CAST(x AS BIGINT) (#3305)

  • case_when now translates with a ELSE clause if a formula of the form
    TRUE~<RHS> is provided . (@cderv, #112)

  • cummean() now generates AVG() not MEAN() (#157)

  • str_detect() now uses correct parameter order (#3397)

  • MS SQL

    • Cumulative summary functions now work (#157)
    • ifelse() uses CASE WHEN instead of IIF; this allows more complex
      operations, such as %in%, to work properly (#93)
  • Oracle

    • Custom db_drop_table() now only drops tables if they exist (#3306)
    • Custom setdiff() translation (#3493)
    • Custom db_explain() translation (#3471)
  • SQLite

  • Redshift

    • substr() translation improved (#3339)

Minor improvements and bug fixes

  • copy_to() will only remove existing table when overwrite = TRUE and the
    table already exists, eliminating a confusing "NOTICE" from PostgreSQL

  • partial_eval() handles unevaluated formulas (#184).

  • pull.tbl_sql() now extracts correctly from grouped tables (#3562).

  • sql_render.op() now correctly forwards the con argument (@kevinykuo, #73).

dbplyr 1.2.1

19 Feb 23:17
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  • Forward compatibility fixes for rlang 0.2.0

dbplyr 1.2.0

03 Jan 14:53
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New top-level translations

  • New translations for

  • dbplyr now supplies appropriate translations for the RMariaDB and
    RPostgres packages (#3154). We generally recommend using these packages
    in favour of the older RMySQL and RPostgreSQL packages as they are
    fully DBI compliant and tested with DBItest.

New features

  • copy_to() can now "copy" tbl_sql in the same src, providing another
    way to cache a query into a temporary table (#3064). You can also
    copy_to tbl_sqls from another source, and copy_to() will automatically
    collect then copy.

  • Initial support for stringr functions: str_length(), str_to_upper(),
    str_to_lower(), str_replace_all(), str_detect(), str_trim().
    Regular expression support varies from database to database, but most
    simple regular expressions should be ok.

Tools for developers

  • db_compute() gains an analyze argument to match db_copy_to().

  • New remote_name(), remote_con(), remote_src(), remote_query() and
    remote_query_plan() provide a standard API for get metadata about a
    remote tbl (#3130, #2923, #2824).

  • New sql_expr() is a more convenient building block for low-level SQL
    translation (#3169).

  • New sql_aggregate() and win_aggregate() for generating SQL and windowed
    SQL functions for aggregates. These take one argument, x, and warn if
    na.rm is not TRUE (#3155). win_recycled() is equivalent to
    win_aggregate() and has been soft-deprecated.

  • db_write_table now needs to return the table name

Minor improvements and bug fixes

  • Multiple head() calls in a row now collapse to a single call. This avoids
    a printing problem with MS SQL (#3084).

  • escape() now works with integer64 values from the bit64 package (#3230)

  • if, ifelse(), and if_else() now correctly scope the false condition
    so that it only applies to non-NULL conditions (#3157)

  • ident() and ident_q() handle 0-length inputs better, and should
    be easier to use with S3 (#3212)

  • in_schema() should now work in more places, particularly in copy_to()
    (#3013, @baileych)

  • SQL generation for joins no longer gets stuck in a endless loop if you
    request an empty suffix (#3220).

  • mutate() has better logic for splitting a single mutate into multiple
    subqueries (#3095).

  • Improved paste() and paste0() support in MySQL, PostgreSQL (#3168),
    and RSQLite (#3176). MySQL and PostgreSQL gain support for str_flatten()
    which behaves like paste(x, collapse = "-") (but for technical reasons
    can't be implemented as a straightforward translation of paste()).

  • same_src.tbl_sql() now performs correct comparison instead of always
    returning TRUE. This means that copy = TRUE once again allows you to
    perform cross-database joins (#3002).

  • select() queries no longer alias column names unnecessarily
    (#2968, @DavisVaughan).

  • select() and rename() are now powered by tidyselect,
    fixing a few renaming bugs (#3132, #2943, #2860).

  • summarise() once again performs partial evaluation before database
    submission (#3148).

  • test_src() makes it easier to access a single test source.

Database specific improvements

  • MS SQL

    • Better support for temporary tables (@Hong-Revo)

    • Different translations for filter/mutate contexts for: NULL evaluation
      (, is.null()), logical operators (!, &, &&, |, ||),
      and comparison operators (==, !=, <, >, >=, <=)

  • MySQL: copy_to() (via db_write_table()) correctly translates logical
    variables to integers (#3151).

  • odbc: improved n() translation in windowed context.

  • SQLite: improved na_if translation (@cwarden)

  • PostgreSQL: translation for grepl() added (@zozlak)