Calvin Talks Types
Apr 10, 2017 - TeX
Coq is a formal proof management system. It provides a formal language to write
mathematical definitions, executable algorithms and theorems together with an
environment for semi-interactive development of machine-checked proofs. Typical
applications include the certification of properties of programming languages,
the formalization of mathematics and teaching.
Calvin Talks Types
repo for all notes, programmes etc I made for LambdaConf17
∇⎕ coloring
A mechanized proof of soundness of calculus defined in A Theory of Quoted Code Patterns which is a formalization of pattern matching on code available in Scala 3 as part of its new macro system.
Master's Thesis in Computer Science: Verification of the Blocking and Non-Blocking Michael-Scott Queue Algorithms
4th Year Honours Thesis on Programming Language Semantics
Papers We Love. Mad. Talk on fold: slides, Coq file, and links for further reading
Report for "A Basis for Event-Driven Programming" based on Linear Temporal Type Theory
(Terminating) hylomorphisms in Coq
Un ejemplo de uso de Coq y Agda para lemas triviales sobre árboles binarios.
Appunti ed esercizi del corso "Teoria dei tipi" - università degli studi di Padova, corso di laurea in Informatica
my PhD dissertation: Foreign Function Verification Through Metaprogramming
LaTeX sources for my undergraduate thesis
Logical relation for predicative CC omega with booleans and an intensional identity type
🧊 An indexed construction of semi-simplicial and semi-cubical types
A LaTeX package to make theorem names link to coqdoc webpages. Works with ntheorem, amsthm and the LLNCS and LIPIcs classes.
Created by Gérard Pierre Huet, Thierry Coquand
Released 1989
Latest release about 2 months ago