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API Critical Flows

Greg edited this page Oct 6, 2021 · 2 revisions

We have identified what we consider to be our most critical user flows within the WooCommerce Core API. These flows will help us focus and prioritize our testing efforts. They will also help us consider the impact of changes and priority of issues.

These flows will continually evolve as the platform evolves with flows updated, added or re-prioritised.

Route Flow name
Products Can add a simple product
Products Can view a single product
Products Can view all products
Products Can update a product
Products Can delete a product
Products Can search products
Products Can add a variable product
Products Can add a virtual product
Orders Can create an order
Orders Can update an order
Orders Can view a single order
Orders Can view all orders
Orders Can delete an order
Orders Can search orders
Orders Can add new Order complex – multiple product types & tax classes
Refunds Can refund an order
Coupons Can create a coupon
Coupons Can update a coupon
Coupons Can delete a coupon
Coupons Can add a coupon to order
Shipping zones Can add shipping zones
Shipping methods Can add shipping methods
Shipping classes Can add shipping classes
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