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3rd EasyBuild User Meeting

Kenneth Hoste edited this page Feb 28, 2018 · 49 revisions

Group picture at 3rd EasyBuild User Meeting @ SurfSARA


The EasyBuild User Meeting is an open and highly interactive event that provides a great opportunity to meet fellow EasyBuild enthusiasts, discuss related topics and learn about new aspects of the tool.

It is intended for people that are already familiar with EasyBuild, ranging from occasional users to EasyBuild core developers and experts, and topics will be less introductory in nature than during EasyBuild hackathons/workshops that have been organised in the past.

The program includes presentations by both EasyBuild users and developers, next to hands-on sessions.

The presentations will cover a wide variety of EasyBuild related topics, including how EasyBuild has been integrated into existing infrastructures, how it can be combined with other tools, (new) EasyBuild features that are considered particularly useful, or other tools that are somehow (loosely) related to EasyBuild and could be of interest to attendees.

The hands-on sessions are intended for becoming more familiar with the practical aspects of EasyBuild, resolving problems with the help of others, and/or working together to further enhance EasyBuild. Participants are expected to decide for themselves what they work on during the hands-on sessions.

Practical information


(all times a Central European Time (CET))

Recordings of all presentations are available at

Tuesday January 30th 2018

  • [9.30am-10.00am] Welcome & coffee (optional) [slides] [recording]
  • [10.00am-11.30am] EasyBuild: past present & future (Kenneth Hoste, HPC-UGent) [slides] [recording]
  • [11.30am-12.00] Modules v4 (Xavier Delaruelle, [slides] [recording]
  • [12.00-1.00pm] (lunch)
  • [1.00pm-2.00pm] site presentations (15m each + time for Q&A)
  • [2.00pm] datacenter tour (group I)
  • [2.00pm-3.00pm] hands-on session
  • [3.00pm-3.30pm] (coffee break)
  • [3.30pm-5.00pm] hands-on session
  • [5.00pm-5.30pm] Recent developments in Spack (Todd Gamblin, LLNL - USA) [remote] [recording]

Wednesday January 31st 2018

  • [9.00am-9.30am] Nix as HPC package management system (Valentin Reis, Bruno Bzeznik - INRIA) [slides] [recording]
  • [9.30am-10.00am] EasyBuild + Nix + CVMFS @ ComputeCanada (Bart Oldeman, ComputeCanada) [slides] [recording]
  • [10.00am-10.30am] Introduction to uDocker (Luís ALves, LIP, Portugal) [slides] [recording]
  • [10.30am-11.00pm] (coffee break)
  • [11.00am-12.00] hands-on session
  • [12.00-1.00pm] (lunch)
  • [1.00pm-2.00pm] site presentations (15m each + time for Q&A)
  • [2.00pm] datacenter tour (group II)
  • [2.00pm-3.00pm] hands-on session
  • [3.00pm-3.30pm] (coffee break)
  • [3.30pm-4.00pm] hands-on session
  • [4.00pm-5.00pm] Update on Lmod + XALT (Robert McLay, TACC) [remote] [slides Lmod - slides XALT] - [recording Lmod + XALT]
  • [5.00pm-5.30pm] Update on Singularity (Dave Godlove, Sylabs Inc.) [remote] [slides] [recording]

Thursday February 1st 2018

  • [9.00am-10.00am] site presentations (15m each + time for Q&A)
    • Experiences with RPATH support in EasyBuild" (Pablo Escobar, sciCORE/UniBas/SIB) [slides] [recording]
    • ...
    • ...
  • [10.00am-10.30am] (coffee break)
  • [10.30am-12.00] hands-on session
  • [12.00-1.00pm] (lunch)
  • [1.00pm] datacenter tour (group III)
  • [1.00pm-2.00pm] hands-on session
  • [2.00pm-2.30pm] Guix@HPC (Ricardo Wurmus) [slides] [recording]
  • [2.30pm-3.00pm] Guix for complex software environments (Pjotr Prins) [recording]
  • [3.00pm-3.30pm] (coffee break)
  • [3.30pm-5.00pm] hands-on session


list of registered attendees (subject to change):

  • (coming soon)
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