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Conference call notes 20190320

ocaisa edited this page Mar 20, 2019 · 2 revisions

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Notes on the 121st EasyBuild conference call, Wednesday Mar 20th 2019 (17:00 - 18:00 CET)


Alphabetical list of attendees (7):

  • Damian Alvarez (JSC, Germany)
  • Fotis Georgatos (SDSC, Switzerland)
  • Alan O'Cais (JSC, Germany)
  • Mikael Öhman (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
  • Åke Sandgren (Umeå University, Sweden)
  • Bart Oldeman (ComputeCanada)


  • update on next EB release
  • update Python @ GCCcore
  • update on porting of EasyBuild to Python 3
  • update on multi_deps support
  • Q&A

Update on next EasyBuild release

  • Loading Python when using multi-deps
    • may hold release back if included, still some discussion to be had
    • One option is to load one by default
    • ComputeCanada has used depends_on (Lmod)
      • sometimes it is only a build dependency so nothing required
      • also prereq is an option (Lmod)
        • leaves the load responsibility on the user
    • Quite a bit of work in the easyblocks as well needed to fully support this
    • A lot of python packages tend to have a binary associated with them
      • May not work in this case (packages would need to be pretty clean)
  • Is multi-python support coupled to new Python packages in the next release?

Update Python @ GCCcore

  • Mikael: Working on trying to get the graphics stack up in version and down to GCCcore
    • Mako python package is required for Mesa
      • should we be using multi-python versions already for things like this?
    • Will continue with old approach for the time being and we can progress with multi-python approach at the same time
      • Need the Python easyblock merged anyway
  • GTK2 done (has been accepted)
    • GTK3 is in develop
  • Mesa is the next step
  • Whenever there is a Python binding, now using Python3

Update on porting of EasyBuild to Python3

  • Kenneth managed to build a bunch of software with this version
  • Not too sure of the exact status though

Update on multi_deps support

  • See above


  • A lot of the X packages are deprecating Autotools for Meson/Ninja

    • Be careful of both meson_options.txt and
    • May need patches (already seen that in some cases)
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