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Conference call notes 20211208

Kenneth Hoste edited this page Dec 8, 2021 · 4 revisions

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Notes on the 187th EasyBuild conference call, Wednesday Dec 8th 2021 (16:00 UTC)


Alphabetical list of attendees (11):

  • Simon Branford (Univ. of Birmingham, UK)
  • John Dey (Fred Hutch, Seattle, US)
  • Em Dragowsky (Case Western Reserve University, Ohio, US)
  • Bob Dröge (Univ. of Groningen, Netherlands)
  • Fotis Georgatos (EPFL, Switzerland)
  • Kenneth Hoste (HPC-UGent, Belgium)
  • Mikael Öhman (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
  • Bart Oldeman (ComputeCanada)
  • Jurij Pečar (EMBL, Germany)
  • Åke Sandgren (Umeå University, Sweden)
  • Alexandre Strube (Jülich Supercomputer Centre, Germany)


  • overview of recent developments
  • outlook to EasyBuild v4.5.1 release
  • EasyBuild User Meeting 2022
  • Q&A

Recent developments

  • release timeline
    • latest release: EasyBuild v4.5.0 (Oct 29th 2021)
    • ETA next release: ASAP...
  • recent changes
    • framework
      • bug fixes
        • introduce EasyBlock.post_init method to correctly define builddir variable when build-in-installdir mode is enabled in easyconfig or easyblock (PR #3900)
        • also show download progress bar when using --inject-checksums (PR #3905)
        • pick up custom extract_cmd specified for extension (PR #3907)
      • enhancements
        • fall back to sequential installation for extensions with unknown dependencies when using --parallel-extensions-install (PR #3906)
      • changes
        • ...
    • easyblocks
      • bug fixes
        • avoid patching binary files + other enhancements for MUMmer easyblock (PR #2630)
        • set OpenMPI configuration for ORCA sanity check (PR #2596)
        • enable build-in-installdir mode in constructor of PETSc and SLEPc easyblocks (PR #2631)
      • enhancements
        • enhance Rpm generic easyblock to support installing tarball of RPMs (by unpacking it first) + take into account (pre)installopts (PR #2580)
        • add option to ignore PLUMED version check for GROMACS (PR #2621)
        • enhance tbb easyblock by adding option to build Python bindings (PR #2626)
      • changes
        • ...
    • easyconfigs
      • over 100 easyconfig PRs merged since last conf call!
      • bug fixes
        • add patch for PyTorch 1.10.0 to fix RPATH-related issues (PR #14382)
        • add patch for GCCcore 9.1-9.3 + 10.1-11.1 to fix compatibility with recent kernel headers (PR #14453 + PR #14454)
        • add patch to fix CVE-2021-43527 in NSS (PR #14497)
        • add patch to fix broken (hanging) Mash binaries (PR #14511)
      • enhancements
        • ...
      • (noteworthy) new software
      • noteworthy software updates
        • OpenMPI v4.1.2 (PR #14425)
        • OpenCV v4.5.3 (PR #14115)
        • PyTorch v1.10.1 with foss/2021a (CPU-only) (PR #14460)
        • pangolin with more recent pangoLEARN (PR #14310)
          • used in context of COVID-19 Omicron variant
      • changes
        • comment out imkl build dependency for FlexiBLAS 3.0.4 with GCC/11.2.0 (PR #14335)
          • doesn't belong in foss toolchain, also requires accepting accepting the Intel oneAPI EULA
          • Bart: a "wrapper" library can be added to the imkl installation so it can be used easily as a FlexiBLAS backend (via $FLEXIBLAS_DEFAULT)
  • to merge/fix/tackle soon
    • framework
      • reported bugs / bug fixes
        • git_config confuses branches and tags (issue #3902)
          • using a branch name as value for tag in git_config in sources used to work, but is broken since EasyBuild v4.4.2
      • enhancements
        • allow oversubscription in sanity check for OpenMPI-based toolchains (PR #3909)
    • easyblocks
      • bug fixes
        • set wm_* class variable in OpenFOAM easyblock when using --sanity-check-only (PR #2616)
      • enhancements
        • add option to control MKL-DNN in jaxlib (PR #2619)
        • add CUDA support in SuiteSparse easyblock (PR #2627)
      • changes
        • allow oversubscription in OpenMPI sanity check (PR #2611)
      • new software
    • easyconfigs

EasyBuild User Meeting


  • Mikael: apps to test UCX-CUDA with?
    • some microbenchmarks assume CUDA support and segfault if it is not there...
    • (Åke) PyTorch checks for smcuda in ompi_info output
      • added a patch to also check for ucx_info output
    • LAMMPS: see recent Slack thread
      • should probably ask OpenMPI community
    • 2 mechanisms to check whether OpenMPI supports CUDA
      • in header file (used by LAMMPS) => doesn't work with UCX-CUDA approach (but it's patchable)
      • function call to check at runtime, but only checks OPAL things (not UCX)...
        • does OPAL basically mean BTL? UCX does not fall under this...
    • Bart: on Omnipath cluster, using PSM2 library with CUDA support (since UCX doesn't work well there)
    • see also
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