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Conference call notes 20190403

Kenneth Hoste edited this page Apr 3, 2019 · 2 revisions

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Notes on the 122nd EasyBuild conference call, Wednesday Apr 3rd 2019 (17:00 - 18:00 CEST)


Alphabetical list of attendees (7):

  • Damian Alvarez (JSC, Germany)
  • Fotis Georgatos (SDSC, Switzerland)
  • Bart Oldeman (ComputeCanada)
  • Victor Holanda (CSCS)
  • Kenneth Hoste (HPC-UGent)
  • Åke Sandgren (Umeå University, Sweden)
  • Davide Vanzo (Vanderbilt University)


  • outlook to EasyBuild v3.9.0
  • update on progress towards support for "eb --remove"
  • the road towards EasyBuild 4.0
  • Q&A

Outlook to EasyBuild v3.9.0

Update on progress towards support for "eb --remove"

  • first step for a (safe) implementation of "eb --remove" is to be able to determine reverse dependencies

  • will not be ready for EasyBuild v3.9.0 (hopefully by EasyBuild 4.0)

The road to EasyBuild v4.0

  • overview of planned changes & current status on progress:

  • porting framework/easyblocks/easyconfigs repos to also support Python 3 is considered done (no known issues)

    • only in separate 4.x branch, not (yet) in develop (which is still for 3.x for now)
    • cfr.
    • Victor: NAMD, GROMACS, Amber with Cray/foss toolchains works with EB 4.x branch on top of Python 2/3
    • Åke: more to check: TensorFlow, Qt5, ... (big easyblocks)
    • Kenneth will try to run a (partial) regtest with eb on top of Python 3 (after EasyBuild v3.9.0 release)
  • next up is getting rid of setuptools as required dependency...

  • other planned 'major' changes:

    • rename dummy toolchain to system toolchain
      • trickier than it sounds, lots of small things to take into account
      • using two names for one thing (because we only want to deprecate 'dummy', not stop supporting it) doesn't help
    • easyblock for OpenMPI
      • more sensible default configuration w.r.t. things like Slurm integration, etc.
      • should not get in the way of sites who already heavily tweak OpenMPI configuration (via easyconfigs, hooks, ...)
    • (hopefully) stable --containerize support (
  • ETA for EasyBuild 4.0 is (still) by summer 2019...


  • Bart: how many packages use MPI version of FFTW?

    • only PETSc?
    • Åke: also VASP
    • Victor: GROMACS too? (Bart: no)
    • FFTW wrappers in MKL requires MPI
    • could consider removing FFTW MPI from toolchain?
      • separate FFTW-MPI as dependency where needed
    • worth considering for 2019b generation of easyconfigs?
      • which would be first common toolchain version in EasyBuild v4.0
    • should check whether this has impact on framework w.r.t. toolchain build env prepare
  • Victor: flex/Bison deps for binutils is a bit of a mess

    • different versions, no longer needed since they're only build deps for build deps
    • unclear why they are needed, pollute user environment
    • Kenneth: done because of bootstrapping, to shield ourselves from the OS
    • Åke: could introduce the concept of bootstrap-only build dependency that are trashed after use
  • Victor: support for containerize to have layered builds

    • helps a lot with getting minimal container images
    • not supported yet in eb --containerize, but since now both Singularity & Docker has this, it's interesting...
  • issues will be opened in framework repo for each of these to follow up...

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