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8th easybuild hackathon meeting minutes

Kenneth Hoste edited this page Feb 18, 2015 · 3 revisions

EasyBuild hackathon @ Basel

All slides are available at 8th EasyBuild hackathon.

EasyBuild questions

  • reusing existing modules for toolchain used by EasyBuild?
    • if the module is available, EasyBuild will assume dependency is available
    • the setenv EBROOTFOO and setenv EBVERSIONFOO lines should be included for certain things to work
      • e.g., the get_software_root function used by some easyblocks
    • in some cases, easyconfig files are still required for dependencies (--dry-run, HierarchicalMNS, ...)

EasyBuild ideas/suggestions/feature requests

  • request for support for performing build procedure step-by-step (--stop, --continue)
    • configure/build with user A, install with user B
  • request for support for patching sources via sed expressions, to avoid that patches break with new releases

EasyBuild/Lmod to aligning software stacks across (Swiss) sites

  • common toolchains foss and intel are very useful to focus efforts across sites
  • discussion w.r.t. aligning Swiss sites
    • suggestion by Vital-IT to use RPM packages as an easy way to distribute software installations and module files
    • separate repository can be set up for easy distribution of the self-built RPMs
    • RPMs can also be installed on non-RPM distros (Debian, Ubuntu, etc.)
    • Vital-IT's current approach is to build RPMs via .spec files
    • installation prefix is kept fixed, yet may be different type of filesystem (local, shared) on different systems
    • support in EasyBuild for creating software packages should be looked into, FPM looks promising

EasyBuild hackathon

  • nice mix of people new to the tools (EasyBuild, Lmod, XALT) and experienced users


  • Adam: work on improving own easyconfigs, become more familiar with contribution process
  • see Coot @ easyconfigs#1400, Pmw @ easyconfigs#1403, PyMOL/GLEW @ easyconfigs#1405
  • Alan and Eric:
  • work on toolchain-based hierarchical module naming scheme
  • work out how support for resolving dependencies using subtoolchains could be added
    • specify list of subtoolchains in toolchain definition in framework
    • indicate versions for subtoolchains in toolchain easyconfigs
    • also think about equivalence classes for toolchain: compiler, compiler_mpi, full (compiler, MPI, BLAS, LAPACK, FFTW), etc.
  • Eric: demo scripts for keeping module tree clean w.r.t. minimizing different versions of dependency modules
  • Danilo: first steps with EasyBuild, look into new version of gmvolf toolchain
  • see easyconfigs#1397
  • Fotis: get various open easyconfig pull requests ready for merging (and merged)
  • see FSA/PRANK/SMALT/Infernal @easyconfigs#568, rCUDA @ easyconfigs#720, goolf v1.7.20 @ easyconfigs#1294, Lmod 5.9 @ easyconfigs#1394
  • Gianluca: work on own easyconfig files @ Novartis
  • Gianluca/Fotis: look into initial support for letting EasyBuild package software using FPM
  • Jens:
  • continue work on adding support for downloading sources from an SVN repository
  • look into creating RPM packages for EasyBuild, fix related issues
  • Kenneth:
  • review work by Petar on support for Lua module files, and help out where needed (see framework#1060
  • merge contributions made during hackathon that are eligible for merging (reviewed/tested)
  • fix, test, merge bug fix for --force not honoring dependencies listed to be installed 'hidden', see framework#1161
  • stop always updating Lmod user cache, add support for updating Lmod cache at a specific location * see framework#1177
  • Markus: look into custom module naming scheme based on categories + various small bug fixes
  • fix path_matches function + unit tests, see framework#1163
  • fix mpi_family method for non-MPI toolchains framework#1164
  • clear out checksums when --try-software-version is used, see framework#1169
  • suppress creation of module symlinks for HierarchicalMNS, see framework#1173
  • CategorizedHMNS, see framework#1176
  • make Score-P easyblock usable for subtoolchains w/o MPI easyblocks#552
  • source checksum in GCC easyconfigs, see easyconfigs#1391
  • consistently use CLooG 0.18.0 for GCC 4.8 series easyconfigs#1392
  • Pablo and Martin: look into new intel and iomkl toolchains
  • Pablo: get various open easyconfig PRs ready for merging (and merged)
  • Petar:
    • continue effort on contribution for adding support for Lua module files, see framework#1060
    • discuss further steps for supporting EasyBuild on Cray with Tim and Guilherme
  • Riccardo: continue work on enhancing support for letting EasyBuild submit installations as jobs (via --job)
  • see framework#1008
  • including various suggestions for improvements in the EasyBuild framework


  • Robert: further speed improvements, minor bug fixes, release Lmod v5.9


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