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Conference call notes 20161123

Kenneth Hoste edited this page Sep 4, 2017 · 8 revisions

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Notes on the 64th EasyBuild conference call, Wednesday November 23rd 2016 (5pm - 6pm CET)


Alphabetical list of attendees (8):

  • Damian Alvarez Mallon (JSC, Germany)
  • Pablo Escobar (UniBas, Switzerland)
  • Markus Geimer (JSC, Germany)
  • Fotis Georgatos (Illumina, UK)
  • Kenneth Hoste (HPC-UGent)
  • Alan O'Cais (JSC, Germany)
  • Åke Sandgren (Umeå University, Sweden)
  • Robert Schmidt (OHRI, Canada)



EasyBuild @ SC16
  • talk by Damian at HUST'16 workshop

    • focus on large use case, which was well received
    • Spack talk was more basic, less a 'real' use case
      • edit: to clarify, the above does not imply that we don't consider Spack a real use case, but rather that the Spack talk was more focused on the tool, not on how the tool is applied in a real production environment, as opposed to the EasyBuild talk which discussed an actual use case of deploying EasyBuild at a large HPC site (sorry Todd! ;))
    • interest from ORNL in deploying similar solution
    • opportunity for collaboration with Spack on support for pulling version updates?
  • Lmod/XALT talks by Robert McLay at TACC booth

    • update on Lmod v7 + XALT v2
  • Spack tutorial

EasyBuild User Meeting
Wednesday February 8th 2017
  • [10am] keynote: Containers in HPC with Singularity (Michael Bauer, University of Michigan, US)
  • [11pm] EasyBuild: past, present & future (Kenneth Hoste, HPC-UGent)
    • update on recent developments + outlook into the (near) future
  • [1.30pm] EasyBuild vs The World of Shiny New Things (Robert Schmidt, OHRI, Canada)
    • talk on how EasyBuild relates to containers (Docker, Singularity, rkt, ...), Nix, Spack, conda, ...
  • [2.30pm] site presentations by JSC, CSCS, & anyone interested
    • how is EasyBuild being used at site X?
  • [4pm] Update on Lmod & XALT (Robert McLay, TACC) [remote presentation]
Thursday February 9th 2017
  • [9am] Tutorial: implementing easyblocks (Kenneth Hoste, HPC-UGent)
  • [10am - 5pm] hackathon (hands-on)
Friday February 10th 2017
  • [9am - 5pm] hackathon (hands-on)
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